Just recently the Indian Valorant community found out that Xhade, a pro player cheated in ranked matché in Valorant and he was permanently banned immediately from the TEC Invitational. Son after that, Binks also admitted that he let another person play his account at the ESPL PowerUp India Qualifiers.
Both of these players were in team Paratroops and they will be prevented from joining ESPL events in the near future.

ESPL has been really upset over this turn of events as the tournament is just getting more attention with 15 thousand viewers across all platforms and channels.
Many fans actually get upset about this decision of ESPL, defending that Binks was sick so he needed someone else playing for him. However, this argument didn't hold well as ESPL won't tolerate “any dishonest and unsportsmanlike behavior that undermines the credibility of the ranking systems".

With 2 players being banned, team ParaTroops is going to need some serious changes to solve all these problems when they come back in July.
Cheating is unacceptable behaviour in any kind of esports and it might even potentially ruin the whole scene.
Many people must still remember the Forsaken cheating incident back in 2018. He was caught using aimbot during the Extremesland Zowie Asia CS:GO 2018 LAN tournament in Shanghai, just when the CS:GO esports scene in India showed some potential. The incident has completely destroyed the CS:GO esports scene in India before it can even exist.

In order to not let that happens again, tournaments need to strictly follow their rules and makes sure that everyone is playing fair.
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