A lot of vehicles have been added to GTA Online ever since its release 7 years ago. Amongst them, these 7 vehicles are the best - they are essential if you want to complete in-game missions faster... and the faster you clear, the more money you get. Take a look at the most useful vehicles in GTA Online, recommended by Gurugamer.com!
1 - Bati 801
Price: $15,000
The best part of this bike is its price. At the beginning of the game, when you don't have money to spare... getting this bike is probably your first priority. The Bati 801 is very fast and highly maneuverable - you can get from point A to point B much faster than normal... while zipping through shortcuts and cut across streets easily.
The money saved by getting this bike first can be spent on other useful ventures.

2 - Armoured Kuruma
Price: $698,250 or $525,000 (After The Fleeca Job)
Another "beginner" vehicle - this armored tank is invaluable in the early game of GTA Online, when protection is more important than speed. This car is almost impervious to bullets and rockets from all sides and can serve as a crutch in both heist setups and finals. Upon completion of the "tutorial heist" Flecca Job, you can buy the car for 100k cheaper.

3 - Apocalyptic Deathbike
Price: $1,269,000
The Apocalyptic Deathbike is the fastest bike in the game, with the ability to use Nitro Boost. If the only thing you need is pure speed, this machine should be one of your top choices when it comes to the most useful vehicles in GTA Online.

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4 - Buzzard Attack Chopper
Price: $1,750,000
The attack chopper Buzzard is an integral part of any GTA Online player's arsenal - it can get across the map much faster than land-based cars or bikes because you can just take the shortest route possible. The buzzard's small frame and good maneuverability make it easier to avoid enemy homing missiles. It has 2 miniguns and missile pods on each side.

5 - Toreador
Price: $3,660,000
The Pegassi Toreador is a custom submersible sports car featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Cayo Perico Heist update. Overall, except for the fact that it cannot fly, the car is perfect. It is armed with missiles that turn into torpedoes underwater, machine guns, and superior armor plating that can take a fair bit of punishment.

Its best feature, however, is the Rocket boost that lets the car zip forward for a short distance - perfect to evade enemies' homing missiles.
6 - Oppressor Mk2
Price: $3,890,250 or $2,925,000 (trade price)
Being a hoverbike, the Oppressor MK2 can travel on all terrains land, air and sea. This versatility is probably the best part about the vehicle - you can pretty much do everything except for diving underwater. Similar to the Toreador, the Oppressor MK2 also has a rocket boost for immediate acceleration, which can be used to avoid gunfire or missiles. That's why it deserves a slot in the top most useful vehicles in GTA Online.
You can equip the bike with either machine guns or missiles.

7 - Akula
Price: $3,704,050 or $2,785,000 (trade price)
The Akula is a heavily armored stealth attack chopper, with amazing speed, armor, and handling. The most notable feature of the vehicle is its stealth mode, which allows the entire crew to navigate around the map without being spotted by enemy radars, making it useful for surprise attacks and getaways.

Furthermore, the Akula is also heavily armed - it has a nose-mounted turret, two miniguns, missile pods, and bombs.
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