The highly anticipated 7.33 gameplay update of Dota 2, dubbed 'New Frontiers', was launched on Friday (21 April). However, referring to it as a mere update would be a gross understatement. This latest version of the game has completely transformed it, with a 40% increase in the size of the map, new objectives, a new hero attribute called 'Universal', revisions to various heroes and items, the introduction of a 'Token' mechanism for neutral items, and numerous other improvements.
Overall, Dota 2 has been given a whole new feel with the release of version 7.33. Below are all the biggest changes you should know about.
Expanded map and new objectives
Undoubtedly, the most significant modification in version 7.33 of Dota 2 is the larger map that includes novel and modified objectives. However, players need not be concerned about getting lost since the map's fundamental geography is still mainly unchanged, with the new regions confined to the corners.

Nevertheless, the fresh areas provide numerous new features to explore, including two additional Roshan pits, additional Outposts, and novel objectives like Twin Gates, Lotus Pools, Tormentors, Watchers, and more.
Roshan's previous abode in the river is no longer in use, and he now has two novel lairs in the northwest (Dire) and southeast (Radiant) corners of the map. Depending on the game's day-night cycle, he alternates between the two pits, employing the new Twin Gates (which will be elaborated on later) to move from one pit to the other.
Additionally, there have been modifications to Roshan's loot drops. Following his second death, he no longer drops Aghanim's Shard but instead drops Cheese. On his third death and beyond, he drops an Aghanim's Scepter when killed on the Radiant side and a Refresher Shard when killed on the Dire side. However, players should be cautious as Roshan is now much stronger than before.
Two gateways, named Twin Gates, have been introduced, connecting the corners of the map close to the safe lane towers. After channeling for three seconds, any player can utilize these portals to teleport instantly from one side of the map to the other.
Lotus Pools serve as the previous Shrines, providing a source of HP and mana regeneration. Watchers are similar to stationary Observer Wards but can be activated to grant vision over a large area. Lastly, Tormentors spawn powerful neutral creeps that players can defeat to earn Aghanim's Shards.
At the center of the map, there are Wisdom Runes situated on both sides that grant XP. Additionally, a new type of Shield Rune has been included in the Power Runes. Lastly, Defender's Gates are now available to both teams, providing a secure backdoor to exit their bases that is inaccessible to the opposing team.
New hero attribute: Universal
The introduction of the 'Universal' hero attribute type is one of the major updates in 7.33. These heroes do not have a primary attribute but receive 0.6 damage per point of each attribute. As a result, they are the new generalist type of hero that scales better with stats than other types.
Here's the list of the game's new Universal heroes:
- Abaddon
- Bane
- Batrider
- Beastmaster
- Brewmaster
- Broodmother
- Chen
- Clockwerk
- Dark Seer
- Dark Willow
- Dazzle
- Enigma
- Io
- Lone Druid
- Lycan
- Marci
- Magnus
- Mirana
- Nyx Assassin
- Pangolier
- Phoenix
- Sand King
- Snapfire
- Techies
- Timbersaw
- Vengeful Spirit
- Venomancer
- Visage
- Void Spirit
- Windranger
- Winter Wyvern
Reworked heroes
In addition to introducing the new Universal hero type, 7.33 also includes significant reworks for several heroes and appropriate buffs and nerfs for most of the remaining roster.
Muerta, the latest hero added to the game in the 7.32e update in early March, is now available in Captain's Mode and can be used in professional games. Additionally, Muerta has received Aghanim's Shard and Scepter upgrades.
On the other hand, Clinkz, Arc Warden, Ogre Magi, Medusa, and Alchemist have undergone major reworks. Notably, Ogre Magi and Medusa have the most striking changes, with Ogre Magi being transformed into a strength hero who gains mana from strength, while Medusa's Mana Shield has become an innate ability that consumes mana to absorb 98% of the incoming damage.

Magic immunity reworked to debuff immunity
In 7.33, the power of stuns and slows has been reduced by weakening disable abilities throughout the game, and Spell Immunity has been transformed into Debuff Immunity.
Now, when a hero uses an item such as Black King Bar, they are no longer immune to most spells, but instead gain some level of immunity to debuffs like stuns and slows. The most significant effect of this change occurs when the Debuff Immunity wears off, and the previously immune hero becomes susceptible to any debuffs they received while they were immune.
Neutral item tokens
The updated version also brings significant changes to the neutral item system by introducing neutral tokens that replace the random dropping of neutral items when neutral creeps are killed. Instead of receiving a neutral item, players will receive neutral tokens of various tiers. By clicking on the neutral tokens, players can choose from five random neutral items of the corresponding tier and permanently transform the token into one of them. Neutral tokens are fully shareable among teammates, but once they are converted into neutral items, they can no longer be shared.
The update also includes new neutral items, some previously removed items have been reintroduced, while some existing ones have been removed and replaced by others.

The new neutral items include:
- Duelist Gloves (tier 1)
- Spark of Courage (tier 1)
- Gossamer Cape (tier 2)
- Defiant Shell (tier 3)
- Vindicator's Axe (tier 3)
- Dandelion Amulet (tier 3)
- Martyr's Plate (tier 4)
On the other hand, the items Faded Broach, Orb of Destruction, and Vampire Fangs have been reintroduced to the game. Possessed Mask, Brigand's Blade, and Dagger of Ristul have been rotated out of the game. Nether Shawl, Blast Rig, Flicker, and Witchbane have been removed from the game entirely.
New items
In the 7.33 update of Dota 2, seven new items have been added to the game. These items include Blood Grenade, Diadem, Cornucopia, Pavise, Phylactery, Harpoon, and Disperser.

Blood Grenade is a consumable that is best used in the first few battles because it harms and slows nearby opponent units. On the other side, pavise is a support item that fortifies friends' defenses against physical harm.
The Harpoon is similar to the Hurricane Pike, but it is meant for melee carries to approach their targets closely. Meanwhile, the Disperser is an upgrade to the Diffusal Blade, which can either slow down enemies or increase the movement speed of allies.
However, while new items have been added, three items have been removed from the game. The Tome of Knowledge, Hood of Defiance, and Wraith Pact are no longer available for purchase.
It is important to note that these changes are only a small part of the massive 7.33 update that Dota 2 has received. You can check out all of the changes in 7.33 here.
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