Free Fire has many features that stand out from other battle royale titles on mobile and one of them is the Gloo Wall. The Gloo Wall in Free Fire is a type of Grenades that places a Gloo Wall in front of the user. It is one of the most important items in Free Fire as it gives you instant cover while under fire.
However, there are more things you can do with the Gloo Wall other than just a cover and that is what we are going to find out here.
Climb unreachable locations
There are many hidden places in Free Fire that you can only reach by using Gloo Wall. With a smart placement, you can make a Gloo Wall ladder and climb to the top.
However, this method often requires a few Gloo Walls to work. It is also quite difficult as you need precision and the right place to set Gloo Wall in Free Fire.

During the late game close-range combats, you will find people often lay down a bunch of Gloo Walls. It is not only to create covers but they are blocking the vision of the enemy. People use many Gloo Walls to create their maze to confuse other players. They can then pop out from an unexpected spot and kill.

Path blocking
Free Fire players can also learn how to use Gloo Wall effectively as an obstacle to prevent the enemy from chasing you. However, you can only do this inside buildings or in narrow spaces. Still, if you keep this in mind, you will be able to save yourself many times.

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