Characters are the pay-to-win aspect of Free Fire. With the right character, users can gain a massive advantage over their opponents in-game... and a lot of them need to be purchased using diamonds. However, it looks like Garena is giving free-to-play users a chance to get the characters they missed. The newest update of the game adds an alternate gold cost to a number of characters.
In this article, we are going to showcase everything you need to know about the new Free Fire shop update.
1. D-Bee
Price: 499 diamonds or 8000 Gold
D-Bee is an essential component of a rusher build in Free Fire. His skill, Bullet Beats, allows players to increase accuracy and movement speed if they fire weapons while moving.
This allows rushers to hit targets much more accurately, especially when they are holding low accuracy weapons like SMGs. The extra movement speed is a decent boost in mobility that allows players to throw off opponents' aim.

2. Maro
Price: 499 diamonds or 8000 Gold
Maro is one of the few characters in Free Fire who can increase weapon damage outright. The damage bonus is based on range, which means snipers, marksman rifles and assault rifles get the biggest bonus.
Therefore, if the players are using a sniper build, purchasing Maro in the Free Fire shop update with 8000 gold is definitely a great idea.

3. Xayne
Price: 499 diamonds or 8000 Gold
Another great rusher character, Xayne's ability gives players a huge HP boost alongside the ability to deal extra damage to Gloo Walls and Shields. With recent nerf in OB31, it might be a good time to get a new active character to replace Chrono... and Xayne is one of the best candidates.
Her ability can stack with the new character Nairi to deal even more damage to Gloo Walls.

4. Shirou
Price: 499 diamonds or 8000 Gold
Shirou has just been buffed in the recent OB30 patch. His ability allows players to mark enemies who damage them and retaliate with an armor piercing shot. Overall, with the lowered cooldown, players would get a lot out of this skill, especially in Clash Squad matches.

5. Dasha
Price: 499 diamonds or 8000 Gold
Dasha's Partying On is one of the most random skills in the game, providing several different buffs to the player. It reduces the fall damage taken massively, alongside fall recovery time. Furthermore, it also reduces weapon recoil and recoil buildup.
Overall, this character is best used in sniper builds, where you need to camp in high places. The recoil and fall damage reduction would definitely come into play.

6. Jai Microchip
Price: 499 diamonds or 8000 Gold
Jai, the only character in Free Fire based on an Indian celebrity, is the rarest character in the game currently. He was removed from Free Fire a few months ago and now players can only acquire his skill by buying the Microchip in the Free Fire shop update.
With Jai's Raging Reload, players will get some of their magazines automatically reloaded upon downing an opponent. This allows them to continue fighting immediately.

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