The Los Santos Drug Wars update is a two-part story-based DLC in GTA Online. Rockstar already released the first half of the event on Dec 13, 2022, and the rest will come out sometime later in early 2023. While some parts of it have already arrived in the Christmas event, more content is still yet to come.
In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the 5 most anticipated additions to GTA Online Los Santos Drug Wars 2023.
1. Last Dose Missions
The Last Dose Missions are the second part of the Drug Wars update and will be the main content of the patch. It will wrap up the unfinished stories of the Acid Lab Business, Freakshop, and the Fooliganz gang.
While Rockstar has not revealed anything about this update, based on the leak, it should come out somewhere in Q1. A few leaked videos also revealed the return of a familiar character from Grand Theft Auto 5's Story Mode.
2. 50-car garage
There are so many cars in GTA now that the average garage is nowhere near enough to store them all. Because of that, Rockstar has decided to add a 50-car garage named Eclipse Blvd in the next update. By spending $2,740,000 to buy this garage, players should be able to store up to 50 vehicles in a single building.
3. Gun Van
The Gun Van will carry a wide variety of guns and other weapons for players to purchase. This workshop will never stay in one place but constantly travel around the world map. Finding it is pretty straightforward, however, as the Gun Van will be clearly indicated on the map.

Players should be able to buy weapons, throwables, and body armor from the Gun Van. Thanks to leaked footage we've already had a glimpse of the wares on offer, which include: Baseball Bat, Knife, Railgun, Micro SMG, Pump Shotgun. The wares might randomly change each time the player access the shop.
4. Railgun
The Coil Railgun is one of the most powerful weapons in GTA Online. While it has been added to the game, players can't use the Railgun in Free Roam - it is only available in specific jobs. However, with powerful weapons like the Heavy Sniper MK2 in the game, there's no reason that the Railgun should not be added to Free Roam.

Rockstar is going to add it in an upcoming update, as part of the arsenal in Gun Vans. They will also rebalance the stats of the gun so that it is not too overpowered. Many players will want to get the new railgun due to its impact on the PvP mode, where it is absolutely necessary to counter MK2.
It will set you back GTA$730,000 to purchase for the first time, and has the usual array of custom tints available to give it a fresh look.
5. Downtown Cab Co.
Downtown Cab Co. missions or Taxi Missions are some of the most anticipated drip feed content additions in GTA Online's Los Santos Drug Wars update. The Taxi will be available for purchase from the Warstock Cache & Carry website at a base price of $650,000 and a trade price of $487,500.

After purchasing it, players can begin Taxi Missions, similar to Story Mode. Based on the leaks, completing multiple missions in a row will significantly increase the rewards.
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