Anyone who is a huge fan of PewDiePie may notice his iconic gaming chair, which is featured in almost every video he made, and some are considering getting one for the “gaming zone” at home. We have done some so-called inspections and learned enough information about the PewDiePie game chair and why it's definitely worth your money.
For the time being, the gaming chair that PewDiePie is using daily is the Clutch Chairz “PewDiePie Edition” Throttle Series, and PewDiePie designed it on his own. Now, let’s find out some great aspects of this chair.

All About PewDiePie Game Chair
PewDiePie Game Chair - Clutch Chairz ‘PewdiePie Edition’ Throttle Series
PewDiePie game chair has enchanted several YouTubers by its unique look, but the first thing coming in our mind is whether or not it’s comfortable enough for long gaming sessions. After all, Clutch Chairz ‘PewdiePie Edition’ Throttle Series has spoken for itself when becoming PewDiePie's ultimate choice.

What makes the chair so hot-selling is its surface motif designed by PewDiePie himself. In addition, a bunch of in-built features can beat many other brands in terms of quality, such as PewDiePie gaming chair LED system. The chair is made from light and endurable foam and its parts can be adjusted in any way you want.

Moreover, PewDiePie game chair can handle weight up to 2000lbs, which can fit any size of the human body. The head and lumbar cushions come with the chair as well as its price so you won’t have to worry about paying extra money for them. Those are tons of positive points about the chair, but that’s not all. Let’s keep reading to know more.
Is PewDiePie Game Chair 'Clutch Chairz' A Good Brand?
Hundreds of videos of unboxing or reviewing the PewDiePie game chair on YouTube can answer this question for you. Clutch Chairz has reached out to many other popular YouTubers and the company now has a very high potential to be one of the top names of best gaming chair companies. The brand never stops trying their best to meet the needs of gamers by producing chairs which are durable and comfortable enough to serve the gaming community.

The company’s design of these chairs is inspired by supercars’ seats and they manufacture the chairs consulting their high-quality features. Besides the PewDiePie game chair Throttle Series, Clutch Chairz also produces a variety of other chair styles and gaming accessories such as business and Crank Series chairs, gaming desks, and custom lumbar support pillows.

One more commendable thing about the brand is the service. Many customers have left their positive comments on Google and YouTube about such PewDiePie gamer chairs as well as Clutch Chairz's other products. To be more specific, the company offers warranties that are up to 3 years for all their chairs and permanent for the steel frame. This is an important factor for a chair that costs more than $300.
That may not sound like an absolutely affordable price, but it definitely won’t disappoint with the highest quality you can expect from a gaming chair. Now, let’s figure out how much PewDiePie’s chair costs.
PewDiePie Game Chair Price
So you’ve gone through almost everything you need to know about this chair, except for the price - the most important thing. You may assume that this most popular YouTuber of the world is using the chair that costs thousands of dollars, but it’s actually only almost $400.

You will see on the original website of Clutch Chairz that PewDiePie game chair or PewDiePie gaming chair 100M has a price tag of $399, while ones with different colors without PewDiePie’s design costs $279 or more.
This may look expensive, but in general, it’s a reasonable price compared with the average on the gaming chair market. Tfue’s gaming chair is an example. This YouTuber invested up to $450 for his current gaming chair. Therefore, this probably is the best price for a chair that can withstand long hours of gaming, which is most expected from full-time gamers.

In spite of every positive point of the PewDiePie game chair mentioned above, how worthy the chair will be to you obviously relies on how much money you are able to spend and what purpose the chair will serve when you bring it home. Of course, choices can be varied, but since you’ve chosen to be a professional player, you will have absolutely no regrets purchasing this super cool and flexible chair. Or if you’re simply a big fan of PewDiePie, owning a “PewDiePie Edition” chair will be your ultimate pick.