The performance of a player in Free Fire is mostly judged by their K/D ratio. When you are applying for a high-tier guild or a team to compete in the tournament, people will look at your K/D ratio in Free Fire as the entry criteria.
A skilled players should know how to protect themselves while taking down the enemy at the same time. It is actually not impossible for anyone to achieve a high K/D ratio of at least 2 or above. If you are looking for a way to improve your K/D ratio in Free Fire, check out a few tips below.
1. Spot sure win situations to engage
This is the utmost and easiest thing you can do to increase your K/D ratio. There will be quite a lot of situations where you have a great advantage over the enemy that you shouldn't waste. For example, when an enemy is running outside of a safe zone or an enemy who is busy aiming at another target.
You can also create for yourself these situations by staying in the high ground or tactical positions.

2. Staying too long in one place
Lingering in one place for too long can lead you to doom, especially after a gunfight. People will hear gun sounds and they will come over from every direction.
You also should check out the safe zone move slowly toward it whenever possible and don't wait until the last second. Dying because of the safe zone is the worst way to reduce your K/D ratio in Free Fire.
3. Build a good character combination
A good character combination will give you a huge advantage over other players in a gunfight. Weapon skins will also help in this aspect but characters still play the most important role. Players are recommended to use META characters such as K, Alok, Skyler if possible.

4. Make sure your squad has the same skill level
When playing in a Squad, you would want everyone in your team to have the same skill level. Otherwise, you will either have to match against players with a much higher skill level or get dragged down by your teammate because they are too bad. The best option is to play with friends and people you know so you can work on your coordination better.

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