Minecraft shaders are graphic mods that modify how the Minecraft world looks, making it more realistic. These shader packs add shaders support to Minecraft, which includes multiple draw buffers, shadow map, normal map, specular map, realistic shadows, lighting effects, 3D textures, realistic water waves and sun rays, clouds improvement, swaying grass and leaves.
1. SEUS Shaders
Sonic Ether’s Unbelievable Shaders, also know as SEUS is a great way to reinvent the game’s graphics from bland to breathtaking. It overhauls nearly everything about the game’s graphics. With this shader pack, the water looks clear and fluid, plants look alive and seem to sway back and forth as if they were breathing, and nighttime feels even spookier than ever.

Lighting, water and sky textures are also greatly improved as well. It is recommended to run Sonic Ether’s shaders on a powerful computer that can handle all those beautiful and realistic graphical overhaul. This is the best Minecraft Shaders for high end PCs.
2. Builders QOL Shaders
Builders QOL Shaders 1.18.1 are great shaders that work especially well on low-end PCs. It does not add as many effects to Minecraft as for example or SEUS or BSL shaders. Its nature of being a lightweight shader allows Builders to perform really well on older systems.

The effects you get with Builder's QoL shaders can still be customized to a high extent. You will get very good FPS running this, as on its default settings, it lacks performance-heavy features such as shadows, ambient occlusion and waving foliage.
3. AstraLex Shaders
AstraLex Shaders is a pack aimed at content creators of Minecraft, who often use high end PCs. This allows them to have a vastly improved visual experience to create the best possible content. Along with graphic upgrades like HDR, there are many depth of field and blur adjustments that give the game a more "movie-like appearance".

Countless visual upgrades have been made to the game world. Lighting during day and night time has been vastly improved. There are new god rays that appear during specific times of day or weather patterns. New sunshine and moon glow fill the world with a vibrant lighting feel that makes you feel more like you are inside the game. You can also combine this with Minecraft resource packs for even more improvements.
4. Fantasy Vanilla Shaders
Fantasy Vanilla is a shader that focuses on keeping the original aesthetics of Minecraft while adding a few cool twists. The best part about Fantasy Vanilla is that it can run on lower end devices with 1-2 GB of RAM.

Similar to the previous shaders on this list, Fantasy Vanilla improves the world's coloring, adding realistic shadows, lighting, skies and waters. The rain effect and fog are the most advanced part of the shader - they are really realistic looking.
5. Complementary Shaders
Complementary Shaders v4 is a Minecraft Java Edition shader pack based on Capt Tatsu's "BSL Shaders". The goal of Complementary v4 is to be good at everything. Performance, gameplay, beauty, compatibility; you name it. Complementary v4 will try to provide you with the most issueless experience possible within the limitations of the shader pipeline.

It runs reasonably fast, supports almost every GPU and driver, works well with mods that no one thought a shader pack could be compatible with, fixes problems that no other shader packs addressed before, doesn't disturb you with excessive effects, and most importantly, it looks good according to the users.
6. BSL Shaders
BSL Shaders is a shaderpack for Minecraft: Java Edition with high customization and optimization. This shader includes realtime shadows, volumetric light, ambient occlusion, bloom, customizable clouds and water, and built in anti-aliasing. Additional effects are available, such as depth of field, motion blur, specular and normal mapping, celshading, world curvature, and more.

Clouds are still in 2D, and the motion blur effect has been updated to adequately blur textures which find themselves under the new lighting and shadow effects. Colors are bright and come with both a boost and saturation alteration, which gives everything a kind of cel-shaded look.
7. Trilitons shaders
Triliton's shaders aim to give players a more colorful, vibrant, and alive feeling. It makes changes to several aspects of Minecraft, including water color and reflectivity, smoothened godrays, and better weather.

It also has a great new color filter that keeps obscenely bright or dark colors from showing up in places where they shouldn’t.
8. Tea Shader
Tea Shader 1.19 is a simple yet elegant low-end shader. It has a similar style to the original graphics and visuals of Minecraft, which players have been used to for years. If you've never heard of this shader pack before, Beyond Belief Vanilla Reborn might ring a bell. The shader pack was renamed Tea Shaders in 2020.

It is a great option for any shaders enthusiast running Minecraft on a low-end PC. The best improvement of Tea Shader is probably the vibrant colors - with it installed, the world of Minecraft looks much more colorful.
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