Gamers are often considered lazy people who can't do anything apart from playing sitting and playing for hours. However, Bernard Hsu has proven otherwise that one can totally spend hours on gaming every day and still be able to get big achievements.
Bernard Hsu is a Taiwanese gamer, YouTuber. He was born on September 14, 1984. He was known for his series video of the game 'Nuclear Throne' back in 2015. Bernard shares that he is really into gaming and there were times he spent 15 hours a day playing games.

While he plays video games so much, he has been an excellent student during his high school years. He got accepted by the University of Illinois. He has a Bachelor in Chemistry and an MD–PhD (Doctorate of Medicine and of Philosophy). With his impressive results, he is now a teacher at the University of Illinois.
Around 2017, he turned his YouTube channel from a gaming channel into a medical channel, where he provides useful information to viewers. The channel blew up and got millions of views on every video. However, due to his job as a teacher, he only makes about one video per month.

Apart from doing YouTube videos, Bernard is still playing games and he even does live streams on Twitch.
In fact, there are a lot fo many pro players who are good at gaming and studying at the same time. EternaLEnVy, for example, is a DOTA 2 pro player, who has been maintaining his score at 95 while reaching the cap level of whatever game he was playing. And whenever there is a new cap, he only needs 16 to 20 hours to reach it. He was also one of the top 5 HoN players.
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