Free Fire Max - Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Fri, 18 Aug 2023 10:33:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Free Fire Max - <![CDATA[RG4 Poeta Free Fire ID, Stats, Guild And More]]> Mon, 01 May 2023 10:23:28 +0000
RG4 Poeta is a rising Free Fire YouTuber in the Free Fire community. Here is everything you need to know about him.]]>

Rg4 Poeta Jpg
RG4 Poeta Free Fire ID and stats

As of April 25, 2023, RG4 Poeta holds a Heroic rank in both BR-Ranked Season 33 and CS-Ranked Season 18. Let's take a look at his statistics in the game.

BR Career

Rg4 Poeta Stat
RG4 Poeta lifetime stats in Battle Royale mode in Free Fire.

RG4 Poeta has competed in a total of 4100 solo games, out of which he has won 343 games, with a win rate of 8.36%. He has also killed 8725 enemies, maintaining a K/D ratio of 2.32.

In the duo mode, he has played 3564 matches and won 387 games, with a win rate of 10.85%. His K/D ratio in this mode stands at 2.85, with a total of 9060 kills.

In squad matches, he has played 4792 games and emerged victorious in 746 of them, with a win rate of 15.56%. He has racked up 14654 kills with a K/D ratio of 3.62.

Unlike many other YouTuber, he actually plays 3 modes quite evenly with a great win rate and KDA.

BR Ranked

Rg4 Poeta Stat Ranked
RG4 Poeta ranked stats in Battle Royale mode in Free Fire.

In the current Free Fire ranked season, RG4 Poeta has played 14 solo matches and won three of them, with a win rate of 21.42%. He has also managed to kill 47 enemies, maintaining an impressive K/D ratio of 4.27.

In the duo mode, he has played four games but is yet to secure a win. However, he has a K/D ratio of 4.50, having eliminated 18 opponents.

Lastly, in squad matches, he has played 56 games and won six of them, with a win rate of 10.71%. He has a K/D ratio of 4.94, having eliminated 247 enemies.

RG4 Poeta is also a popular content creator on YouTube, with 267 uploads on his channel. He has been consistently uploading content on Free Fire since October 2020 and has amassed a considerable following. One of his most popular videos on the channel is a music video with over 11 million views.

As of the time of writing, RG4 Poeta's YouTube channel has acquired 531K views in the last 30 days, indicating a significant level of engagement with his content. However, his subscriber count has remained the same over this period.

It is important to note that RG4 Poeta's statistics in Free Fire are subject to change as he continues to play the game. Nonetheless, his impressive track record in the game and the popularity of his YouTube channel highlight his skill and dedication to the game.

>>>> Read more: Jaco DK's Free Fire MAX ID, Stats, Earning And More

<![CDATA[Top 5 Strongest Pets In Free Fire MAX 2023]]> Wed, 26 Apr 2023 07:59:00 +0000
These pets will help you a lot to achieve the Booyah victory in Free Fire MAX.]]>

Free Fire is a popular battle royale game that offers a thrilling experience to gamers with its numerous exciting features. Players can equip various in-game items, including characters, weapon skins, and pets, to enhance their chances of winning. Among these, pets are companions that offer several useful abilities to players.

With over 30 different pets available in Free Fire's store, choosing the most suitable one for better results can be challenging for gamers, especially for experts. Therefore, this article discusses the top five ultimate pets for expert players in Free Fire.

1. Robo

Robo is a must-have pet for all Free Fire players, including experts. It comes with an amazing skill called Wall Enforcement, which increases the endurance of shields and gloo walls. At the pet's initial level, players get an additional 60 HP for these defensive structures, and upgrading it to the maximum level increases the cover for gloo walls to 100 HP. This extra durability is beneficial for players in open areas as it provides cover to heal or get to a safe position.

Pets Free Fire Robo

2. Rockie

Rockie is a fan-favorite pet in Free Fire, especially for gamers who prefer characters with active skills. Its Stay Chill skill reduces the cooldown period of the equipped active skill by 6%. By upgrading Rockie to the maximum level, players can reduce the cooldown period of that ability by up to 15%. With this change, gamers can use their character's active skills more frequently and wisely during the battles.

Free Fire Rockie Pet 1024x471 6bfb

3. Beaston

The Beaston pet is widely used by pro players for its ability to improve the efficiency of utilities. Its Helping Hand skill increases the throwing distance of various grenades available in Free Fire. At the pet's initial level, the skill enhances the range of a frag, gloo wall, flashbang, and smoke grenade by 10%. Gamers can further upgrade this pet to increase the throwing distance by 30%, offering an advantage to players looking to eliminate more enemies with utilities.

Beaston Free Fire Max

4. Arvon

Arvon is one of the newest pets added to Free Fire's pet section. It offers a very handy skill for expert players called Dinoculars, which allows the user to detect the enemy count in a 50m radius.

Players can unlock this pet from the in-game store for 499 diamonds. They can share the location of their foes with their teammates to eliminate them quickly. The skill has a duration of three seconds, which can be increased to six by upgrading the pet.


5. Detective Panda

Detective Panda is one of the top-rated pets in Free Fire, and its Panda Blessing skill is fantastic. This ability allows the user to restore their HP, which is very useful in close combat situations where a single HP can change the tide of a battle. At the pet's initial level, players can gain up to four HP per elimination. By upgrading it to the maximum level, gamers can restore up to 10 HP for each kill they make in a match.

Detective Panda

In conclusion, Free Fire offers a variety of pets with different skills and abilities, and choosing the right one is essential for expert players. Robo, Rockie, Beaston, Arvon, and Detective Panda are the top five ultimate pets for expert players in Free Fire. These pets offer unique and beneficial skills that can significantly improve a player's chances of winning matches.

>>>> Read more: Jaco DK's Free Fire MAX ID, Stats, Earning And More

<![CDATA[Top 5 Strongest Characters In Free Fire MAX OB39]]> Sat, 01 Apr 2023 02:31:00 +0000
These are the top 5 characters that will help you rank up easily in Free Fire MAX Battle Royale mode.]]>

Free Fire MAX and its original variant offer players an ever-expanding catalog of character abilities. With the inclusion of new skills in the game's recent OB39 update, fans are now curious about the best characters available in the game. Today's article will provide players with the top picks in Free Fire and Free Fire MAX after the OB39 update.

1. Xayne

the best female character in Free Fire and Free Fire MAX, received a rework with the OB39 update. Her active ability, Xtreme Encounter, is still one of the best buys in the game. Her skill offers a temporary HP gain of 50 points that degrades over eight seconds. During the activation period, her HP-healing effects also witness an upgrade of 75%. However, players will have to endure a cooldown of 75 seconds to use Xayne's Xtreme Encounter again during a match. Thus, she is ideal for Battle Royale.

Xayne's skill can change the tide of a losing battle.

2. Jota

Jota's passive ability, Sustained Raids, allows players to recover some health whenever they hit an opponent using guns. On top of that, it also ensures a 20% HP gain corresponding to the health bar whenever the user knocks down a foe. His ability to ensure players earn extra HP during a match makes him a top pick in both Free Fire and Free Fire MAX.

Jota is the favorite character of rush players.

3. Wukong

Wukong, aka the Monkey King, has one of the coolest abilities in Free Fire MAX. His active ability, Camouflage, allows players to turn into a bush for 15 seconds. During the activation period, they can move around with a 10% reduction in movement speed. Players can either stay in a bush for 15 seconds or revert to Wukong-form using their weapons. Thus, he is beneficial in executing surprise attacks during a match. However, his only con is the high cooldown time of 200 seconds, which makes him unsuitable for Clash Squad.

Wukong Free Fie
Wukong can surpeise the enemy with his skill.

4. Alok

Alok, based on Brazilian DJ Alok Achkar Peres Petrillo, has exceptional all-around capabilities. His ability, Drop the Beat, upon activation, creates a five-meter aura that enhances one's in-match movement speed by 15%. Its effects last for 10 seconds and also enable an HP recovery of three points/second. One cannot use both effects concurrently, as HP recovery only happens when Alok is at rest. Moreover, Drop the Beat has a cooldown timing of 45 seconds, which is decent compared to other FF and FF MAX abilities. Thus, Alok, due to his balanced skill set, is a top contender to become the best character.

Dj Alok
DJ Alok is amazing in combat

5. K

Captain Booyah, aka K, will remain one of the best characters in Free Fire/Free Fire MAX unless Garena changes his primary skills. His skill, Master of All, is more than enough to define his capabilities on the ground, as players can get an advantage with the two following skill modes:

  1. Jiu-jitsu Mode: Allies, who stay within the six-meter range of K, get a 600% increase in their EP to HP conversion rate.
  2. Psychology Mode: There is a continuous EP recovery of three points every 2 seconds until 220 EP.

As EP, second only to HP, is crucial for survival, K becomes a vital character to use during a Free Fire MAX match. His mode-switch cooldown of three seconds is an additional plus point that many players can get. With this ability, you never have to worry if you can't find enough healing while looting.

Free Fire Captain Booyah Character
K has an amazing healing capability

>>>> Read more: S Gamer's Free Fire MAX ID, Stats, Monthly Income, And More

<![CDATA[Top 3 New Features In The Upcoming OB39 Update Free Fire MAX]]> Fri, 17 Mar 2023 14:24:15 +0000
Here are the 3 biggest changes in the upcoming 0B39 update you should know.]]>

The Free Fire OB39 update is set to hit global servers on March 22, 2023. As always, the Advance Server served as a testing ground for the game developers to experiment with new features and gameplay mechanics before launching the final update. The Advance Server was launched on March 10, 2023, and is set to end on March 16, 2023, after which players can look forward to experiencing the new features on the main server.

The OB39 update is expected to bring several significant changes to the game, including a complete overhaul of the character level-up system, improvements to the Bermuda map, and the addition of new characters, among other features. In this article, we will be discussing some of the most exciting features that players can expect to see in the upcoming update.

New Character - Orion

One of the most highly anticipated features of the OB39 update is the addition of a new character named Orion. According to the game's lore, Orion is a mercenary who has undergone biological alterations that turn him into a red-colored orb for a few seconds. His active skill, the Crimson Crush, has the ability to suck life out of opponents for a short duration of time.

Orion Free Fire Novo Personagem E Lancado Pela Gar
New Character - Orion in Free Fire MAX OB39 update

When activated, Orion's skill replaces his EP with 300 Crimson Energy. After consuming 150 of the resource, his active skill grants protection to his allies and himself for a duration of three seconds. During this time, teammates will not receive any damage, and Orion will receive 15HP from enemies as well. The cooldown for the Crimson Crush skill is set at 30 seconds, and players cannot change their weapons while the skill is active.

New Awakened Form - Alvaro Rageblast

Another exciting addition to the game is the revamped passive ability of Alvaro Rageblast. Alvaro grew up in a military family and became an expert in dealing with explosives. In the OB39 Advance Server, a newly awakened version of him was revealed.

His powerful passive ability, the Art of Demolition, which dealt additional 10% explosive damage and increased range by 7%, was replaced with a new passive skill called Split Blitz.

Alvaro Rageblast Free Fire
Alvaro will be the next character in Free Fire MAX to have an Awakened Form.

Through Split Blitz, explosive damage has increased by up to 20%, and range by 10%. Additionally, before detonating, the grenades will split into three parts and cause added 30% damage. Alvaro's revamped passive ability has been spotted on the OB39 Advance Server, and it may or may not reflect in the full update.

New Super Revival Card for Battle Royale Matches

Apart from character upgrades, the OB39 update is also expected to bring new items to the game. One such item is the new Super Revival Card, which can be used during Battle Royale matches. The Super Revival Card offers revived teammates a UMP, Level 2 vests, and armor, in addition to the G18 offered by the standard Revival card.

This new addition is expected to make the game even more exciting, allowing players to revive their teammates with better equipment. Instead of having to look for loot after being revived, you an fight right away.

Super Revival Card
Super Revival Card will revive your teammate and give them a set of equipment right away.

>>>> Read more: Top 5 Tips To Find Good Loots In Free Fire MAX In 2023

<![CDATA[S Gamer's Free Fire MAX ID, Stats, Monthly Income, And More]]> Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:45:00 +0000
Her is everything you need to know about the rising Free Fire MAX YouTuber S Gamer.]]>

In recent years, many content creators, including Md Sharik, have greatly benefited from the popularity of Free Fire in the sub-continent and have now established themselves as prominent YouTubers in the game's community. One such content creator is S Gamer, who has over 474k subscribers on his YouTube channel and is well-known for producing a variety of content that focuses on all aspects of the battle royale game.

S Gamer's influence extends beyond YouTube, as he has also amassed over 32.1k followers on Instagram. In addition to creating guides, he shares regular videos highlighting ongoing and upcoming events, as well as features in the popular game.

S Gamer's Free Fire MAX ID and stats

S Gamer's Free Fire MAX ID is 771775406. The YouTuber is ranked Diamond 1 in BR-Ranked Season 32 and Heroic in CS-Ranked Season 17. He also leads the ZG Esports guild in the battle royale title, whose ID is 1010931978.

Ss Free Fire Max Id
S Gamer's Free Fire MAX ID

As of March 13, 2023, S Gamer's stats in Free Fire MAX are as follows.

S Gamers Free Fire Max Stats
S Gamer's Free Fire MAX stats

He has participated in 2758 solo games and has secured 154 wins to retain a win rate of 5.58%. He has attained 4742 frags in the process to come up with a K/D ratio of 1.82.

In 2403 duo matches, S Gamer has swept opponents 235 times, attributing to a win rate of 9.77%. He also defeated 5084 opponents in all these games at a K/D ratio of 2.35.

Lastly, S Gamer has remained scathed 898 times in 5059 squad encounters, which boils down to a win rate of 17.75%. The YouTuber also has 13268 kills, averaging a K/D ratio of 3.19.

In terms of BR Ranked stats, S Gamer has clinched three out of 11 ranked solo games, retaining a win rate of 27.27%. He has taken down 41 opponents, resulting in a K/D ratio of 5.13. He has also played two duo games and eliminated 14 opponents to lock on to a K/D ratio of 7. The content creator has participated in two squad games and sports a win rate of 20% with two victories to his name. Lastly, he has maintained a K/D ratio of 2.63 while eliminating 21 opponents in total.

It is important to note that the player's Free Fire MAX stats were recorded when writing this article, and these stats will change as the content creator plays more games in the battle royale title.

S Gamer's Free Fire monthly income

Social Blade estimates that S Gamer's channel generates about $190 and $3K per month, with yearly revenue ranging from $2.3K to $36.5K.

S Gamers Free Fire Income
S Gamer's Free Fire monthly income from YouTueb videos.

S Gamer's Free Fire YouTube channel

Md Sharik began posting Free Fire-related videos a few years ago and has since amassed a massive following on YouTube. With a consistent upload schedule, he has shared over 1800 videos to date, resulting in an impressive 32 million views on his channel.

The S Gamer channel had crossed 100k subscribers in 2021. This number grew to over 450k subscribers by the end of 2022 and currently sits at 500k. According to Social Blade, the content creator gained 6k subscribers and 760.257k views on his channel during the last 30 days.

>>>> Read more: Pyare Gaming’s Free Fire MAX ID, Stats, Income, YouTube Channel, And More

<![CDATA[Top 5 Tips To Find Good Loots In Free Fire MAX In 2023]]> Sun, 12 Mar 2023 12:59:00 +0000
Here are some simple tips you can use to make sure you start a Free Fire game with good loot.]]>

Looking to gain an advantage in Free Fire MAX? Looting is an essential aspect of the game, and with the right strategies, you can increase your chances of finding resources and gaining an edge over your opponents. Here are the top five tips for finding more loot in Free Fire MAX in  2023.

1. Choose your landing spot wisely

Certain locations on the map tend to spawn higher-quality loot than others, so do your research and select your drop spot accordingly. Places like the Clock Tower, Factory, and Training Base are known for having plentiful resources, making them ideal spots to land.

Free Fire Parachuting
Your first landing spot will affect your starting loot.

2. Thoroughly check each building in your landing spot

Take your time and search every nook and cranny for the best items. Don't rush through and grab the first few items you see. There are many buildings with complicated structures and hidden places in Free Fire MAX. You need to make sure every spot is checked if you want to have more loot.

Loot Many Med Kits
Try to loot each area carefully so you don't miss anything.

3. Utilize vehicles to cover more ground

Vehicles help you move around different looting areas quickly and explore more buildings. Motorbikes are particularly useful for their speed and maneuverability, while cars offer superior protection.

Vehicles Are Spawned
Vehicles are spawned near houses and compounds.

4. Select your character wisely

Each character in Free Fire MAX has a unique ability that can aid in finding loot. Characters like Kelly and Caroline have increased movement speed, making them ideal for quickly covering more ground and finding resources. Andrew and Nikita have an ability that allows them to reload weapons faster, making them great choices for gun-focused players.

Elite Kelly
Elite Kelly will help you move around quickly.

5. Play smart and tactical matches

Be aware of your surroundings and make strategic decisions. Avoid confrontations unless you have a significant advantage and try to target weaker enemies to loot their dead crates. Killing as many enemies as possible in the game's initial stages can result in premium-quality loot. By following these tips, you can maximize your looting potential and increase your chances of achieving a Booyah! victory in Free Fire MAX.

>>>> Read more: Pyare Gaming’s Free Fire MAX ID, Stats, Income, YouTube Channel, And More

<![CDATA[Messy Talk Free Fire MAX ID, Stats, Earnings, And More]]> Sat, 03 Dec 2022 11:15:00 +0000
Messy Talk is an Indian Free Fire content creator who is known for his short videos. Here are all you need to know about him.]]>

The Indian Free Fire community is huge with thousands of streamers and content creators. Messy Talk or Aryan Sanwal is among one of the top Free Fire content creators in India with 7.2 subscribers on his channel. Most of his content is short videos about funny and interesting things about the game.

In this article, we are going to take a look at his in-game stats as well as other information about Messy Talk Free Fire MAX.

Messy Talk Free Fire MAX ID and stats

Messy Talk's Free Fire MAX ID is 770515474. His profile is currently at level 75 with 18225 likes. He is currently the leader of MESSY ARMY Guild.

The streamer reached the Heroic tier in the previous Battle Royale Ranked mode and he is at the Diamond tier in the current season. Let's check out more details stats of Messy Talk in the Battle Royale mode in Free Fire.

Messy Talk Free Fire Id
Messy Talk Free Fire MAX ID.

In Solo mode, Messy Talk played a total of 2128 games with 106 wins, which translates to a win rate of 4.98%. He eliminated a total of 3082 players and has a K/D ratio of 1.52.

In Duo mode, the streamer completed 3564 matches and won 1825 of them. His win rate in this mode is 9.62%. He has a K/D ratio of 1.79 with 5751 kills in this mode.

In Squad mode, he played 10062 matches and took home 1825 victories, which is a win rate of 18.13%. With a total of 17221 kills, he owns a K/D ratio of 2.09.

Messy Talk Free Fire Stats
Messy Talk Free Fire MAX Battle Royale stats.

Messy Talk Free Fire MAX Earnings

According to Social Blade, the Messy Talk YouTube channel got 11.564 million views in the last 30 days. His monthly earnings from YouTube are estimated to be within the range of $2.9K to $46.3K.

Messy Talk Free Fire Earning

>>>> Read more: Free Fire MAX: Garena Will Give All Players Free Elite Pass In December - How To Get It?

<![CDATA[Frontal Gaming’s Free Fire ID, Stats, Guild, Rank, YouTube Earnings]]> Wed, 23 Nov 2022 08:50:00 +0000
Here is everything you need to know about Frontal Gaming, one of the most popular Free Fire players in the world.]]>

Frontal Gaming aka Muhammad Fauzi, is a growing Free Fire YouTuber from Indonesia. He is one of the most well-known players in the Free Fire community. His YouTube channel is currently having 11.6 million subscribers. He is also super popular on Instagram with 3.9 million followers and on Facebook with 126k followers.

Frontal Gaming is well-known for his amazing skills in the game. In this article, we will take a look at his stats in Free Fire along with other information about Frontal Gaming.

Frontal Gaming’s Free Fire ID and stats

Frontal Gaming’s Free Fire ID is 225009777. His in-game name is " RRQ.ELfathan". He is the leader of the FRNTL.Ghaib guild. His account is at level 72 with 27655 likes.

The YouTuber reached Heroic tier in the last Battle Royale Ranked season 29 and is currently at the Diamond I tier in the current season. Let's check out his detailed stats in the Battle Royale mode below.

Frontal Gamings Free Fire Id
Frontal Gamings Free Fire ID and profile.

In Solo mode, Frontal Gaming has played a total of 1098 games and won 156 of them, achieving a win rate of 14.20%. In the process, he took down 4850 players, earning a K/D ratio of 5.15.

In Duo mode, he played 657 matches with a total of 97 victories, making up a win rate of 14.76%. His K/D ratio is 5.10 with a total of 2585 kills.

In Squad mode, the streamer completed 16042 matches with 2093 wins, which translates to a win rate of 13.04%. He also has an impressive K/D ratio of 4.09 and 57118 kills in this mode.

Frontal Gamings Free Fire Stats
Frontal Gamings Free Fire overall stats in Battle Royale mode.

Overall, Frontal Gaming mainly plays in Squad mode, but he has really good K/D ratios across all 3 modes and a decent win rate.

Frontal Gaming’s YouTube earnings

According to Social Blade, the Frontal Gaming YouTube channel got more than 1.6 million views in the last 30 days, which translates to an estimated monthly earning of $401-$6.4K.

Frontal Gamings Youtube Earnings
Frontal Gaming’s YouTube earnings on YouTube.

>>>> Read more: Free Fire OB37 Patch Notes: New Modes, Weapons, Balance Changes

<![CDATA[Get A Free Magic Cube And 10 Free Magic Cube Fragment In This Free Fire MAX Event]]> Tue, 18 Oct 2022 04:00:00 +0000
Make sure you don't miss this chance to get a free Magic Cube in the upcoming event Free Fire MAX event.]]>

The Light Fest in Free Fire MAX has started and it brings players a ton of free valuable rewards. Especially, players will be able to get a free Magic Cube and up to 100 Magic Cube Fragments by doing the missions during the festival.

The Magic Cube is a rare item that players can use to get a free bundle in the Magic Cube shop. Players can also get a Magic Cube from 10 Magic Cube Fragments. Let's check out the details below.

Free Fire Light Festival
Free Fire MAX Light Fest event calendar and rewards.

Free Magic Cube Fragment Free Fire MAX

From 17-18 October, players need to travel in the game for a total of 5000 meters to get 10x Magic Cube Fragment.  To complete this mission easily, players can grab a vehicle in the Battle Royale mode and travel as much as they can. After they have traveled the required distance, they can head to the event section to claim their Magic Cube Fragments.

Free Magic Cube Fragment
Get free 10 Magic Cube Fragments in Free Fire MAX event.

Free Magic Cube Free Fire MAX

On the peak day of the festival, 24 October, players can get a free Magic Cube if they log in to the game and play for a certain duration of time. The mission is super simple and you definitely wouldn't want to miss this opportunity.

Other than the free Magic Cube, players will also get free skins for their weapons, vouchers, and other rewards from the missions.

There will be more surprises for Free Fire MAX fans after the peak day of the Light festival so stay tuned and we will update you with the latest information.

Free Magic Cube
Get a free Magic Cube as well as many other free rewards in Light festival in Free Fire MAX.

>>>> Read more: 5 Most Useful Pets In Free Fire Battle Royale Mode OB36

<![CDATA[Free Fire MAX New Faded Wheel: How To Get The Ornamental Touch Desert Eagle And Warder Captain Bundle]]> Wed, 28 Sep 2022 06:18:00 +0000
Check out the latest Faded Wheel in Free Fire MAX to get the Ornamental Touch Desert Eagle and Warder Captain Bundle.]]>

Another Faded Wheel just hit Free Fire MAX and it is bringing players the Ornamental Touch Desert Eagle and Warder Captain Bundle. The Faded Wheel is a part of the Luck Royale system in Free Fire.

The Faded Wheel lasts for a shorter duration than the others and it also guarantees that players get the premium prize after a number of spins. This is why players prefer it over other spins in the Luck Royale. Let's check out the details of the latest Faded Wheel in Free Fire MAX below.

Free Fire New Faded Wheel
Check out the latest Faded Wheel in Free Fire.

Free Fire MAX New Faded Wheel

Faded Wheel duration: September 27, 2022 to October 3, 2022

To get the prizes from the Faded Wheel, players need to spend Diamonds. There are a total of 10 items in the Faded Wheel and players can remove 2 unwanted items from it before spinning. The price of spinning starts from 9 Diamonds and increases after each spin, up to 499 Diamonds. Prizes you already obtained will be removed from the pool.

Desert Eagle Skin Free Fire
Ornamental Touch Desert Eagle skin Free Fire MAX

Here is the list of all the items in this Faded Wheel:

  • Desert Eagle – Ornamental Touch
  • 5x Venomous Fang (MP40)
  • Motorbike – Green Phantom
  • Lunar New Year Weapon Box
  • Diamond Royale Voucher (Expiry date: November 30, 2022)
  • Warder Captain Bundle
  • Predatory Cobra Token Box 1
  • Full Stealth Backpack
  • Digital Invasion Weapon Loot Crate
  • 1x Cube Fragment

The price of spinning in the Faded Wheel is 9, 19, 39, 69, 99, 149, 199, 499. It costs a total of 1082 diamonds to get all items from the Faded Wheel, including the Ornamental Touch Desert Eagle and Warder Captain Bundle. Depending on your luck, you might be able to even get it after just a few spins.

Warder Captain Bundle
Warder Captain Bundle in the latest Faded Wheel in Free Fire MAX

>>>> Read more: 5 Best Characters To Combo With Tatsuya In Free Fire OB36

<![CDATA[Free Fire MAX: Get Up To 29,999 Diamonds And Various Rewards In Friends Callback Event]]> Mon, 29 Aug 2022 04:29:00 +0000
You would definitely don't want to miss the chance to get this massive amount of Diamonds in this new Free Fire MAX event.]]>

Garena is always very generous about giving players free items through events. They often introduce a time-limited series of events that return periodically for players to gain rewards.

The recent Friends Callback event is one of those events and it comes back as a part of the Free Fire MAX Anniversary. In this event players, will get a chance to claim 29,999 Diamonds along with other rewards. Let's check out how this event works.

Free Fire MAX Friends Callback event

Event duration: 27 August to 1 September

During the event, players can claim Violet Beams Crates and Diamond Royale Vouchers when they invite inactive players back to the game. The highlight of the event is the massive 29,999 Diamonds prize. Lucky players will be able to get it through opening Violet Beams Crates.

Free Fire Callback
A chance to get 29,999 Diamonds from the callback event.

Here is how you can join the event and get free rewards:

  • Open Free Fire MAX and go to the event menu
  • Tap on the 5th Anniversary tab and choose the Callback friends event
  • Here you can see how you can invite friends back and claim the reward.

Here is the list of rewards:

  • Call back one friend: 1 Violet Beams Crate and 1 Diamond Royale Voucher
  • Call back three friends: 3 Violet Beams Crates, 2 Diamond Royale Vouchers, and Unite – FF 5th Anniversary
  • Call back five friends: 5 Violet Beams Crate and 3 Diamond Royale Vouchers
  • Call back seven friends: 7 Violet Beams Crates and 5 Diamond Royale Vouchers

Players might get the following rewards when they open Violet Beams Crates:

  • 29,999 diamonds
  • Five Amethyst Pentagons
  • Four Amethyst Pentagons
  • Three Amethyst Pentagons
  • Two Amethyst Pentagons
  • One Amethyst Pentagon

Note that the inactive players must use the link provided by the event and ID for you to claim the rewards.

>>>> Read more: 7 Best Landing Spots On Free Fire Nexterra Map 2022

<![CDATA[Top 3 Best Gun Combinations To Push Rank In Free Fire MAX]]> Fri, 12 Aug 2022 09:57:00 +0000
Check out these gun combinations in Free Fire MAX so you can push rank easier.]]>

Free Fire has a huge collection of weapons, allowing players to freely choose their own playstyle and gun combination. While the game is fairly balanced, there are certain gun combinations that will give you an edge over other players. Having a good gun combination will increase your winning rate in duels and help you obtain more Booyah.

Here are the top 3 best gun combinations in Free Fire MAX.

1. SCAR + MP5

The SCAR is one of the most versatile weapons in Free Fire MAX. It has good damage, rate of fire, and range. Players can also attach many different attachments to it to increase the efficiency of the weapon. For this reason, the SCAR can help you handle enemies in mid-range and long-range battles.

The MP5, on the other hand, is a great weapon in close-range combats. It is great for when you need to rush enemies in a building.

Mid Range Weapons Scar
The SCAR can be used in many situations.

2. Woodpecker + M1887

The Woodpecker is famous for its deadly damage, armor penetration, and accuracy. This sniper rifle can easily take down a player from far away in just a few shots. It also comes with a default 8x scope. However, this weapon is almost useless in close-range combat. That's why you need to use it with the M1887.

The M1887 shotgun is the best shotgun in Free Fire as it can burst down a player easily with 2 shots. However, its magazine also only has 2 bullets so missing a shot might put you in a bad position.

The Woodpecker is a powerful long-range weapon in Free Fire.

3. AWM + MP40

This is another gun combination in Free Fire MAX with a strong sniper and a strong close-range weapon. The AWM is the king of sniper rifles in Free Fire MAX. It is the favorite weapon of many skilled sniper players because of its power. Meanwhile, the MP40 is the strongest SMG in Free Fire with an insane rate of fire. At close range, the MP40 can shred the enemy within seconds.

Winterlands Mp40
The MP40 is the strongest SMG in Free Fire MAX.

>>>> Read more: Top 8 Best Landing Spots In Free Fire Alpine Map 2022

<![CDATA[Free Fire MAX Store Revamp: List Of New Bundles, Emotes, And Gloo Wall Skins]]> Thu, 23 Jun 2022 06:34:00 +0000
Free Fire MAX's shop system has just been revamped with three new categories. Check this article to find out more about them and the best items to buy.]]>

Players can buy a wide range of in-game accessories in the Free Fire MAX store. The two currencies for the store are diamond and gold - while the former must be purchased using real money, the latter can be obtained for free by playing the game. Garena has recently revamped the store to add various gloo wall skins, emotes, and bundles, which are the three most common items that players want to buy.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase a complete list of all items in the Free Fire MAX store revamp.

Gloo Wall skins

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Below is a list of all Gloo Wall skins players can purchase:

  • Spikey Spine Gloo Wall – 599 diamonds
  • Stormbringer Gloo Wall – 599 diamonds
  • Glo Technica Gloo Wall – 599 diamonds
  • Pink Wink Gloo Wall – 399 diamonds
  • Disco Fiasco Gloo Wall – 399 diamonds
  • Angel with Horns Gloo Wall – 399 diamonds


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Below is a list of all bundles players can purchase:

  • Stereo Noisemaker Bundle – 1499 diamonds
  • Stereo Blaster Bundle – 1499 diamonds
  • Phantom Microzark Bundle – 1199 diamonds
  • Bullet Dancer Bundle – 1199 diamonds
  • Persian Secrets Bundle – 1199 diamonds
  • Warrior Prince Bundle – 1199 diamonds
  • Skull Punker Bundle – 1199 diamonds
  • The Weekend Runner Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Wilderness Trapper Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Wilderness Hunter Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Midnight Mafia Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Midnight Gangster Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • The Blood Skull Rocker Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Canine Enforcer Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • K.O. Night – Burn Bundle – 1199 diamonds
  • Midnight Oni Bundle – 1199 diamonds
  • Trendy Diver Bundle – 1199 diamonds
  • Jovial Bundle – 1199 diamonds
  • Plague Doctor Bundle – 1199 diamonds
  • English Uniform Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Youngster Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Jailbird Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • The Weekend Clubber Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Superstar Weekend Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Crimson Parkour Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • The Tropic Rumble Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Samurai Faceless Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Kendoka Blindfold Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Violet Parkour Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Persia Valor Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Persia Prowess Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Heatbound Desert Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Surgeon Bloodlust Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Golden Sunrise Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Frost-Draco Colonel Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Frost-Draco Commander Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Woof Pro Catcher Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Meow Pro Pitcher Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Summer Heart-Throb Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Summer Darling Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • The Adventure Dawn Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Assault Force – 899 diamonds
  • Shadow Striker Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Prince Pink Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Princess Pink Bundle – 899 diamonds
  • Ventus Rogue Bundle – Luck Royale section
  • Nebula Rogue Bundle – Luck Royale section
  • Cybersword Neon Bundle – Luck Royale section
  • Cybersword Ember Bundle – Luck Royale section
  • Lotus Blader Bundle – Luck Royale section
  • Antiquated Warrior Bundle – Luck Royale section
  • Plumber Bundle (Female) – 499 diamonds or 24950 gold coins
  • Burning Rays Bundle – 499 diamonds or 24950 gold coins


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Below is a list of all Emotes players can purchase:

  • The Collapse – Luck Royale section
  • Party Dance – 399 diamonds
  • LOL – 399 diamonds
  • Death glare – 399 diamonds
  • Greetings – 199 diamonds
  • Top Scorer – 399 diamonds
  • Switching Steps – 199 diamonds
  • BATTLE IN STYLE – 199 diamonds
  • Hello – 199 diamonds
  • Applause – 199 diamonds
  • Top DJ – 599 diamonds
  • Burnt BBQ – 599 diamonds
  • Shimmy – 399 diamonds
  • The Victor – 399 diamonds
  • Sii! – 399 diamonds
  • Kongfu – 399 diamonds
  • Bring It On! – 399 diamonds
  • Dab – 199 diamonds
  • Arm Wave – 199 diamonds
  • Baby Shark – 399 diamonds
  • Dangerous Wave – 399 diamonds
  • Threaten – 399 diamonds
  • Moon Flip – 399 diamonds
  • Mind it! – 599 diamonds
  • Shattered Reality – 599 diamonds
  • One-Finger Pushup – 399 diamonds
  • Bhangra – 399 diamonds

What are the best skins and emotes to buy?

Overall, there are a lot of items worth buying in the shop, with all the Gloo Walls being top tier. However, when it comes to skin, the Phantom Microzark bundle is a tier above the rest. Amongst Emotes, Hello, Applause and Greetings are the most useful.

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>>> Read more: 4 Weakest Characters In Free Fire OB34 That Need To Be Buffed

<![CDATA[5 Skills To Combo With Hayato In Free Fire OB34 Update]]> Sat, 04 Jun 2022 02:15:00 +0000
Free Fire OB34 is finally here, along with a huge number of changes. Check this article to find out more about the best characters to combo with Hayato.]]>

Free Fire OB34 has just been released, and along with it, a great number of changes to a lot of Free Fire characters. Because of that, picking the right skills to use can be troublesome, especially when you use a passive character like Hayato. In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the 5 best skills to combo with Hayato in the Free Fire OB34 update.

1. Homer

Homer is the new character of OB34. He has the potential to become the most broken character in Free Fire to date, with the first truly attack ability. His skill summons a drone that zips toward enemies in the 100-meter frontal range and creates a 5-meter pulse explosion.

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Homer is going to come out on 28/05

The explosion slows the movement speed of all enemies in the radius by 60% and their firing speed by 35%. On top of that, it also deals 25 damage. The slow effect last for 5 seconds and the ability has a 90 seconds cooldown at max level.

This skill is truly broken, as it can track the movement of enemies, reduce their damage output and slow them down. It is perfect for rusher builds where you can just go in alongside the drone. Currently, Homer is not available for purchase - it is likely that he would be released in his own event later.

2. Wolfrahh

Wolfrahh just got a huge buff for his Limelight passive in OB34. Before, the skill require players to get at least 6 kills for the full effect, which is really hard to do. In OB34, however, the requirement is cut down in half. This should allow players to gain the full bonus in half the time.

Wolfrahh is one of the most good-looking and aggressive characters in this game.

Limelight reduces damage taken by enemy headshots, which stacks with Hayato Awaken's skill of reducing damage taken from the front. At max level, the two skills could stack to 40 or even 50% headshot damage reduction (the maximum is 61.5%, when Hayato is at 10% HP).

3. Steffie

Steffie also receives a huge buff in OB34 that reduces her cooldown by 30 seconds. She can spam her ability fairly frequently now.


Her skill, Painted Refuge, creates a 4m area that blocks throwables. Allies in the area will restore 10% armor durability every second and reduce ammo damage taken from enemies by 20%. Lasts for 15s with a 60 seconds cooldown. The ammo damage reduction stacks with Hayato Awaken's ability, allowing players to do aim duel effortlessly with the skill activated.

4. Alok

Despite receiving the first nerf in years in OB34, Alok's healing circle is still as useful as ever. Drop the Beat creates a 5-meter aura that increases the movement speed of players inside by 15% and restores their HP by 5 per second.

Dj Alok

The update nerfs Alok's cooldown massively in the early levels - players need to max him to get back down to 50s cd. This is still 5 seconds longer than the OB33 version. Despite this, the DJ is still perfect in combo with other characters, such as Hayato.

5. Nikita

Another rusher-oriented character - Nikita's skill has been overhauled in the previous patch. Her ability now increases the reload speed of all guns and boosts the damage of an SMG's last 6 bullets. Overall, if players are going in full rush with SMGs, Hayato + Nikita is a deadly combo.


Hayato's armor piercing skill bolsters the SMGs' damage and lack of ammo penetration.

>>> Read more: Free Fire OB34 Full Patch Notes Revealed

<![CDATA[Top 5 Tips To Get More Kills In Free Fire Early Game]]> Sat, 21 May 2022 05:42:00 +0000
The early game is the easiest period for players to grab some kills in Free Fire Max, as their enemies might not have gotten a full set of gear yet. Check this post to find out more.]]>

The early game is probably the most chaotic period of a Free Fire match. Depending on their landing locations, players might encounter gunfights and shootouts as soon as they land. However, in the early game, players usually don't have good weapons and equipment, which makes them easy to take down.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the top 5 tips to get more kills in Free Fire early game.

1. Try to land faster

Wait until the plane is relatively close to your chosen landing location before jumping. Furthermore, do not open your parachute manually - this would slow down your landing speed, giving enemies a chance to get ahead. With Free Fire being a BR, landing first is very important, as you would be able to get your guns first and shoot enemies when they are trying to loot.

free fire tips for beginners
Don't use the parachute right away when jumping out of the plane

Just let your parachute automatically deploy when you are about to hit the ground. Players might want to use the falcon pet to increase their gliding/parachuting speed.

2. Play around the edges of the safe zone

Playing around the edge of the safe zone can be a good strategy if the player is not confident about their ability to rotate. This way, they can immediately move to safety as the zone shrinks.

Furthermore, when playing at the edge of the safe zone, players might be able to score some kills on rotating opponents. Trapping players when the zone shrinks is super effective, as they have to choose between taking zone damage and going out of their safe position.

Free Fire Zone
Staying on the edge of the safe zone is often the best option.

3. Know when to retreat

It is important that you know when to fall back when enemies are pushing and getting the upper hand. Getting sniped in an aim duel just because you have low HP is not fun. If you are getting shot at first, just run and heal before coming back.

Gloo Wall Free Fire
Gloo Wall is a good way to escape enemy fire in Free Fire Squad Mode

Don't try to save medkit and gloo if you are in danger. It's better to waste a few medkits and use gloo walls while retreating, rather than waste an entire match by dying early on in the game.

4. Play defensively and camp

While playing aggressively nets you more kills, it is also riskier and might get you killed. Before getting a good set of armor and helmet, it is smarter to just lurk around and camp until some players are eliminated.

Camping on high ground
Camping on high ground is great in avoiding early deaths in Free Fire.

5. Rotate after a fight

Staying at a known location is not a good idea. It is important that you rotate after every fight. If you stay put for too long, opponents who detected your location can rotate and either flank or backstab you from behind.

Rotating at the right time save players from being rushed as well. Smart rotating can give players the drop on any enemies who are trying to rush the old location.

Good snipers in Free Fire can ambush enemies who are trying to flank.

>>> Read more: Top 6 Useful Utility Items In Free Fire MAX BR Mode

<![CDATA[Top 5 Best Assault Rifle Skins In Free Fire MAX 2022]]> Fri, 20 May 2022 07:50:00 +0000
Gun skins in Free Fire boost players' combat potential and getting the right gun is very important. Here are the best AR skins in 2022.]]>

Weapon choice plays an extremely important role in Free Fire. When you have to pick between various guns in the Assault Rifle class, some slight stat differences could be the deciding factor between victory and defeat. In this article, Gurugamer is going to list out the top 5 most powerful AR skins in Free Fire 2022.

1. Blue Flame Draco AK

Unlike other BR games, the gun skin system in Free Fire provides some bonus stats for the weapon and gives the user an advantage in combat. Out of all rarities in the game... EVO skins like Blue Flame Draco AK are the best gun skins in Free Fire. Alongside the bonuses, the skin also lets your gun deal more damage when firing at Gloo Walls.

Free Fire Blue Flame Draco
Stat bonuses of the Blue Flame Draco are top tier

Furthermore, unlike the other Free Fire guns skins that have all their effects unlocked at the start, you need to upgrade the skin to maximize its effects. With levels, the Blue Flame AK's appearance, bonus and various other details changed. Players also get new animation, appearances, exclusive emotes, further enhancement of attributes, alongside other visual effects.

2. SCAR Megalodon Alpha

When maxed, the SCAR Megalodon Alpha has the following bonuses: + Damage, ++ Fire Rate and - Reload Speed. The combo of damage and Fire Rate is probably the best in Free Fire outside of a few specific cases... and people usually prefer a higher fire rate than damage for an easier time getting headshots.

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SCAR Megalodon Alpha

The Megalodon Alpha fits perfectly into the top-tier category. The demerit in Reload Speed is not much of a problem at all... as it does not affect the gun's damage output. The SCAR Megalodon Alpha will deal more damage to the enemies' vests and helmets at level 6.

3. Titan SCAR

This is pretty much a perfect legendary skin, with bonuses on both damage and fire rate, the two best stats of a weapon. The demerit is rather minimal, as a smaller magazine is not really important for such a big gun like SCAR.

Titan SCAR
Titan SCAR

The extra rate of fire would aid the players a lot in scoring drag headshots - one of the more popular advanced techniques.

4. Destiny Guardian XM8

This is the sixth Evo Gun skins ever released in Free Fire, and the first one with a white theme. Players need to climb through 7 levels to unlock the full potential of this weapon.

Destiny Guardian 
Destiny Guardian XM8

At maximum level, the Destiny Guardian XM8 has Damage++, Rate of Fire+, with a Reload Speed- demerit. Overall, this is one of the flashiest weapon ever released in Free Fire, with a beautiful blue lightning effect all over its body. Furthermore, the Destiny Guardian XM8 has a special power that deals more damage if you are shooting from the high ground.

5. AK47 - Flaming Dragon

Flaming Dragon is, without a doubt, one of the most hunted gun skins amongst players. It does not just boast awesome aesthetics but also buffs the attributes considerably.

Ak47 Flaming Dragon
You can find it in the AK47 Flaming Dragon Loot Crate.

This skin increases both damage and fire rate, which leads to an exponential boost in DPS output.

>>> Read more: How To Counter Gloo Walls In Free Fire MAX

<![CDATA[6 Best Weapons For New Players In Free Fire MAX 2022]]> Wed, 11 May 2022 03:10:00 +0000
Picking the right gun makes Free Fire's BR matches much easier to get through, especially for new players. Here are the 6 best weapons.]]>

Free Fire is not the easiest game to get into. There are a lot of weapons in the game, and learning how to use all of them can take some time. Therefore, it is best that new players pick up these 6 weapons to have a better time in their early matches.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the 6 best weapons for new players in Free Fire MAX 2022.

1. M4A1

The M4A1 is a common weapon and can be found pretty much everywhere in the game. It deals relatively lower headshot damage comparing to other weapons in the Assault Rifle class - you would definitely not be able to one-shot anyone with it.

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However, in exchange for the lower damage, the M4A1 has the longest range out of all Assault Rifles in the game (not counting automatic Sniper rifles like the SVD or SKS) at 77. The weapon range is super important in a Battle Royale like Free Fire, as the majority of fights would happen at mid-range or further.

The M4A1 can also be equipped with every attachment in the game, which improves its performance a great deal - if you find an M4 early on, it is best to stack up attachments on it.

2. M1887

The Winchester Model 1887 is a large-caliber double-shot shotgun using lever-action mechanics. The shotgun has become iconic for its use in the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day, with the Terminator using it as the weapon of choice. It is the most popular shotgun in Free Fire to date.


Overall, the M1887 is an explosive weapon, with the highest damage stat in the game and 54 armor penetration on top. This makes the gun effective at any stage of the game. The 21 range is actually higher than all other shotguns in Free Fire - you can stand a little bit further and still hit the target.

3 .Desert Eagle

This weapon is probably the most useful gun in this class... and the closest to a normal weapon. The desert eagle has high damage, long-range... and decent stats all around - you can run extremely fast while holding it.

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4. UMP

The UMP gun in Free Fire is the most damaging SMG in the game, as it is the only SMG with the ability to pierce armor. With a whopping 63 points in AP, it can ignore up to two-third of enemies' damage reduction. Besides its excellent damage, the gun also has the highest reload and movement speed in the class. This allows you to be mobile and rotate faster.

SMG in Free Fire
The strongest UMP skin in the game

Try to fit it with attachments if you are going to stick with the UMP. A foregrip and muzzle are crucial, as the gun has a fairly high recoil and bullet spread.

5. SKS

The SKS is the oldest weapon on this list. In real life, it is a Soviet-made predecessor to the AK-47, which was used before World War 2. This is probably why the SKS has the weakest statline amongst the three weapons in Free Fire. Damage-wise, it has only 82 points and 46 armor penetration, which are much lower than its rivals.

SKS Hysteria in Free Fire
SKS Hysteria in Free Fire

Similar to all other semi-automatic marksman rifles, the SKS comes pre-attached with a 4x scope. It can equip the same array of attachments as the SVD and has the same priority of foregrip and stock.

The biggest advantage that the SKS has over the other weapons in its class is the higher spawn rate. You should be able to find it much easier than the SVD or Woodpecker.

6. AWM

While the power of the AWM in Free Fire is certainly nerfed compared to that of other games, it is still the king of all Sniper Rifles. The gun has extreme range and accuracy stats - amongst the strongest in-game. If you managed to get your hand on either a silencer or a muzzle, it would be almost impossible to stop.

Awm Skin Free Fire

While the damage stat of the AWM is equal to other guns in its class, it has a hidden headshot bonus damage. You would be able to one-hit kill targets no matter what helmets they are wearing, with a headshot.

>>> Read more: How To Counter Gloo Walls In Free Fire MAX

<![CDATA[Top 6 Best Looking Gloo Wall Skins In Free Fire MAX]]> Sat, 07 May 2022 00:31:00 +0000
Gloo Wall Grenade is one of the most used items. Check out this post for the 6 best-looking skins for Gloo Walls in Free Fire MAX 2022.]]>

Gloo Wall grenade is a special item in Free Fire that allows players to create a barrier at any time. They are used every match, and a good-looking gloo wall skin would definitely draw the attention of other players. In this article, Gurugamer is going to list out the top 6 best looking Gloo Wall skins in Free Fire MAX.

1. Hayato the Guardian

This skin was added to the game as part of the Midnight Samurai top-up event. Similar to the Shamrock, you can also get this by topping up at least 200 diamonds. 'Hayato the Guardian' skin is electric blue, with a portrait of Hayato carrying a sword on the surface of the wall.

Hayato the Guardian
Hayato the Guardian Gloo Wall Skins

If you are a fan of Hayato, getting this skin is a must - this is probably based on Hayato's Awakened form.

2. Plan Bermuda

This skin was released a while ago, as part of the Money Heist collaboration of last year. As it did not come back this year, it is unlikely that players would be able to get this skin at all. Appearance-wise, it is blood red and covered by the infamous masks used in the heist.

Plan Bermuda 
Plan Bermuda Gloo Wall

As players need to acquire this skin via an item shop purchase, the Plan Bermuda Gloo Wall is pretty rare.

3. Hysteria

Garena Free Fire witnessed another set of milestones being crossed for the FFAC finals on November 28. After they got the achievement, they issued a Free Fire redeem code which granted a Brave Crystal token along with other rewards.

Using this token, gamers could redeem one of the 4 available rewards. And Gloo Wall – Hysteria was among that stuff they could get their hands on.

Hysteria Gloo Wall
Hysteria Gloo Wall skin has a unique look that reminds you of Joker.

4. Stormbringer

The Stormbringer Gloo Wall was released as part of the Azure Dragon event last year. It is a fusion of futuristic and fantasy design, with a machine-like dragon being the main component of the wall.

Stormbringer Gloo Wall

The wall also has various glowing particle effects that would definitely draw the attention of other players.

5. Victory Charge

Items released during Free Fire collaborations are rare and they usually take a long time a return to the game. After the collab with McLaren, special car skins, as well as other items, were introduced into Free Fire. One of the most favorite goodies back then was the Gloo Wall – Victory Change.

It was up for grabs in the McLaren Top Up which lasted from July 28 to August 4.

Victory Charge Gloo Wall
Gloo Wall – Victory Charge could be obtained for the cost of 500 diamonds.

5. Gold Vault

The recent Money heist collaboration is the final time Free Fire collaborate with this show, and because of that, it brings some of the best items yet. The Vault skin is literally shaped after a bank vault's door, with golden details and the LCDP initials on top of it.

Gold Vault Gloo Wall
Gold Vault Gloo Wall

Overall, the wall is very well designed and its users would definitely get a lot of attention from other players.

>>> Read more: How To Level Up Faster In Free Fire MAX 2022
