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Many players start a new game and after having played it for a couple of hours, they feel that they have done what they did before. This is because many games share common functionalities, similar features and similar look and feel. Many JPRGs have a similar battle system and similar storylines, many smash-and-grab games have similar mechanics and many sports-themed games offer an almost identical gaming experience as that of their main competitors. This is not something that is out of the ordinary, as many developers try to create a better version of a game that already offers something similar.

Having Common Functionalities Is not Wrong of Bad
Gaming studios do not just develop new products. They also try to evolve products that already exist. There is no harm in having similar functionalities when these functionalities improve the gaming experience. For example, the God of Storms version of Age of Gods slots was developed using coding that has many similarities to other Age of Gods games. These slot games have a huge gaming audience and players expect to see features that they are familiar with when they play the game at their favorite casino. Not everything is the same of course, but many of the well-functioning features are cloned from one Age of Gods game to another.
The Similar Look and Feel of Soulslike Games
FromSoftware and its Souls games mainstreamed the horror action RPG genre. Suddenly, everyone wanted to play a Souls game or a game that looks and feels like a Souls game. This is how we got Mortal Shell, Nioh, Nioh 2 and Wo Long Fallen Dynasty. FromSoftware’s contributions are bigger than the contributions of its competitors of course, but the gaming industry gives every developer the opportunity to launch a product and to see it succeed. Every single action RPG mentioned above has offered players hundreds if not thousands of hours of gameplay, even though many of them offer more or less the same thing.

Everyone Needs Some Kind of Inspiration
There is no shame in replicating something that another person has created as long as you do not cross the copyright border. In gaming, every game has something in common with another game, but the details are the factor that creates the diversity. If it were not so, players would only be able to play Pong and a couple variations of Tetris and Donkey Kong, instead of being able to play adventure games, RPGs, racing games, strategy games and sports games.
Even the biggest studios look to their past projects or to the works of competitors in order to develop their next product. For example, RockStar is known for implementing the best-received features of its previous games to the games which it plans to release in the future. GTA 6 promises to be one of the best games ever released but for it to become the best will need to offer some of the features which players loved in Red Dead Redemption 2. These features can be anything from in-depth NPC interaction to open-world features that bring the environment’s background to life. These two features were something that RDR2 excelled in and it is more than certain that they will be available in Grand Theft Auto 6.