Minecraft Guide - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Fri, 18 Aug 2023 10:16:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://static.gurugamer.com/images/logo.jpg Minecraft Guide - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com <![CDATA[Minecraft Suspicious Sand And Gravel Guide: How To Find And Use]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-suspicious-sand-and-gravel-guide-how-to-find-and-use-22410 Fri, 09 Jun 2023 03:27:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-suspicious-sand-and-gravel-guide-how-to-find-and-use-22410
Minecraft fans who are excited to check out these two new blocks in the 1.20 update should brush up on some information about them first.]]>

The long-awaited addition of Minecraft's archeology system has finally arrived with the 1.20 Trails & Tales update, after initially being delayed from the Caves & Cliffs update. Through the use of a brush, players now have the ability to unearth intriguing items by excavating suspicious sand and gravel blocks. Among the new loot items introduced are sniffer eggs and pottery sherds.

However, it's important for players to exercise caution and be aware of certain aspects regarding Minecraft's new archeology feature. These blocks, which play a central role in the system, are exceptionally delicate and function differently compared to their counterparts. Due to their fragility, it is advisable for players to familiarize themselves with their unique mechanics.

How to find and use Suspicious sand

In the latest Minecraft 1.20 update, suspicious sand blocks can be found naturally in newly discovered rooms beneath desert pyramids. They can also appear at the base of desert wells and generate within ocean ruins structures located in warm temperature oceans.

Minecraft Archeology 1 408a
Suspicious sand

Suspicious sand has a slightly different texture compared to regular sand, with noticeable cracks and holes on its surface. These blocks are affected by gravity and will break upon falling, without dropping any items. The same outcome occurs when they are manually broken or when a tool, even one enchanted with Silk Touch, is used.

Obtaining suspicious sand as an item in Minecraft is possible if it falls from a height greater than 30 blocks, lands on an upward-facing bubble column, or passes through two stacked cobweb blocks. However, the block itself will not retain the loot items it contains.

The main purpose of suspicious sand in Minecraft is to be brushed using the new brush tool. After a few seconds of brushing, it will release the items it holds and transform into a regular sand block. The specific items contained within suspicious sand depend on where the block is generated.

Items found in suspicious sand (Desert Pyramids)

  • Archer Pottery Sherds
  • Emeralds
  • Gunpowder
  • Miner Pottery Sherds
  • Prize Pottery Sherds
  • Skull Pottery Sherds
  • TNT Blocks
  • Diamonds

Items found in suspicious sand (Warm Ocean Ruins)

  • Coal
  • Emeralds
  • Wheat
  • Wooden Hoes
  • Gold Nuggets
  • Angler Pottery Sherds
  • Shelter Pottery Sherds
  • Snort Pottery Sherds
  • Sniffer Eggs
  • Iron Axes

Items found in suspicious sand (Desert Wells)

  • Arms Up Pottery Sherds
  • Brewer Pottery Sherds
  • Bricks
  • Emeralds
  • Sticks
  • Suspicious Stew

How to find and use Suspicious gravel

Similar to suspicious sand in Minecraft, suspicious gravel is a block influenced by gravity that is extremely fragile but contains loot items that will be revealed when brushed. The specific items contained within the suspicious gravel block are also determined by where it naturally generates in the game world.

Minecraft Suspicious Gravel
Suspicious gravel

Just like suspicious sand, players in Minecraft will generally be unable to break the block to collect it. However, it can be obtained by allowing it to fall from a height of 30 blocks, passing through two vertically stacked cobweb blocks, or landing on a bubble column. Otherwise, players will need to use commands or switch to Creative Mode to acquire the block.

Suspicious gravel can be found in Minecraft's cold temperature ocean ruins structures, as well as the newly introduced trail ruins structures in the 1.20 update. Brushing the suspicious gravel will cause the loot to be revealed and transform the block back into an ordinary gravel block.

In contrast to suspicious sand blocks, suspicious gravel blocks found within trail ruins have two distinct loot tables in Minecraft 1.20. Depending on the specific block that is brushed, common or rare items may pop out, each offering different types of loot.

Items found in suspicious gravel (Cold Ocean Ruins)

  • Coal
  • Emeralds
  • Wheat
  • Wooden Hoes
  • Gold Nuggets
  • Blade Pottery Sherds
  • Explorer Pottery Sherds
  • Mourner Pottery Sherds
  • Plenty Pottery Sherds
  • Iron Axes

Items found in suspicious gravel (Trail Ruins - Rare)

  • Burn Pottery Sherds
  • Danger Pottery Sherds
  • Relic Music Discs
  • Friend Pottery Shards
  • Heart Pottery Sherds
  • Heartbreak Pottery Sherds
  • Host Armor Trim Smithing Templates
  • Howl Pottery Sherds
  • Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Templates
  • Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Templates
  • Sheaf Pottery Sherds
  • Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Templates

Items found in suspicious gravel (Trail Ruins - Common)

  • Blue Dye
  • Bricks
  • Brown Candles
  • Emeralds
  • Green Candles
  • Light Blue Dye
  • Orange Dye
  • Purple Candles
  • Red Candles
  • Wheat
  • White Dye
  • Wooden Hoes
  • Yellow Dye
  • Beetroot Seeds
  • Blue Stained Glass Panes
  • Coal
  • Dead Bushes
  • Flower Pots
  • Leads
  • Light Blue Stained Glass Panes
  • Magenta Stained Glass Panes
  • Oak Hanging Signs
  • Pink Stained Glass Panes
  • Purple Stained Glass Panes
  • Red Stained Glass Panes
  • Spruce Hanging Signs
  • String
  • Wheat Seeds
  • Yellow Stained Glass Panes
  • Gold Nuggets

There is a possibility that Minecraft will introduce additional functionalities and loot associated with suspicious sand and gravel blocks in the future. While Mojang has not made any official announcements regarding this, considering that archeology is a recently introduced feature in the widely enjoyed sandbox game, it is likely that it will receive further advancements and expansions in the coming updates.

>>> Read more: Complete Guide To Use All Village Mechanics In Minecraft

<![CDATA[Complete Guide To Use All Village Mechanics In Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/complete-guide-to-use-all-village-mechanics-in-minecraft-22370 Thu, 08 Jun 2023 09:23:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/complete-guide-to-use-all-village-mechanics-in-minecraft-22370
There are a lot of hidden mechanics involving villages in Minecraft that players can take advantage.]]>

A village is a collection or arrangement of buildings and various constructions that occur organically in the Overworld. It serves as a home for villagers, who are the residents, along with people, cats as companions, iron golems for protection, passive livestock animals for farming, occasional zombie villagers, and wandering traders accompanied by their trader llamas. The village provides the player with valuable resources that can be acquired through trading, loot chests, and other materials discovered within the village. However, villages are also vulnerable to raid attacks initiated by illagers when a player enters a village with the Bad Omen effect.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase a complete list of all Village mechanics in Minecraft.

1. Village gathering site

A gathering site in a village is where villagers spend their social time during the day, and it can be located anywhere in the village, not necessarily at the center. These sites are identified by the presence of claimed bells. When a bell is claimed, it emits green particles and becomes recognized as a gathering site.

Minecraft Bell 1
Village gathering site

During a raid, a villager goes to the gathering sites and rings the bell to alert other villagers.

By adding a bell, a new potential gathering site is established, even if the village already has one. Villagers remember their designated gathering site and gather there during their social time, even if another site is closer in proximity. However, new or unregistered villagers may choose to use the newly added site.

If the player is within a range of 48 blocks from a bell, regardless of whether it is claimed or not, when a wandering trader is being spawned, the trader will appear within 48 blocks of the bell instead of the player.

2. Housing

A "house" is determined by a bed that has been claimed by a villager. However, if the bed is blocked by a solid object, villagers are unable to reach it and therefore cannot claim it. In the Java Edition of the game, this leads to the emission of anger particles from the villager's head and the bed itself. If a villager manages to sleep in a blocked bed, they will suffocate and die, leaving the bed unclaimed.

Cat Lying On The Bed
Minecraft bed

Once a villager has claimed a bed, that specific bed becomes recognized as their house within the village. This applies specifically to the Bedrock Edition of the game. The villager remembers the location of their bed, even if it is underground. During the evening, villagers return to their beds. However, if a villager is unable to access their bed and loses ownership of it, other villagers can claim it. In such cases, the previous owner forgets the location of the bed and begins searching for another unclaimed bed.

3. Job site

Naturally occurring villagers in the game can spawn as either unemployed or, in the Bedrock Edition, as nitwits. The unemployed villagers have the ability to change their profession by searching for and claiming an unclaimed job site block.

Enchanting Table
Job site block

In naturally generated villages, there are two main types of buildings: houses (any building with beds) and job sites (buildings with job site blocks). Villagers do not spawn in job site buildings. Consequently, if a naturally generated village consists solely of job site buildings, no villagers will spawn, and in the Bedrock Edition, these structures are not registered as villages.

Employed villagers dedicate their time to work at their assigned job site block, beginning in the morning. Unemployed villagers, nitwits, and baby villagers do not have job site blocks and therefore do not engage in any work. Once a villager selects a job site block, they remember its location. They go to work in the morning, socialize at their gathering point, and then return to work in the afternoon.

4. Cats

In the Java Edition of the game, cats are generated near players who are in or near villages. A random position is selected close to the player, and a cat is spawned if that position falls within a 5x5x5 cube in the subchunk around the center of a village, and if it is within 48 blocks of at least 4 claimed beds. Additionally, there must be fewer than 5 cats within a box measuring 97x17x97 and centered around the spawn position.

Cats On Chest Minecraft

Cats spawned in this manner may disappear if they are not tamed.

In the Bedrock Edition, the number of cats spawned in a village is determined by the number of beds present in that village. Only one villager is required for cats to spawn, and one cat can be generated for every four beds, whether claimed or unclaimed. A maximum of 10 cats can be present if there are up to 40 beds in the village. Cats will respawn based on the number of beds available.

If there are two villages, each already having 10 cats, merging the villages into a single village does not cause any cats to disappear. However, the total number of cats remains capped at 10, meaning no new cats will spawn until the number of cats falls below 10.

The player has the ability to drive cats out of the village, which allows for additional cats to spawn.

5. Iron golems

Iron Golem
Iron golems

In the Java Edition of the game, iron golems are created when villagers engage in specific behaviors. The requirements for their spawning are as follows:

  • The villager must be either gossiping with another villager or panicking.
  • The villager should not have recently encountered an iron golem.
  • The villager must have slept within the past day.
  • There should be at least 5 villagers (or 3 if panicking) within a 10-block radius who meet the aforementioned requirements, excluding the first one.
  • The randomly chosen location for spawning the iron golem must not be obstructed by air or any liquid that blocks light.
  • The selection of a random location is attempted 10 times within 16 blocks of the villager, and an additional attempt is made from 6 blocks above the chosen x and z coordinates, extending 6 blocks below it.

In the Bedrock Edition, iron golems are spawned in villages that satisfy the following conditions:

  • The village must have a minimum of 20 beds and at least 10 villagers within a 16x6x16 volume centered around the village's core.
  • 75% of the villagers must have engaged in work activities during the previous day.
  • All villagers must be associated with a bed.
  • A player needs to be within a horizontal range of 80 blocks from the village and within a vertical range of 44 blocks.
  • On average, a spawn attempt is made every 35 seconds, and an iron golem can spawn if the 2x4x2 space above the spawn point contains only non-solid blocks and the spawn block itself is solid.

>>> Read more: How To Farm Dripstone In Minecraft 1.20

<![CDATA[5 Rarest Armor Trims In Minecraft 1.20 Update]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/5-rarest-armor-trims-in-minecraft-1-20-update-22404 Thu, 08 Jun 2023 02:01:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/5-rarest-armor-trims-in-minecraft-1-20-update-22404
Some Minecraft armor trims are very hard to find - players might need to spend a lot of time to look for them due to the low spawn rate.]]>

Armor trims have recently been introduced to Minecraft as part of the latest 1.20 update called Trails and Tales. These trims offer players the opportunity to add unique patterns to their armor, giving them a personalized touch. They can be discovered throughout the Minecraft world, including as drops from chests and enemies, although their appearance is not guaranteed. Instead, each trim has a specific probability of appearing, resulting in some being more elusive than others. With nearly a dozen armor trims available, let's examine the most uncommon ones that players may come across in the game.

1. Silence

Silence, without a doubt, stands as the most uncommon armor trim in the game, boasting a mere 1.2% chance of spawning. Similar to the Ward armor trim, Silence can be found in Ancient Cities located within the Deep Dark biome. However, it's important to note that this particular realm exclusively generates underground, making it somewhat challenging to locate. Due to the hazardous nature of the environment, characterized by darkness and the presence of the formidable Warden, players should approach the search for this trim with utmost care.

Ancient City Secret Redstone Room
Ancient City Secret Redstone Room

2. Host and Raiser

Discovering two armor trims in a single location may appear improbable, but both the Host and Raiser originate from the same origin. To obtain these trims, players need to brush suspicious Gravel Blocks found within Trail Ruins. These ruins serve as archaeological excavation sites that offer players the opportunity to unearth various treasures and artifacts, shedding light on Minecraft's history.

I Excavated One Of The New Trail Ruins Mined Out A
Trail Ruins

While the Java edition of the game grants an 8.3% chance of obtaining each trim, acquiring them in the Bedrock Edition (designed for consoles and smartphones) proves considerably more challenging. In this version, both the Host and Raiser have a significantly reduced drop chance of 1.8%.

3. Ward

The drop location of the Ward armor trim can be easily deduced from its name. For those unfamiliar, it can be acquired within the Deep Dark biome, known for harboring menacing creatures known as Wardens. Specifically, these formidable monsters can be found in the Ancient Cities situated in the depths of the Deep Dark. It is within these cities that players will discover a chest containing the coveted Ward trim, albeit with a meager 5% chance of obtaining it.

The Warden Ancient City Centre Monument
Ancient City

4. Spire

The Spire armor trim, much like the Rib trim, can be discovered within fortresses known as End Cities. The End, an alternate dimension inhabited by peculiar beings known as Endermen, is the unsettling realm that accommodates these enigmatic castles and entities. Accessing this eerie dimension is made possible by utilizing the End Portal. Similar to the Rib trim, the Spire armor trim also boasts a 6.7% chance of spawning.

Minecraft End City
Minecraft End City

5. Rib

The Rib armor trim is located within the Nether dimension, which players can enter by constructing a Nether portal. Once in this dimension, the trim can be discovered in chests that randomly appear within castle-like areas scattered throughout the region.

Nether Fortress Minecraft Min 8ba7
Nether Fortress

With a 6.7% drop chance, the Rib trim can also be obtained from chests found within Nether Fortresses. However, it's essential to be aware that Nether fortresses are populated by hostile mobs such as Blazes and Skeletons. As a result, players should ensure they are adequately equipped before venturing forth to conquer these fortresses.

How to use armor trims in Minecraft 1.20

At the moment there are eleven unique armor trims in Minecraft. Each of them can be painted with 9 different colors, and since there are 5 armor materials in the game, players can create over 400k unique combinations.

Minecraft Armor Trims All
Players can duplicate armor trims fairly easily as long as they found them.

Firstly, you will need to collect armor trim smithing templates in the game. They spawn throughout the world of Minecraft inside the treasure chest of various in-game structures. While most of those structures are in the overworld, the Nether and the End also have some unique armor trimmings. To get these items, players should check out Gurugamer's dedicated guide for all armor trim locations in Minecraft.


You need the following items to trim and customize your armor in Minecraft 1.20:

  • Smithing Table
  • Pieces of Armor (Helmet, chest plate, leggings, and boots)
  • 4 Armor Trims (1 for each piece of armor)
  • Color Materials. You can use several different materials, including iron, copper, gold, lapis lazuli, emerald, diamond, netherite, redstone, amethyst, and quartz. Just make sure your armor is not made of the same material that you are using to color its trim, which would make the trimmings blend into the armor.

How to add trimmings to armor

Place a smithing table then use it. Place the armor trim smithing template into the leftmost cell, the armor you want to customize in the middle cell and a piece of color material in the third cell.

Customise Armor In Minecraft With Trim
Adding armor trimmings

>>> Read more: Complete Guide To Use All Village Mechanics In Minecraft

<![CDATA[How To Defend Your Village From A Raid In Minecraft 1.20]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-defend-your-village-from-a-raid-in-minecraft-1-20-22311 Thu, 08 Jun 2023 01:11:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-defend-your-village-from-a-raid-in-minecraft-1-20-22311
A raid is an in-game event in which waves of various mobs, mainly illagers, spawn and attack a village. It is one of the most challenging events in the game.]]>

Raids are occurrences where pillagers, vindicators, ravagers, and evokers (capable of summoning vexes) launch an invasion on a village with the intent of eliminating as many villagers as they can.

If you're playing Java Edition and facing the challenge of a high-level raid on hard difficulty, it's important to carefully consider your decision before diving in, especially if you lack confidence in your abilities. Even with powerful enchanted netherite equipment, the absence of proper tactics, skills, and necessary potions can result in your demise. While Bedrock Edition typically poses less of a concern due to its older combat system, it's still important to note that there is still a significant level of risk involved.

1. Item Preparation

Having the right equipment is crucial for initiating a raid, as it significantly enhances your chances of survival and achieving victory. When it comes to armor, it's recommended to obtain Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending, and Feather Falling IV. For your sword, aim for Sweeping Edge III, Sharpness V, Fire Aspect II, Unbreaking III, and Mending. Similarly, for the bow, prioritize enchantments such as Infinity, Power V, Flame, Punch II, and Unbreaking III. As for the axe, Efficiency V, Sharpness V, Unbreaking III, and Mending are ideal choices.

Players need good equips for high level raids.

Additional weapons that can prove useful include a crossbow enchanted with Quick Charge III, Piercing IV or Multishot, Unbreaking III, and Mending. A trident enchanted with Riptide III, Unbreaking III, and Mending can also be advantageous. Additionally, a shield enchanted with Unbreaking III and Mending is recommended, serving as a viable substitute for a totem during your initial raid attempts. It's important to note that shields become temporarily disabled when struck by a vindicator's axe for 5 seconds, so be prepared to retreat when your shield is down.

To further aid your efforts, keeping a supply of totems can prove beneficial in sticky situations, while potions can provide advantageous effects for your character.

Healing items like Food, Potions and Enchanted Apples are also a must-have.

2. Preparing the village

Before the raid starts, a good idea is to prepare the village before the raiders attack. There are multiple ways to do so:

Walling off the village

An effective approach is to create a protective barrier around the village by constructing a solid wall using sturdy materials like cobblestone or wood. By utilizing solid blocks, such as these, raiders will be unable to breach the wall, leaving them stranded as they attempt to navigate around it. Once the village is securely walled off, you can employ ladders to ascend the wall and engage the raiders from a distance using a bow. Alternatively, you have the option to use walls or fences to enclose and safeguard the village. It's important to remain vigilant, however, as pillagers can still launch projectiles, and evokers have the ability to summon fangs or vexes to target both the villagers and iron golems.

Best Minecraft Village
Building a wall would prevent all the melee mobs from attacking.

Setting traps

After successfully enclosing your village, you have the opportunity to set up various traps beyond the perimeter to inflict damage on the raiders. Deploying traps such as lava and cobweb can impede the raiders' progress and cause harm to them, while iron golems can swiftly eliminate them. Creating holes along the outer edges of the wall can serve as effective traps, preventing the raiders from advancing any further. Additionally, incorporating a moat filled with water, lava, or a deep ditch can be beneficial. Raiders are unable to walk off edges, so constructing steps leading down into the hole will entice them to pathfind into it, effectively trapping them. To enhance the damage dealt, you can consider adding elements such as magma, lava, wither roses, or sweet berries.

Trapdoor Drawbridge
Trapdoors like this are useful in dealing with raid mobs.

In the case of a desert village, it is advisable to gather all the nearby cacti and strategically place them at key locations around the village, ensuring they are at a height of 2-3 blocks. It's worth noting that ravagers in the raid are unable to destroy the cacti, providing an additional defensive measure.

Blocking villager doorways

An incredibly effective tactic is to barricade the entrances to the houses where the villagers reside. By doing so, you can ensure that raiders (except Vexes) are unable to reach the villagers inside, effectively safeguarding them while you focus on dealing with the raiders. To facilitate getting the villagers into their houses initially, ringing a bell can serve as a simple method. Additionally, it can be advantageous to have some villagers concealed underground. If possible, consider setting up a dispenser that can splash them with invisibility, further enhancing their protection.

In the case of a raid taking place in a desert village, it is advisable to block the windows as well, regardless of their height. Unlike other village house types, desert village houses generally lack windows that can be covered, except for a small slit in some cases or a taller window if a potted cactus is present. Taking measures to block these openings is important to ensure the villagers' safety during the raid.

Ringing the bell to get all villagers back into their houses

When the raid bar begins to generate, it is recommended to ring the bell multiple times to alert the villagers. This way, any villagers who may have missed the initial bell sound will have the opportunity to safely retreat back into their houses. It is crucial to promptly seal the doors (or windows, specifically in a desert village) to prevent raid mobs from opening the doors or launching attacks through the windows. This defensive measure helps ensure the villagers' protection during the raid.

Iron Golems

Construct a substantial number of iron golems to aid you in defeating the raid, safeguarding the village, and providing assistance during battles. These golems can serve as a diversion, drawing the attention of raiders and allowing you to focus on eliminating the illagers while they are preoccupied with the golems. It is important to note that accidentally shooting the golems is not a concern since they are not hostile towards players, unless you have cheats enabled and intentionally summoned aggressive iron golems. However, it is still advisable to avoid hitting or shooting the golems excessively, as they can lose health if you use a powerful weapon. To support their well-being, you can throw healing splash potions or regeneration potions at them or utilize iron ingots to heal them after the raid.

Iron Golem
Iron Golems are villagers' biggest ally.

If you sustain injuries during the raid, it is recommended to swiftly locate your iron golem(s) and toss a splash potion of healing at your feet. This action will restore health to both you and the iron golem, with only one potion required.

In the event that you accidentally strike a naturally spawned iron golem (or one you summoned) and it retaliates, you can divert its attention by directing it towards the raid mobs. Utilize this opportunity to calm down the iron golem by either keeping a distance from it for a minute or temporarily switching your game mode to creative and then back to survival.

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<![CDATA[Minecraft 1.20 Update: 5 Best Mining Levels For Ores]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-1-20-update-5-best-mining-levels-for-ores-22401 Thu, 08 Jun 2023 00:58:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-1-20-update-5-best-mining-levels-for-ores-22401
The mines and caverns below the Overworld are filled with numerous ore blocks, all waiting to be mined and plucked away to smelt down and create gear like weapons, tools, and other items.]]>

The primary focus of the Minecraft 1.20 update is enhancing decoration and customization features. It introduces the option to "trim" armor sets and includes various vibrant and artistic blocks. Nonetheless, ores remain crucial as they are necessary for crafting armor sets and numerous other items within the game. The underground mines and caverns in the Overworld are abundant with different types of ore blocks, awaiting mining and extraction for smelting purposes. This process enables the creation of gear such as weapons, tools, and various other items.

Each ore in Minecraft is typically found at a specific height, which provides players with a general area to explore when searching for them. However, due to modifications in world generation and ore distribution in the Caves and Cliffs part 2 update, some players might encounter difficulties in locating certain ores.

1. Diamonds (Y=-59)

Despite Netherite being acknowledged as the most powerful and long-lasting material in Minecraft, it is exceptionally scarce. Therefore, the title of the best overall ore in Minecraft still belongs to diamond ore. Diamonds can be discovered within the Y coordinate range of -63 to -14.

Minecraft Diamonds How To Find Diamonds Header

Similar to redstone, the abundance of diamonds increases as you venture deeper into the Overworld. It is advisable to be vigilant while exploring the deepest sections of cave systems. Since the lowest layers are predominantly bedrock, mining at the highest non-bedrock level (Y level -59) proves to be the most lucrative method for obtaining diamonds.

Prior to embarking on an extensive mining expedition, it is advisable for players to acquire multiple pickaxes and carry them along. Pickaxes below the diamond tier are prone to wearing out quickly during prolonged mining activities.

While a stone pickaxe suffices for the initial stages of the game, players should aim to obtain iron pickaxes as soon as possible since they meet the minimum requirements for mining diamonds.

Furthermore, players should prioritize obtaining the "Fortune" enchantment for their pickaxes at an early stage. This enchantment significantly boosts the quantity of ores collected during each mining excursion. In the absence of Fortune, consider utilizing Silk Touch to gather valuable ore blocks and store them until the Fortune enchantment becomes available.

2. Iron (Y=15)

Iron holds immense significance within the realm of Minecraft, with many considering it the most crucial ore in the game. This is primarily due to its widespread utilization, second only to coal. Iron serves as a fundamental component in crafting a vast array of essential items, including armor, weapons, tools, and buckets. It boasts accessibility and a commendable level of durability.

Iron Trapdoor Recipe

In the Overworld's cave system, iron ore generates in three distinct clusters. The initial cluster forms between Y levels 54 and -24, with the most lucrative range being Y level 15.

The second cluster evenly spawns within the range of 64 to -63. As both clusters overlap, Y level 15 proves to be the optimal choice for mining in both cases.

The third cluster emerges between Y levels 319 and 80. However, unless you are mining within a mountainous region, it is unlikely to yield a substantial abundance of iron.

Apart from these three clusters, iron ore also manifests in the form of expansive ore veins located below Y level 0. These veins encompass significant areas teeming with iron ore intertwined with tuff and raw iron blocks. Some of the most extensive iron ore veins have been known to contain up to 2000 ore blocks.

3. Lapis Lazuli (Y=-1)

Lapis Lazuli, a rare ore with a distinct blue hue, holds a crucial role in the enchanting process within Minecraft. Enchanting is essentially impossible without this ore, making it essential for players' progression in the game's survival mode.

Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli ore is found within the Y coordinate range of -32 to 30, with the highest occurrence observed at Y level -1. However, mining at this level means that the ore is completely surrounded by other layers and lacks direct exposure to air. Consequently, players must extract it from between these layers.

This mining scenario also entails that the entire mining area will be covered with deepslate, which is notoriously challenging to mine as it takes twice as long to break compared to regular stone. Another batch of Lapis Lazuli generates between Y levels -64 and 64. Nevertheless, the most profitable level for mining this ore remains at Y level -1.

4. Coal (Y=136)

Coal holds significant importance as a resource in Minecraft, particularly during the early stages of the game. It enables players to smelt ores, cook food, and craft torches, making it a valuable asset. Its efficiency as a fuel source makes it viable throughout various stages of the game.

Charcoal Vs Coal Minecraft1

In the Overworld, coal generates in two distinct clusters. The first batch appears within the Y coordinate range of 0 to 190, while the second batch emerges between Y levels 136 and 256. These two clusters overlap at Y level 136, rendering it the most advantageous level for mining coal in Minecraft 1.20.

5. Redstone (Y=-58 and -59)

Redstone holds significant importance as an ore in Minecraft, although its utility is quite specific. However, for players who master its intricacies, redstone can serve as a game-changing tool, greatly facilitating their gameplay experience. Finding redstone can be challenging since it predominantly spawns at lower depths within Minecraft's underground cave system.

Mining Minecraft Redstone

Fortunately, redstone generates in two distinct clusters. The first cluster follows an even pattern of generation and can be located between Y levels 15 and -63. The second cluster extends from Y levels -32 to -63, progressively expanding as you delve deeper. Consequently, the largest concentration of redstone ore is typically found at Y level -63.

Nevertheless, the deepest layers of the Overworld are obstructed by bedrock, rendering efficient mining impossible. Therefore, the most advantageous levels for obtaining redstone in Minecraft 1.20 are Y levels -58 and -59.

>>> Read more: Top 3 Best Minecraft Tower Defense Servers (2023)

<![CDATA[Top 6 Best Minecraft 1.20 Seeds To Try Out New Features]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-6-best-minecraft-1-20-seeds-to-try-out-22397 Wed, 07 Jun 2023 02:32:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-6-best-minecraft-1-20-seeds-to-try-out-22397
If you want to explore the new features of the 1.20 update as soon as it comes out, booting up one of these seeds is the fastest way.]]>

Minecraft is an open-ended game where players can freely shape and explore a block-based world. It offers countless possibilities for world generation, allowing players to modify and personalize their surroundings. Each world is distinctive and possesses its own charm, but occasionally, there are extraordinary worlds that immediately captivate us. These exceptional worlds showcase astonishing terrain formations that seem impossible or hilarious structure creations that bring us joy. This article showcases a collection of the most awe-inspiring Minecraft 1.20 seeds we encountered while venturing through the game.

1. Stunning Bamboo Jungle Spawn

This Minecraft 1.20 seed offers an incredible experience, starting with a small island near the captivating Windswept Savanna biome. The presence of jungle biomes allows immediate access to the new bamboo wood set, enabling crafting and building right from the beginning. The towering mountain provides a stunning backdrop for your creations and an excellent location for your Minecraft house. Additionally, a secluded beach within the dense jungle serves as a perfect spot to construct a beautiful sanctuary for the turtles.

1 20 Java Seed One
Stunning Bamboo Jungle Spawn

The jungle holds a few hidden temples that might contain the newly added Wild Armor Trims in Minecraft 1.20, so it's worth exploring them. Moreover, if you venture south from the spawn point, you'll encounter a desert roughly 700 blocks away. Here, local villages offer camels and opportunities to acquire other armor trims and the Sniffer Egg in the warm ocean nearby. Not too far from your starting point, you'll also discover the enchanting cherry grove biome, expanding the endless possibilities for construction and creativity.

  • Seed Code: 8061
  • Spawn Biome: Sparse Jungle
  • Coordinates for the Cherry Grove Biome: X: 920, Z: 0
  • Coordinates for the Jungle Temple: X: 536, Z: 296
  • Coordinates for the Desert Village: X: 600, Z: 1,250

2. Too Many Structures Near Spawn

If your aim in Minecraft 1.20 is to explore and gather armor trims, then this seed is tailor-made for you. Upon spawning, you'll find yourself in a forest, with a conveniently located village just to the north to assist you in getting started. In close proximity, there is a desert that presents numerous opportunities to uncover structures such as desert pyramids and pillager outposts, where you can obtain armor trims. Additionally, you'll have the chance to encounter the new camel mob.

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Too Many Structures Near Spawn

Adjacent ocean biomes are rich in shipwrecks, offering ample opportunities to acquire the Coast Armor Trims. Furthermore, you'll have the opportunity to engage in battles against Elder Guardians, enabling you to amass a supply of the Tide Armor Trims. Not far away, there is a sizable dark forest, within which the illagers have constructed their mansion. This provides even more possibilities for discovering armor trims and totems of undying.

  • Seed Code: 46546761360
  • Spawn Biome: Forest
  • Coordinates for the Plains Village: X: 15 Z: -250
  • Coordinates for the Desert Village: X: -720 Z: 100
  • Coordinates for the Woodland Mansion: X: 130 Z: 580
  • Coordinates for the Desert Pyramid: X: -950 Z: -250

3. Giant Cherry Grove & Snow Biomes

True to its name, this Minecraft 1.20 seed offers an extraordinary abundance of expansive surface and underground biomes surrounding your spawn point. Positioned at the heart of a cherry grove biome and mountain biomes, including snowy slopes, frozen peaks, and grove, your starting location presents a picturesque environment with pink blocks and flat terrain, ideal for building. The majestic mountains serve as a stunning backdrop to your creations. Moreover, a conveniently located village awaits you nearby, providing a helpful starting point.

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Giant Cherry Grove & Snow Biomes

However, the wonders of this seed extend far beyond the surface. Beneath the breathtaking beauty, an enormous dripstone cave system sprawls. While these caves may pose challenges to navigate, the rewards awaiting explorers make the journey worthwhile. Speaking of rewards, there is more to discover. Descending even further, near the bedrock level, lies an immense deep dark biome. Interestingly, the ancient city is generated directly beneath your spawn point, offering a starting point for those seeking the tranquility of the epic silence or the coveted ward armor trims.

  • Seed Code: 65434353559200
  • Spawn Biome: Cherry Grove
  • Coordinates for the Village: X: 30 Z: 110
  • Coordinates for the Ancient City: X: 50 Z: -50

4. Ultimate Minecraft 1.20 Camel Seed

For all the enthusiasts of camels in Minecraft, this seed for version 1.20 is tailor-made. Upon spawning, you'll find yourself at the epicenter of three desert villages. These villages not only offer a convenient source of food but also provide a means of safe and efficient transportation. However, since camels require a saddle in Minecraft, it might be a good idea to unlock the leatherworker villager job early on or embark on a quest to discover local structures where saddles may be found.

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Minecraft 1.20 Camel Seed
  • Seed Code: 6516547870636750
  • Spawn Biome: Desert
  • Coordinates for the Desert Villages: First: X: -150 Z: 30, Second: X: 30 Z: 50, Third: X: 0 Z: -150

5. Massive Exposed Dripstone Cave Underneath a Cherry Grove Hill

In Minecraft 1.20, this seed will place you on a survival island as you spawn. Fortunately, the island is abundant with trees, allowing you to gather wood and create a boat to venture forth. As you set sail and head north, your perseverance will be rewarded with a breathtaking landscape. At the pinnacle, you'll encounter a sizable hill within a cherry grove biome, providing a visually stunning sight. However, the wonders continue below the surface, as a vast and seemingly endless dripstone cave awaits, complete with an abandoned mineshaft, adding to the excitement of exploration.

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Exposed Dripstone Cave
  • Seed Code: 2725214931529352700
  • Spawn Biome: Flower Forest
  • Coordinates for the Cherry Grove and Dripstone Cave: X: 60 Z: -500

6. Ultimate Minecraft 1.20 Sniffer Egg Seed

For Minecraft 1.20 players eager to interact with the new and intriguing Sniffer mob, this seed is an excellent choice. Obtaining a Sniffer Egg, which is exclusive to warm oceans, can sometimes be a challenge. However, this seed offers a substantial warm ocean just north of your initial position, simplifying the task.

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Ultimate Minecraft 1.20 Sniffer Egg Seed

Furthermore, the warm ocean in this seed is exceptionally unique as it contains numerous clustered ocean ruins. These ruins have the potential to generate with one or more huts, making this occurrence quite rare. By carefully investigating these ruins, sifting through suspicious sand and gravel, you are bound to discover at least a couple of Sniffer Eggs along with other intriguing items to bring back home.

  • Seed Code: 14912264
  • Spawn Biome: Savanna
  • Coordinates for the Large Warm Ocean Ruins: First: X: 55 Z: -820, Second: X: -230 Z: -1,110, Third: X: -530 Z: -1200, Fourth: X: -600 Z: -1,450, Fifth: X: -260 Z: -1,530

>>> Read more: 8 New Features You Cannot Miss In The Minecraft 1.20 Update

<![CDATA[Top 3 Best Minecraft Tower Defense Servers (2023)]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-3-best-minecraft-tower-defense-servers-22396 Wed, 07 Jun 2023 01:15:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-3-best-minecraft-tower-defense-servers-22396
Tower defense games are strategy games where players stop or slow an enemy by placing obstacles with offensive capabilities on the battlefield. Players can emulate it in Minecraft.]]>

A Minecraft server functions as a virtual gaming world that enables players to engage with individuals from various parts of the globe. Users have the option to establish their personal servers on their computers or utilize a hosting service to ensure consistent operation on dedicated machines. As a result, Minecraft offers a plethora of diverse and captivating game modes.

One well-liked game mode known as Tower Defense derives from the popular game "Bloons Tower Defense." Its objective involves strategically placing weapons and defense lines to protect against incoming threats within the Minecraft universe. This article will present the top three most exceptional Tower Defense servers available in Minecraft.

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Minecraft Tower Defense can be a fairly interactive and exciteing map.

1. Advancius Network

  • IP address: mc.advancius.net
  • Average player count: 100 - 500

Advancius Network serves as a Minecraft server that presents a range of captivating game modes, including Tower Defense. Their rendition of the Tower Defense game mode offers a distinct approach to the classic gameplay. Participants are tasked with constructing and upgrading towers to safeguard their base against successive waves of adversaries. Moreover, players have the opportunity to engage in a battle mode against other individuals. In addition to Tower Defense, Advancius Network offers a diverse selection of maps and game modes to ensure player involvement and enjoyment.

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Advancius Network

Advancius Network stands out as a popular and entertaining Minecraft server specializing in Tower Defense. The server boasts an assortment of engaging mini-games, custom plugins, and a friendly community of players. Among the custom mini-games available are Hide and Seek, Build Battle, and Party Games. Furthermore, the server incorporates a wide array of custom plugins that enhance the overall gaming experience by introducing unique items, mobs, and blocks. The active in-game chat feature allows players to communicate with one another, facilitating discussions about strategies for conquering the challenges presented by Tower Defense or any other game mode featured on the server.

On Advancius Network, participants have the opportunity to join teams and construct towers to protect their base from relentless waves of monsters. The game also encompasses a diverse range of distinctive mobs, power-ups, and special abilities. Individuals seeking an action-packed Tower Defense server should not hesitate to join today!

2. Yeggs

  • IP address: yeg.gs
  • Average player count: 10 - 50

Yeggs represents a Minecraft server that has assembled a dedicated team of developers to refine its Tower Defense gameplay. It presents an assortment of diverse maps and game modes, each encompassing its own set of distinctive challenges. Participants are required to construct and enhance towers in order to protect their base against successive waves of enemies.

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This server boasts an exceptionally unique feature, incorporating a fascinating system to combat the incoming mobs. It leverages skeletons and mobs such as blazes to confront any approaching threats. The spectacle is truly remarkable and often generates high levels of excitement, particularly when tackling difficult levels.

Yeggs is also recognized for its unconventional approach of employing TNT carts instead of hostile mobs, providing an interesting twist to the game mode. The evident investment of countless hours in crafting this game is evident, as it continues to captivate players without losing its appeal.

While the player count on this server may be relatively low, it undeniably stands out and deserves greater recognition. However, this low player count proves advantageous, as it allows the server to operate smoothly with minimal to no lag. Lag can be highly bothersome in a game mode where split-second timing holds great significance, thus making Yeggs an outstanding choice for a Minecraft server.

3. MoxMC

  • IP address: moxmc.net
  • Average player count: 500 - 2,500

MoxMC stands out as a Minecraft server that presents a diverse range of game modes, including Tower Defense. Its Tower Defense game mode, known as Tower Wars, follows a classic-style approach. Participants are tasked with constructing and enhancing towers to safeguard their base against successive waves of enemies. MoxMC introduces a twist to the traditional gameplay by granting players the ability to personally control their towers and engage in shooting at the incoming foes.

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With a presence in the Minecraft server scene since 2014, MoxMC has established itself as one of the original and reputable servers. It has garnered a strong reputation for many of its exceptional offerings. The server boasts a thriving community of players, providing ample opportunities for individuals seeking to engage in team-based gameplay alongside friends or other online participants.

Moreover, the server features Tower Defense Wars, where players can engage in head-to-head battles against one another with the objective of outlasting their opponent. Similar to the game it draws inspiration from, players can deploy mobs to attack the adversary's base while simultaneously defending their own. Overall, MoxMC proves to be an outstanding choice for those seeking a remarkable and fun Tower Defense experience.

>>> Read more: 8 New Features You Cannot Miss In The Minecraft 1.20 Update

<![CDATA[How To Find And Duplicate Netherite Upgrade Templates In Minecraft 1.20]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-find-and-duplicate-netherite-upgrade-templates-in-minecraft-1-20-22390 Tue, 06 Jun 2023 02:31:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-find-and-duplicate-netherite-upgrade-templates-in-minecraft-1-20-22390
The best gear in the vanilla game shouldn't be incredibly easy to obtain. Players will need a lot of resources to create Netherite gears now.]]>

Netherite gear is widely regarded as the best quality equipment in Minecraft, and many players actively pursue it. In response to this, Mojang has made a significant change to the way netherite gear is obtained in the upcoming 1.20 update, also known as Trails & Tales.

In previous Minecraft versions, players could easily acquire netherite tools, weapons, and armor by combining a netherite ingot with a diamond gear on a smithing table. However, the Trails & Tales update introduces a slightly more intricate process by introducing a specific smithing template item.

The Netherite Upgrade Smithing Templates can only be found within a single in-game structure in Survival Mode, making the acquisition of netherite gear somewhat more challenging.

Netherite Upgrade Templates

1. How to find Netherite Upgrade Smithing Templates

Starting from Minecraft 1.20, players can obtain Netherite Upgrade Smithing Templates exclusively through looting bastion remnant structures, without resorting to commands or Creative Mode. These structures, located in the Nether, serve as large fortresses and are inhabited by piglins, some of which are hostile towards players even if they are wearing gold.

Within bastion remnants, these smithing templates have a 10% chance of appearing in chests, except for the treasure room. However, in the treasure room's loot chests, players are guaranteed to find a Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template every time.

2. How to Find and Beat a Bastion Remnant in Minecraft

A Bastion Remnant in Minecraft looks like a large dark tower made out of blackstone (and blackstone variations). It can be found in the Nether dimension in the Nether Wastes, Soul Sand Valley, Warped Forest and Crimson Forest biomes.

Minecraft Bastion Remnant
You need iron tier or above gear to fight the bastion remnant in Minecraft.

What to prepare?

  • Iron armor or above, with at least one piece of golden armor to avoid drawing piglins aggro. Piglin brutes will still attack you, however.
  • Sword and tool of iron tier and above, enchanted with sharpness.
  • Food for healing and Shield to avoid taking damage.
  • Bring some logs and/or planks to craft boats, which will be very useful against piglin brutes and melee piglins
  • Bow and arrows
  • Fire resistance potions

Deal with the mobs

  • Hoglins

They are not dangerous as long as players avoid getting knock into lava.

  • Magma cubes

They come from spawners hanging from chains over lava. While you can destroy the spawners, it is better to leave them so that you can create a magma cubes farm. Just snipe the big magma cubes first, as they are the most dangerous. deal with the rest is much easier after taking it down.

  • Piglin Brutes

This is a very tough mob with high damage and the ability to disable shields. Avoid fighting them in melee. It is best to just create a 3 block high column then snipe them with arrows while standing on top. You can also place a boat on their path - they will get inside the boat and stuck

  • Piglins

Attacking a piglin brutes will trigger all piglins nearby to attack you, even if you are wearing gold armor. Piglins are not too strong, but they are still pretty annoying in numbers. Fighting them with both melee and range weapons are easy - just equip a shield and block when needed.

Exploring the bastion

  • To improve your strategy when navigating a bastion remnant, it is recommended to ascend to the top and progress downwards rather than the opposite direction. This approach allows you to have a better view of your surroundings and avoid potential ambushes. Additionally, it is advisable to establish a respawn area and set up a respawn anchor for added security.
  • Due to the predominant use of blackstone in the bastion remnant's construction, it can be challenging to navigate due to the monochrome environment, making it difficult to spot unexplored stairs or corridors. To mitigate this issue, it is suggested to mark your path using torches, ensuring that you can easily identify the areas you have already explored.
  • When exploring a Hoglin stable, it is wise to prioritize eliminating the Hoglins first to minimize any potential threats. Similarly, when entering a Treasure Room, it is advisable to clear out the areas above it and then proceed to fill in any surrounding lava and disable or close off the Magma Cube spawner to ensure a safer exploration experience.
Minecraft Bastion Remnant
Various locations in Minecraft Bastion Remnant

3. How to duplicate Netherite Upgrade Smithing Templates

Once Minecraft enthusiasts acquire one of these templates, the process of obtaining a complete set of netherite gear becomes clear. They simply need to combine the template with a piece of diamond gear and a netherite ingot using a smithing table block. This may raise the question among fans regarding how they can obtain a full set of netherite gear if they have to rely on looting these templates from bastion remnants.

Fortunately, Mojang has taken this into consideration in Minecraft 1.20 and introduced a feature that allows players to duplicate any existing smithing template in the game, given they have the necessary materials. To create netherite upgrades specifically, players will require seven diamonds and a block of netherrack, in addition to the template itself.

Certainly, duplicating the templates can become expensive in terms of diamond usage, but it may be a preferable option compared to Minecraft players searching through the Nether. Each cloning process generates an additional template, so players might consider keeping extra diamonds and netherrack blocks in preparation for the arrival of the 1.20 update on June 7.

In general, the changes implemented in the Trails & Tales update regarding netherite upgrades have received mixed feedback. Some fans have expressed that these modifications make netherite gear feel more valuable and deserving, given the time and effort required to obtain it. However, other players have countered this viewpoint, stating that the addition of the smithing template is more of a hassle than anything else.

>>> Read more: List Of All Illagers In Minecraft And How To Farm Them

<![CDATA[How To Build An Underwater Base In Minecraft 1.20]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-build-an-underwater-base-in-minecraft-1-20-22313 Mon, 05 Jun 2023 02:29:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-build-an-underwater-base-in-minecraft-1-20-22313
Building an underwater base in Minecraft is surely a big challenge but you will get a super cool base with great view and protection in return.]]>

Living in an underwater dwelling offers distinct advantages and disadvantages compared to other types of bases. One notable benefit of an undersea home is its immunity to explosions, as well as the difficulty most creatures face when attempting to attack it. This provides a significant level of protection and concealment. Moreover, such a base can harness conduit power, which adds to its appeal.

However, constructing an undersea habitat in survival mode comes with its own set of challenges. These include limited mobility and slower mining capabilities due to the underwater environment, the need to ensure proper breathing while working, the constant task of clearing water from the structures, and the requirement for specialized entry and exit methods in deep bases. Additionally, caution should be exercised regarding the presence of drowned creatures, which are common in oceans and sometimes wield dangerous tridents.

Underwater Base Minecraft
It's hard to build an underwater base Minecraft.

1. Breathing and moving underwater

To enhance movement and mining speed in underwater environments, players can equip a helmet enchanted with Aqua Affinity. This enchantment boosts the speed of mining underwater, with a maximum tier of 1. Additionally, the use of Depth Strider enchantment on boots can increase movement speed underwater, with a maximum tier of 3.

Bubble Column Minecraft
Bubble Columns will be really helpful while building your underwater base.

When constructing underwater structures, it is advisable to prioritize safety and simplicity. Wearing a helmet enchanted with Respiration can be beneficial, as it extends the duration one can hold their breath underwater, but it does not provide true underwater breathing. To ensure longer periods underwater, it is recommended to have Potion of Water Breathing available, with an 8-minute duration. It's important to note that even potions with a shorter duration, such as 3 minutes, can still be useful when accessing deep bases where alternative means of breathing are available.

2. Getting to the sea bottom

To create a standing area in relatively shallow waters, one can swim down and use "bubble blocks" as a foundation. From there, additional blocks can be placed to form walls and a ceiling, and a method of water clearance can be employed to complete the room.

Glass Dome
Everybody loves to build an Underwater Glass Dome to fully emerge to the ocean.

Another approach, known as the "lily pad" method, involves dropping sand from the edges of a lily pad placed on the water's surface. This creates a 3x3 column extending to the bottom. Alternatively, placing a block onto the lily pad can facilitate the sand placement process. Once a closed column of water is formed, the central block can be filled with more sand. Starting from the top, the central column of sand is then gradually excavated, while replacing at least one side with a non-falling block like dirt or wool. Ladder blocks can be placed on the non-falling block. Upon reaching the bottom, a solid wall can be dug out (without collapsing), and a door can be installed to keep water out. Alternatively, one can continue digging deeper into the seabed to create a fully submerged base.

A relatively safe method to reach the seabed is by digging down from a nearby landmass and then tunneling horizontally until reaching the desired coordinates. These coordinates can be determined by previously rowing a boat to the planned base location and noting the coordinates for reference.

3. Building the base

If your base is large in size, removing water can be done using a command block. However, if your base is small, a quicker method involves using a sponge to soak up the water. Once you have established a secure area at the bottom, construction can commence. Begin by placing a door just before a vertical wall and then dig into the rock through the doorway. It is common for the sea bed to consist of gravel for 2-3 blocks, so it is advisable to cover the gravel with solid blocks to prevent water from seeping in as you remove the gravel. Once you have created an entrance passage, you can place ladders, signs (pre-Aquatic versions), or another door, banner, or gate (all versions) inside the first door. Afterward, you can remove the first door to create a seamless entrance. You can even turn around and work backward into the water to expand your base in that direction.

Creating a base normally and dropping it in is the easiest way.

For a discreet entrance, you can dig a 1x1 shaft downwards from your safe air bubble until you reach solid rock. From there, you can continue building as desired. To avoid the risk of falling into a cave, it is recommended to stand on the border of two blocks while digging, first to the left and then to the right as you descend.

To prevent flooding in case of a disaster, it is prudent to dig down one block from the floor level before digging horizontally. If the blocks holding back the water are somehow broken, the incoming water will drop into the hole and cease there.

Another precaution to avoid flood damage is to use light sources that water cannot wash away, such as jack o'lanterns, glowstone, or sea lanterns. Regular torches would be swept away in case of flooding, but underwater torches can be utilized in addition to the mentioned items.

Constructing an airlock at every door and making double-thick windows are additional beneficial measures to consider.

4. Clearing out water

To create an underwater base resembling a bubble, it is necessary to remove water from a considerable volume.

Drain water
Drain water using sponges.

The conventional approach involves filling the space with a falling block like sand or gravel and then excavating it entirely. This method works well when the walls are already constructed and can be capped with solid blocks once the space is filled. If you have an ample supply of slime blocks, honey blocks, or TNT, they serve as effective fillers since they can be instantly mined even when fatigued by an elder guardian.

Alternatively, you can opt to fill the space with flammable blocks such as wood planks, wool, or leaf blocks. It should be noted that fire does not burn evenly, so some manual cleanup might be necessary after the burning process.

Utilizing sponges is an excellent way to dry out a large volume of water. Sponges can be obtained from ocean monuments. If you choose to dry out ocean monuments using the aforementioned methods until you locate sponges, keep in mind that it may be time-consuming but eliminates the risk of drowning in case you become lost within the monument. When a sponge is placed, it absorbs water in a 9x9x9 volume centered around itself and transforms into a wet sponge. Make sure to bring enough wood and cobblestone with you to create a crafting table and furnace for drying the sponges.

For larger spaces, you can divide them into smaller sections using fences, gates, doors, or other suitable materials. This allows for drying out the area in chunks.

Constructing the walls and ceiling of the bubble base with materials like glass, fences, or iron bars provides a stunning view both from the inside and outside of the base. Under the right conditions, a bubble base becomes a radiant beacon beneath the sea, catching the attention of anyone passing by.

>>> Read more: How To Defend Your Village From A Raid In Minecraft 1.20

<![CDATA[How To Upgrade Old Worlds To Minecraft 1.20 Version]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-upgrade-old-worlds-to-minecraft-1-20-version-22383 Mon, 05 Jun 2023 02:05:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-upgrade-old-worlds-to-minecraft-1-20-version-22383
Minecraft 1.20 is coming out very soon. Check this post to find out how to upgrade your existing Minecraft worlds to the latest version when needed.]]>

The upcoming Minecraft 1.20 update by Mojang is set to introduce a variety of fresh elements to the well-established sandbox game. This includes new blocks, items, mobs, biomes, and structures. Scheduled for release on June 7, 2023, just a few days away, players should prepare themselves to explore and experience all the exciting additions and changes. Many players may have concerns about how their existing worlds will adapt to the latest update.

Fortunately, Mojang has devised a solution to seamlessly convert old worlds for the new update without encountering any issues. In fact, players won't even need to perform any special actions as the conversion process will happen automatically.

1. Update the game

Fortunately, there is no need for any action on your part before the release of the Minecraft 1.20 update. Therefore, you can eagerly anticipate the arrival of June 7. On that day, you should open the official game launcher or a relevant app store on your device to update the game.

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Minecraft 1.20

For Java Edition players, in the launcher, you will need to choose the 'Latest Release' version from the drop-down menu located next to the play button. Take note that it should be labeled as '1.20.'

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Download the latest version

Once you have made the selection, simply click the play button, and the launcher will initiate the download of all the necessary files required to run the updated game.

2. Start any existing world

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Start existing worlds

How to upgrade Minecraft world in Java Edition

You can only update existing worlds to newer versions of Minecraft. Loading an existing world in a version older than the one it was generated with will cause world corruption issues.

  • Open the game and head to the Singleplayer tab.
  • Next, select the world you want to update and click Edit.
  • Click Make Backup to ensure your access to the world just in case anything happens.
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Backing up your world is important as downgrade worlds is fairly risky.
  • Close the game and reopen it with the new version update applied.
  • Join your world and select "I know what I'm doing!" when the prompt appears.

Once the process is completed, players should be able to play their chosen world with the new update, adding brand-new chunks to the map. They can use the Open Backups Folder button to get to the save location of the world's old version.

How to upgrade Minecraft world in Bedrock Edition

  • Open the game and select the Play button.
  • Find the world that needs to be updated and click the Edit button (the tiny pencil) to the right of it.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the menu and select Copy World to copy the world in-game, or Export World to save the world locally on your computer.
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The Bedrock version has identical features.
  • Join the world normally, as Bedrock updates versions automatically.

After loading the world, players should be able to enjoy the new chunks and features of the new update.

Keep in mind that anywhere unexplored (even by the edge of your view distance) is still an empty void and will be generated when you explore it by the version you're playing at the time. So to get new features you just need to explore further.

What if the world you want to upgrade is older than 1.19?

In that case, players might want to upgrade it gradually until they reach the 1.19 version first.

3. How to find new features after updating to Minecraft 1.20

Upon entering an existing world following the update, you may encounter some difficulty locating the newly introduced location-based features. The Cherry Grove biome, Trail Ruins, special blocks like suspicious sand, and even items such as armor trims will not be immediately present in chunks that have already been explored.

As a result, it will be necessary to embark on a significant journey, traversing new areas and generating fresh chunks and structures, in order to discover the latest additions. This approach was implemented to ensure that the new features do not disrupt the integrity of the pre-existing ones.


During the 2022 mob vote competition held before Mojang's yearly event, the sniffer emerged as the winner, garnering more than half of the votes from the player community. As a result, it was confirmed to be included in the 1.20 update. The sniffer is a special ancient mob that can exclusively be encountered by obtaining a sniffer egg from suspicious sand blocks within warm ocean ruins. Once spawned, these sizable creatures will wander around, using their sense of smell to search the ground and unearth the seeds of distinct plants.

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Sniffer in Minecraft

Sniffer Eggs are particularly noteworthy because they serve as the means for players to discover the mob in Survival Mode. Given that Sniffers are ancient and were previously believed to be extinct, players must locate a Sniffer Egg in ocean ruins or suspicious sand blocks found in desert biomes. When hatching the egg, be sure to place it on moss, as this will reduce the time it takes for the egg to hatch into a Snifflet by half!

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Sniffer egg

Cherry Grove

The upcoming 1.20 update will introduce a fresh biome known as Cherry Grove. This biome will primarily generate atop mountains and feature the growth of new cherry trees, as well as pink petals scattered across the ground. With the addition of these new trees, Mojang will also include a new set of cherry wood, characterized by its light pink hue.

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Cherry wood house

Situated in mountainous areas, Cherry Grove provides abundant resources that players can utilize for their survival and progress in the game.

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The cherry grove biome is going to be pretty peaceful, as the 3 mobs spawning on it are passive.


In addition to the Sniffers, Mojang is introducing a new camel mob to the game. These passive creatures will exclusively appear in desert villages. Like other tameable mobs, players can turn them into pets by feeding them cactus blocks. Once tamed, players have the option to equip saddles on the camels, enabling two players to ride them together at the same time.

Minecraft Camel Desert
The camels are actually pretty fast in real life.

>>> Read more: Top 10 Best Minecraft Mods To Enhance The Nether (2023)

<![CDATA[Top 10 Best Minecraft Bedrock And Java Servers (2023)]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-10-best-minecraft-bedrock-and-java-servers-2023-22330 Fri, 02 Jun 2023 05:22:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-10-best-minecraft-bedrock-and-java-servers-2023-22330
The more popular the server, the better your Minecraft experience would be. Here are some of the best servers to join in 2023.]]>

The quantity of Minecraft multiplayer servers available seems endless, although certain servers are undoubtedly more preferable than others. Additionally, due to advancements made by the community and the implementation of cross-platform infrastructure by developers, servers can now be accessed on Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, or even both. Regardless of the chosen platform, players have the opportunity to discover a server that provides long-term enjoyment.

Each server possesses its own unique characteristics and features. As the number of available servers for Minecraft enthusiasts continues to grow exponentially, it can be challenging to locate the ideal server to enjoy either alone or with friends.

Fortunately, Minecraft fans looking for exceptional servers to join, based on their preferred platform, have a multitude of options to choose from. Furthermore, many servers offer multiple game modes to cater to the ever-expanding player community's diverse needs.

1. Manacube (Java)

Despite being a decade old, Manacube continues to stand as one of the largest and most populated Minecraft servers within the Java Edition community.

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Originating from modest origins, Manacube has expanded into a vast network of multiple worlds, aiming to cater to a wide range of dedicated fans by offering various beloved game modes.

While players can indulge in classic gameplay such as Survival or Creative, there is an extensive selection of other game modes available to explore. For those seeking a thrilling experience, options like Parkour, KitPvP, Skyblock Survival, and even game modes like Earth are at their disposal.

2. Mineberry (Java)

Mineberry may not cater to every Minecraft Java player, but it specifically appeals to those who prefer a more hardcore or traditional gaming experience.

Mineberry is a relatively modest server that offers a diverse range of game modes, including Survival, Bedwars, Skywars, KitPvP, and Murder Mystery. However, it also features a unique anarchy server with a vanilla-like atmosphere. In this mode, players find themselves in a true survival scenario where the game mechanics are stripped down to their bare essentials, and PvP is enabled. Within this anarchy world, players have considerable freedom to engage in various activities, as long as they adhere to the code of conduct established by the server administrators and developers.

Furthermore, Mineberry is a cracked Java server, which means that players can connect to it without the need for a Mojang or Microsoft account to log in.

3. Wynncraft (Java)

Frequently recognized as "The Minecraft MMORPG," Wynncraft stands out as a Java server offering an intricately crafted roleplaying experience set within a vast and meticulously designed world.


In Wynncraft, players are immersed in an immersive narrative where they can undertake more than 130 distinct quests. Along their journey, they have the opportunity to develop their skills, grow stronger by leveling up, and acquire valuable loot. However, the storyline merely scratches the surface, as the true essence of the server lies in its captivating endgame content.

Upon reaching the pinnacle, players can engage in a variety of challenging raids that feature formidable bosses, each with their own unique gameplay mechanics that demand quick thinking and skillful combat techniques. This ensures an exhilarating experience that keeps everyone on their toes.

4. CraftersMC (Bedrock)

CraftersMC is a Minecraft Bedrock server situated in Turkey. It may not be the most suitable choice for players with unreliable internet connections. However, the server boasts a diverse community of hundreds of active players from various language backgrounds, ensuring a multilingual experience.

The core gameplay of CraftersMC revolves around Skyblock, providing ample depth to engage players for extended periods. Additionally, the server frequently introduces updates, hosts events, and initiates resets to maintain a fresh and dynamic experience that appeals to both new players and seasoned veterans.

5. Vanilla Plus (Java)

Vanilla Plus embraces all the charming aspects of vanilla Minecraft and enhances them without compromising the core experience. The server maintains the integrity of the gameplay, allowing players to fully immerse themselves without significant alterations. Land claims, anti-griefing measures, and PvP restrictions are absent throughout except for the spawn zone.

Nevertheless, Vanilla Plus offers a useful feature by enabling players to teleport to their friends and bases, preventing them from feeling overwhelmed in the untamed wilderness reminiscent of anarchy-style gameplay. While this server may not be the preferred choice for all players due to its relatively relaxed set of rules, avid fans who appreciate the original Minecraft experience can derive ample enjoyment from it.

6. FallenTech (Bedrock)

For Minecraft enthusiasts seeking a server with diverse gameplay options and a manageable player count, FallenTech is worth considering, particularly for those playing on mobile devices compatible with Pocket Edition.

FallenTech provides an array of game modes such as Skyblock, Factions, KitPvP, and Prison, while maintaining a user count of approximately a hundred players across these modes. This fosters a close-knit community of dedicated fans within the Bedrock platform, making the introduction process more manageable compared to massive servers where the sheer number of players can be overwhelming.

Those who prefer a bustling and lively server may find FallenTech less appealing. However, it offers a serene and enjoyable experience on Bedrock Edition, ideal for unwinding or honing PvP skills before venturing into larger-scale servers.

7. NetherGames (Bedrock)

NetherGames stands as a dedicated Minecraft Bedrock server that has garnered a loyal community of players who enjoy engaging in PvP battles and challenging game modes.

Players have a wide range of options to explore, including one-on-one Duels, Parkour, Factions PvP, Skywars, and Bedwars, catering to those seeking intense gameplay experiences. However, for those who prefer a more relaxed approach, NetherGames offers free Creative Mode plots for building, friendly matches of social deduction in Murder Mystery, or the opportunity to test survival skills in Skyblock.

NetherGames lives up to its reputation as a popular destination for gamers, boasting an active and thriving player base within the Bedrock Edition community.

8. FadeCloud (Java)

FadeCloud is a leading network of Minecraft servers globally, featuring numerous game modes and a large influx of new players every day. Although it's relatively new compared to other servers, it has grown tremendously over the years and is continually releasing fresh content.

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If you're seeking multiplayer entertainment with friends or strangers online, this server is an excellent place to start. Its game modes include Earth, Dungeons, Skyblock, and Prison, each with its own collection of customized enchants on weapons, armor, or tools. The server also has unique bosses that add a layer of excitement to Minecraft gameplay.

In addition, FadeCloud provides a custom texture pack where you can purchase various items at different prices. It's akin to the Steam Marketplace in CS:GO, where players can buy and sell skins, cases, and keys.

9. Hypixel (Java/Bedrock)

Hypixel is arguably the most successful and renowned cross-platform server in the extensive history of Minecraft, capable of satisfying the needs of virtually any player.

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With a remarkable selection of over 19 different minigames to explore, the iconic Skyblock progression that has captured the hearts of countless enthusiasts, and a vast player base dispersed across multiple in-server hubs, Hypixel offers an abundance of engaging activities. The depth and intricacy of the server's game modes are unparalleled, a testament to the unwavering dedication of its development team.

While it may not be the preferred choice for every individual, Hypixel has long been hailed as the benchmark for excellence in the Minecraft server community, setting the standard for what servers can aspire to become.

10. GrandTheftMCPE (Bedrock)

GrandTheftMCPE is an exceptional Minecraft Bedrock server that delivers thrilling gameplay within a relatively small and intimate community. It seamlessly brings the chaotic and action-packed battles of Grand Theft Auto to the Bedrock Edition.

Within this server, which is based in Germany, players have the option to align themselves with either the criminal underworld or law enforcement and engage in intense PvP conflicts. To gain an advantage, players can utilize strategically placed boxes scattered throughout the in-game city or visit the Ammunation store to acquire a diverse arsenal of firearms, explosives, and even jetpacks for exhilarating aerial combat.

Moreover, GrandTheftMCPE presents a progression system through various in-game ranks that are obtained by accumulating kills. Additionally, players have the opportunity to acquire private property, providing a haven from the PvP action where they can relax before venturing back into the battle-scarred streets of Los Vamos.

>>>  Read more: How To Farm Dripstone In Minecraft 1.20

<![CDATA[List Of All Illagers In Minecraft And How To Farm Them]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/list-of-all-illagers-in-minecraft-and-how-to-farm-them-22372 Thu, 01 Jun 2023 03:28:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/list-of-all-illagers-in-minecraft-and-how-to-farm-them-22372
Illagers are dangerous hostile mobs and are the main obstacle of players in the Minecraft overworld.]]>

Illagers are aggressive mobs that commonly appear in woodland mansions, patrols, raids, and pillager outposts. They exhibit hostility towards players, villagers (except for baby villagers), wandering traders, and iron golems.

They are the main hostile faction players can encounter in the overworld. In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase all Illagers in the game and how to farm them.

1. Pillager

Pillagers are part of the Illager mob family in Minecraft and are known for their hostility towards villagers. They are aggressive towards players, villagers, snow golems, wandering traders, and iron golems. Among the Illagers, Pillagers are considered the least powerful and are armed with crossbows to eliminate their targets. These hostile mobs can be encountered during raids, patrols, and in the vicinity of Pillager outposts. If you successfully defeat a Pillager, they may drop items such as a crossbow, an ominous or Illager banner, and arrows.


2. Vindicator

Vindicators hold a crucial role within the Illager family and are the second most powerful non-boss hostile mobs. They can be found in woodland mansions and participate in raids while wielding iron axes. These axes are occasionally enchanted, adding an extra layer of difficulty when engaging them in combat. Aside from these distinctions, Vindicators share similar characteristics with Pillagers.


3. Evoker

Evokers are the Illager family's enchantment-wielding members, known for their spellcasting abilities. They appear in raids and can be found within woodland mansions. Despite their infrequent appearance, they are highly sought after because they are the sole source of the Totem of Undying in Minecraft. However, it is important not to underestimate them, as Evokers pose a significant threat. They have the ability to summon fangs or vexes to launch attacks against their adversaries.

Minecraft Evoker

Normally, the evoker conjures 16 fangs arranged in a straight line directed at the target. However, if the target is within a 3-block range of the evoker, the evoker summons two circles of fangs around itself: a smaller circle containing 5 fangs and a larger one with 8 fangs. It is worth noting that the player can evade the fangs since they do not actively pursue the player. The act of summoning fangs resets the evoker's spell cooldown to two seconds and also resets the cooldown for summoning fangs to five seconds.

4. Vex

Vex is a diminutive hostile mob armed with a small iron sword and possesses the ability to traverse through solid blocks by flying. It exclusively materializes when summoned by an Evoker to launch an assault. Due to their elusive nature, it is advisable to evade encounters with Vexes whenever feasible. Moreover, they naturally perish within a few seconds of their spawning. Hence, unless there is a living Evoker present to summon additional Vexes, there is no need for concern regarding their presence.

Vexattacks Compressed

5. Ravager

Ravagers are formidable and sizable hostile mobs that exclusively appear during raids alongside the Illagers. They often spawn without a rider, although occasionally you may come across Illagers riding them. Unlike many other creatures in the game, Ravagers have the ability to damage certain plant-based blocks by charging into them.

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These powerful mobs do not wield weapons and rely solely on ramming attacks to pursue their enemies. It is generally advisable to defeat them from a safe distance. Upon their demise, Ravagers drop a saddle and twenty experience orbs, which is the highest amount of experience points that a non-boss mob can yield.

6. Witch

Witches are a commonly encountered hostile mob that can be found in various situations, such as during raids, in dimly lit areas, in swamp huts, or when a lightning strike affects a villager. Regular witches display hostility towards players, whereas the ones spawned during raids show aggression towards villagers, wandering traders, and iron golems.

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In contrast to traditional weapons or melee attacks, witches employ splash potions as their primary short-range weaponry. They also possess the ability to heal themselves by consuming positive potions. When a witch is defeated, it has the potential to drop a range of items including sticks, glass bottles, glowstone dust, gunpowder, redstone dust, spider eyes, and sugar. Additionally, if you manage to eliminate a witch while it is in the process of drinking a potion, there is a chance for it to drop bottles of potions as well.

7. Illusioner

The Illusioner is an Illager that remains unused in the game. It is equipped with a bow and possesses the ability to attack using illusions and arrows.

Illusioner Minecraft

By default, the Illusioner is unable to attack with any item other than a bow unless it is summoned using commands. Additionally, it cannot utilize tipped arrows in its offhand slot (although it can use spectral arrows) and is unable to employ enchanted bows. Notably, the illusioner is the only Illager capable of detecting its target through walls.

The Illusioner possesses two distinct spells: one that inflicts blindness upon its opponent and another that summons visual pseudo-duplicates while rendering the Illusioner itself invisible.

>>> Read more: Complete Guide To Use All Village Mechanics In Minecraft

<![CDATA[5 Best Uses For Compass In Minecraft 1.20]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/5-best-uses-for-compass-in-minecraft-1-20-22320 Thu, 01 Jun 2023 01:24:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/5-best-uses-for-compass-in-minecraft-1-20-22320
Compasses are some of the most underrated items that new Minecraft players often overlook. Here are some of the best uses for it.]]>

Minecraft offers a wide array of items for players to utilize, including utilities that have the potential to be transformed into different objects or combined with other blocks. Among these utilities is the compass, a straightforward craftable item that provides several advantages to players. To create a compass, one needs four iron ingots and a single redstone dust item, which must be placed on a crafting table.

While seasoned players may not consistently rely on the compass within their game worlds, it remains a valuable tool for particular tasks and crafting formulas. Here are five notable applications of the compass in Minecraft.

1. Crafting Maps

In Minecraft, players have the option to create maps through the crafting system, as the game does not feature a built-in minimap or comprehensive map system. By utilizing a compass, different types of maps can be crafted. To begin, users can create an empty map by combining eight pieces of paper with one compass on the crafting table.

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Crafting Maps

Additionally, players have the ability to enhance an empty map by incorporating another compass, resulting in a map with a locator that allows for the inclusion of location markers on the map.

2. Trading for Explorer Maps

As players advance in Minecraft, they often develop a desire to explore unique and elusive structures in the Overworld, such as Ocean Monuments and Woodland Mansions. To obtain an explorer map that guides them to these locations, players can engage with a cartographer villager who has reached the journeyman level.

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Explorer Maps

To acquire an explorer map from the cartographer villager, players must offer them a compass along with 12 emeralds. This is where the compass proves to be incredibly useful, as it serves as a crucial component for initiating the trade and obtaining the sought-after explorer maps.

3. Connect with a Lodestone Block

A compass in Minecraft can establish a connection with a lodestone block, causing it to point directly towards that specific block. Crafting a lodestone block involves combining eight chiseled stone blocks with one netherite ingot. Once a compass is utilized on the lodestone block, it acquires a purple glint, reminiscent of an enchanted item, and exclusively directs players towards the lodestone block, regardless of their location within the realm.

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Lodestone Block

However, if players transition to a different realm, the lodestone compass will spin erratically. Nonetheless, this feature serves as an excellent means of locating a particular destination, particularly when players find themselves disoriented or lost.

How to Craft a Lodestone in Minecraft

There are two methods to obtain a lodestone: finding it in a chest or crafting it in the Inventory.

To acquire a lodestone from a chest, players must locate a bastion remnant in the Nether. These fortresses can be found in almost all Nether biomes, except for basalt deltas. Each bastion remnant is guaranteed to contain at least one lodestone, typically located in the top part of the central rampart.

Lodestone Compass
Lodestone in Minecraft

Crafting a lodestone is a more intricate process due to the rarity of its materials. To create a lodestone block in Minecraft, players will need 8 chiseled stone bricks and 1 Netherite ingot. Place the Netherite ingot in the center of the crafting grid, with the chiseled stone bricks surrounding it.

  • Netherite Ingots: Combine 4 gold ingots with 4 netherite scraps. Netherite scraps can be obtained from ancient debris, which can be found in bastion chests or in groups of 1-3 between Y levels 8 and 22. Use a diamond pickaxe to mine the ancient debris, and each debris can be smelted into one netherite scrap. Alternatively, there is a small chance (2%) of finding ancient debris in treasure room chests, but it is more reliable to search underground.
  • Chiseled Stone Bricks: Smelt cobblestones in a furnace to create stone bricks. Then, convert the stone bricks into slabs and arrange two stone brick slabs in a 3x3 crafting grid to craft chiseled stone bricks. Chiseled stone bricks can also be found in igloo basements or jungle temples.

4. Finding the World Spawn

The primary and fundamental purpose of a compass is to indicate the direction of the world spawn immediately upon its creation. However, it's important to note that a standard compass only functions accurately in the Overworld and becomes erratic when used in other realms like the Nether or End. In cases where players have forgotten the location of their world spawn, crafting a compass can assist them in rediscovering it.

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World Spawn

The world spawn holds significant value as an ideal location for constructing automated farms. This specific chunk remains loaded consistently, irrespective of a player's whereabouts in the world, making it an optimal choice for establishing efficient and uninterrupted farming operations.

5. Crafting a Recovery Compass

In the 1.19 update, Mojang introduced an innovative version of the compass known as the recovery compass, which directs players towards their most recent death location. This addition significantly simplifies the process of retrieving lost items, as players can quickly obtain the recovery compass upon respawning and easily locate the spot where they perished.

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Recovery Compass

To create a recovery compass, players must gather eight echo shards exclusively found in ancient city chests, along with a standard compass. However, it is worth noting that various mods are available that offer similar functionality to the recovery compass, eliminating the need for players to venture through multiple ancient cities in search of echo shards.

>>> Read more: 6 Useful Items To Use In Minecraft PVP

<![CDATA[6 Blast Resistant Blocks For Building In Minecraft 1.20]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/6-blast-resistant-blocks-for-building-in-minecraft-1-20-22363 Wed, 31 May 2023 03:04:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/6-blast-resistant-blocks-for-building-in-minecraft-1-20-22363
A blast resistant base would prevent potential damage from random creeper spawns. Here are the 6 best blast resistant blocks in Minecraft.]]>

Blocks are the building units that form the majority of objects in Minecraft. With billions of blocks comprising the in-game world, they encompass a wide variety, ranging from common grass and dirt blocks to rare ores and enigmatic fictional blocks from different dimensions. Upon entering the world, players typically start by gathering dirt or wood blocks to construct their initial survival base. However, as they progress, they will find it necessary to fortify their structures with sturdier blocks.

Within the game, there are certain bosses and mobs capable of causing explosive damage. These explosions can demolish weaker blocks in close proximity. Consequently, players seeking resilient blocks that can withstand blasts in their constructions can consult the following list.

1. Obsidian

Obsidian is a standout choice when seeking blocks that possess blast resistance, a suitable texture for construction, and easy availability. These blocks, with their dark hue, can be effortlessly crafted by pouring water onto lava and serve well as building materials.

Furthermore, obsidian ranks among the strongest blocks accessible to players in survival mode. It boasts an impressive blast resistance rating of 1200, surpassing the majority of blocks found in the game.

Minecraft Obsidian Nether
Minecraft Obsidian

How to farm obsidian

Obsidian formation occurs when running water comes into contact with a source block of lava, typically found in areas where water has flowed over nearby lava pools from springs or aquifers. This natural occurrence offers a sustainable means of obtaining obsidian since lava can be farmed using cauldrons beneath pointed dripstones.

Another method of obtaining obsidian sustainably involves the generation of a nether portal in either the Nether or the Overworld. This portal can be mined, providing an additional renewable source of obsidian.

In the Java Edition, if a nether portal is generated suspended in the air, an extra four obsidian blocks are created at the portal's base.

When an entity enters the End through an end portal, it always materializes on a platform comprised of 25 obsidian blocks. This platform can be mined and regenerates each time an entity enters the End, presenting another renewable avenue for obtaining obsidian. Additionally, obsidian pillars also regenerate whenever the ender dragon reemerges.

2. Crying Obsidian

Like its standard counterpart, crying obsidian is an excellent choice for players seeking a blast-resistant block for construction. However, it differs significantly in terms of texture.

How To Farm Obsidian
Crying Obsidian

As the name suggests, these blocks emit small purple droplets and exhibit vivid purple cracks, making them suitable for distinctive builds.

The only drawback is that crying obsidian cannot be crafted manually and is exclusively found in ruined portals and as loot in chests within bastion remnants. Nonetheless, they possess the same blast resistance rating of 1200.

3. End Stone Bricks

While not entirely impervious to blasts, End Stone Bricks offer remarkable strength, making them an excellent choice for constructing various structures.

End Stone Bricks

Crafting End Stone Bricks involves combining four standard End Stones discovered in the End dimension. These bricks resemble stone blocks but possess a light yellowish hue.

In terms of blast resistance, they significantly pale in comparison to obsidian, with a rating of merely nine. Nevertheless, they are commonly employed as building blocks.

4. Deepslate

Deepslate is a type of stone that can be discovered deep beneath the surface of the Overworld. It shares similarities with regular stone but possesses a notably higher level of durability, making it considerably more challenging to mine or break apart.

Deepslate Variants

Its primary function is to serve as an indicator for players, signifying a particular depth when mining underground. Deepslate is intended to replace Cobblestone once a specific point is reached. Besides this role in indicating depth, Deepslate does not hold any significant purposes.

In the game, Deepslate is relatively straightforward to come across. Players can simply commence digging in the Overworld, and upon reaching a Y level of 8, they will observe Deepslate progressively supplanting the majority of Cobblestone. As they descend to Y level 0, Deepslate will nearly entirely replace regular stone.

5. Cobblestone

New players residing in a wooden survival base can readily enhance its security and blast resistance by incorporating cobblestone.

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While cobblestone may not possess the aesthetic appeal of more visually pleasing building blocks, it undeniably holds a prominent position in terms of prevalence, particularly for players who invest hours into mining endeavors.

With a blast resistance rating of six, cobblestone surpasses wooden blocks, which have a blast resistance rating of two. As a result, incorporating cobblestone into their base will significantly bolster its defenses for new players.

6. Deepslate Bricks

Deepslate bricks are widely regarded as superior building blocks within the game. Although they may not be the most blast-resistant blocks available, they possess sufficient strength to endure moderate impact from explosions.

1 Deepslate Bricks Block Tutorials
Deepslate Bricks

Despite not topping the blast resistance rankings, deepslate bricks maintain a commendable position on the list. With a rating of six, they share a similar level of resistance with several other blocks in the game.

>>> Read more: How To Find All New Items In Minecraft 1.20 Update

<![CDATA[How To Find All New Items In Minecraft 1.20 Update]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-find-all-new-items-in-minecraft-1-20-update-22321 Wed, 31 May 2023 02:33:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-find-all-new-items-in-minecraft-1-20-update-22321
Minecraft 1.20 is going to adds numerous new blocks and items into the game. Here are some of the most notable ones.]]>

Although Minecraft 1.20 has not been released yet, players have been able to get a taste of the update's fresh content through the snapshots in Java Edition and the previews in Bedrock Edition. The Trails & Tales update in version 1.20 brings a range of new items that players can discover either by looting or by engaging in the new archeology gameplay, which offers valuable treasures.

Minecraft 1.20 introduces a variety of exciting additions, including pottery fragments that can be transformed into decorative pots, smithing templates, sniffer eggs, and music discs. These new treasures are scattered throughout the game and can be obtained through different methods and in various locations, depending on the specific item.

This article by Gurugamer presents a comprehensive guide on acquiring all the new treasures in the upcoming Minecraft 1.20 update.

1. Pottery Sherds

During the development of Minecraft 1.20, the term "pottery shards" was initially used but later changed by Mojang. Currently, they have not been given a new name. Nonetheless, these fragments of ancient pottery can be obtained by creating a brush and using it on suspicious sand and suspicious gravel blocks, which were specifically introduced to support the new archeology features.

Crafting Recipe Of Decorated Pots In Minecraft
Pottery Sherds

However, the type of sherds players find and the patterns on them depend on the specific location where they discover the suspicious blocks. These sherds can then be utilized in the crafting recipe for a decorated pot block. The appearance of the individual sherds' patterns will be visible on the surfaces of the pot, determined by the number used in the crafting process.

How to unearth pottery sherds in Minecraft 1.20 via archeology

Lucky Minecraft Archaeology Spawn
Archeology related blocks has a higher chance to spawn in deserts
  1. To create a brush in Minecraft 1.20, combine a feather, a copper ingot, and a stick on a crafting table. Proceed to a specific generated structure where suspicious sand/gravel blocks naturally appear.
  2. These locations include warm ocean ruins, desert pyramids, desert wells, cold ocean ruins, and trail ruins. Identify sand and gravel blocks that exhibit slight differences in texture compared to their regular counterparts.
  3. Suspicious sand/gravel blocks in Minecraft 1.20 display more cracks and imperfections on their surface textures.
  4. Equip your brush and hold down the Use Item button on your controller or the right-click button on your mouse. This action will initiate the brushing process on the suspicious block.
  5. After a few seconds, the block will release the loot it contains, and it will revert to its normal state as ordinary sand or gravel.

Where to find each pottery sherd pattern in Minecraft 1.20

  • Angler - Warm ocean ruins suspicious sand
  • Archer - Desert temple suspicious sand
  • Arms Up - Desert well suspicious sand
  • Blade - Cold ocean ruins suspicious gravel
  • Brewer - Desert well suspicious sand
  • Burn - Trail ruins suspicious gravel
  • Danger - Trail ruins suspicious gravel
  • Explorer - Cold ocean ruins suspicious gravel
  • Friend - Trail ruins suspicious gravel
  • Heart - Trail ruins suspicious gravel
  • Heartbreak - Trail ruins suspicious gravel
  • Howl - Trail ruins suspicious gravel
  • Miner - Desert temple suspicious sand
  • Mourner - Cold ocean ruins suspicious gravel
  • Plenty - Cold ocean ruins suspicious gravel
  • Prize - Desert temple suspicious sand
  • Sheaf - Trail ruins suspicious gravel
  • Shelter - Warm ocean ruins suspicious sand
  • Skull - Desert temple suspicious sand
  • Snort - Warm ocean ruins suspicious sand

2. Relic Music Disc

Once again, Minecraft has expanded its collection of playable music discs in the 1.20 update with the introduction of a new disc called "Relic." This disc features a track titled "Relic" composed by Aaron Cherof. As the name implies, players will need to search for this ancient disc in specific locations. To be more precise, players must explore trail ruins structures and utilize brush on suspicious gravel blocks to uncover this unique music disc.

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Music Disc in Minecraft

The probability of obtaining the disc from suspicious gravel blocks is relatively low, standing at approximately 8.3% chance in Minecraft: Java Edition. However, persistently brushing an ample number of these gravel blocks should eventually lead to players obtaining the desired disc.

How to get the relic music disc in Minecraft 1.20

  1. Just like before, you can create a brush by combining a copper ingot, feather, and stick. Once you have the brush in your inventory, make your way to a trail ruins structure. These structures can be found in jungle, old growth birch forest, pine taiga, spruce taiga, snowy taiga, and standard taiga biomes.
  2. Look for gravel blocks with cracked or hole-ridden textures on their faces. These specific gravel blocks are considered suspicious gravel blocks.
  3. Equip the brush and hold down your right-click or Use Item button until the loot inside the suspicious gravel block is revealed. With some persistence, you should eventually come across the Relic music disc after brushing a few suspicious gravel blocks.

3. Sniffer Eggs

Although acquiring two adult sniffers in Minecraft is not particularly challenging, obtaining the initial sniffer egg can be considered a valuable treasure by some players, as it requires overcoming certain obstacles.

Sniffer Eggs

To be precise, players must brush suspicious sand blocks that can only be found in warm ocean ruins structures to have a chance of obtaining a sniffer egg. Once they successfully obtain one, they can place it down and patiently wait for it to hatch, giving birth to a baby snifflet. Minecraft players can then nurture and raise it until it reaches adulthood. The adult sniffer can be utilized to locate ancient seeds for torchflowers and pitcher plants.

How to get a sniffer egg via archeology in Minecraft

  1. To commence your archeological endeavors, start by crafting a brush using your crafting table.
  2. Search for a cluster of warm ocean ruins. These structures are relatively easy to locate, but if you're open to using commands, you can enter "/locate structure ocean_ruin_warm" in the chat console to obtain the coordinates of the nearest ruins.
  3. Once you've reached the ruins, be on the lookout for suspicious sand blocks that have a distinct texture.
  4. Use your brush on these blocks for a chance to obtain a sniffer egg. In Minecraft: Java Edition, the probability of finding a sniffer egg from suspicious sand is approximately 6.7%. Therefore, you may need to diligently brush multiple suspicious sand blocks in various warm ocean ruins to increase your chances of acquiring one.

4. Smithing Templates

Minecraft 1.20 places great emphasis on customization, and the Trails & Tales update introduces an important element of customization gameplay through the use of smithing templates.

Minecraft Armor Trims
Armor trims

In this update, players have access to a total of 16 smithing templates. Among them, 15 templates serve the purpose of creating decorative trims for armor, while one template specifically upgrades diamond gear to the coveted netherite quality. Obtaining most of these templates is as simple as opening loot chests. However, a few templates will require players to brush suspicious gravel blocks found in trail ruins structures in order to acquire them.

Where to find each smithing template in Minecraft 1.20

  • Netherite Upgrade - Bastion remnant chests
  • Coast Armor Trim - Shipwreck chests
  • Dune Armor Trim - Desert temple chests
  • Eye Armor Trim - Stronghold altar/library chests
  • Host Armor Trim - Suspicious gravel in trail ruins
  • Raiser Armor Trim - Suspicious gravel in trail ruins
  • Rib Armor Trim - Nether fortress chests
  • Sentry Armor Trim - Pillager outpost chests
  • Shaper Armor Trim - Suspicious gravel in trail ruins
  • Silence Armor Trim - Ancient city chests
  • Snout Armor Trim - Bastion remnant chests
  • Spire Armor Trim - End city chests
  • Vex Armor Trim - Woodland mansion chests
  • Ward Armor Trim - Ancient city chests
  • Wayfinder Armor Trim - Suspicious gravel in trail ruins
  • Wild Armor Trim - Jungle temple chests

>>> Read more: 5 Best Uses For Compass In Minecraft 1.20

<![CDATA[12 Best Minecraft HUD Mods To Try In 2023]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/12-best-minecraft-hud-mods-to-try-in-2023-22356 Tue, 30 May 2023 02:33:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/12-best-minecraft-hud-mods-to-try-in-2023-22356
These mods add a lot more information to Minecraft's HUD, which saves players a lot of time looking up information manually.]]>

Minecraft has experienced numerous transformations throughout its existence, including alterations in biomes and gameplay mechanics. However, the user interface (UI) and heads-up display (HUD) have largely remained unaltered. If you believe it's high time to rejuvenate the HUD and infuse it with fresh elements, we are ready to assist you with a compilation of the finest Minecraft HUD modifications. These mods range from introducing subtle enhancements to completely replacing the default HUD with innovative alternatives. Considering the extensive nature of the list, let's not delay any further and delve straight into it!

1. Xaero’s Minimap

Similar to many sandbox games, Minecraft doesn't include a dedicated map within its heads-up display (HUD). This might not be a significant concern in the early stages of gameplay, but it can quickly become frustrating. Additionally, even if you create a map in Minecraft, it only covers a small portion of the vast world within the game.

Xaeros Minimap Mod
Xaero’s Minimap

Fortunately, Xaero's Minimap is one of the finest mods available to address this issue by incorporating a fixed minimap into the HUD. It bears a resemblance to the in-game map that can be crafted, but it also provides other valuable information such as mods, structures, and even a dedicated cave mode. This mod is ideal for players who wish to explore the Minecraft world without exerting excessive effort in locating valuable resources.

2. Durability Show

Experiencing the sudden breakage of your tool during combat or mining can be highly frustrating. In order to add realism to the game, Minecraft incorporates durability for most usable items, causing them to eventually break over time. However, the durability indicator in the game isn't very prominent and can be challenging for newcomers to comprehend.

Durability Show

Fortunately, the Minecraft mod called "Durability Show" simplifies the understanding of durability by converting the item's health bars into numerical values displayed in the user interface (UI). With this mod, you can easily view the durability of each item in the bottom right corner of the HUD, allowing you to replace them before they run out. This mod proves particularly useful for assessing the efficiency of each tool and determining the cost of in-game actions.

3. Smart HUD

The key to a great heads-up display (HUD) lies in its simplicity, and the Smart HUD mod for Minecraft precisely delivers that. It reorganizes the entire Hotbar for effortless visibility and introduces an extra slot on the right side for the off-hand. This allows you to use items like the Totem of Undying without needing to sacrifice space for the compass or other essential tools. This is just one of the various benefits this mod offers to players. Install this Minecraft UI mod and explore its additional uses firsthand.

Smart Hud Mod
Smart HUD

4. OneBar Minecraft HUD

In Minecraft, a survival game, it is crucial to monitor various factors such as hunger, health, and even harmful effects. Neglecting any of these aspects can prove dangerous and potentially fatal. However, this constant need to keep track of every bodily element can create significant pressure for players.

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OneBar Minecraft HUD

OneBar emerges as one of the leading Minecraft HUD mods designed to alleviate this burden. It replaces the individual elements with a single bar that primarily displays overall health. Positive effects are shown on the left side of the bar, while negative effects are displayed on the right side. When hungry, the hunger bar appears atop the health bar, and while swimming, the water bar takes precedence. By utilizing this mod, players only need to focus on one bar at a time, easing the burden of monitoring multiple factors simultaneously.

5. Console Experience

Among the official Minecraft interfaces, the legacy console editions are the ones that benefitted the most. Their HUD is straightforward, informative, and user-friendly. They offer comprehensive tooltips, a floating Hotbar, animated icons, a player representation, and even visually appealing Minecraft menus as an added bonus. If you desire to enjoy all these features on Minecraft Java Edition, you can do so by utilizing the console experience UI mod. Take the opportunity to explore and experience this mod for yourself.

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Console Experience

6. Neat Minecraft UI

Due to the extensive range of Minecraft mobs available in the game, it becomes nearly impossible to familiarize yourself with each one and effectively engage in combat. Even if you can identify them, determining which specific mob needs to be defeated to obtain a particular item can be challenging. Furthermore, Minecraft enchantments that only work on specific mobs add an additional layer of complexity, creating a significant challenge for new players.

Neat Mod
Neat Minecraft UI

Minecraft HUD mods like Neat aim to address this steep learning curve and simplify mob interactions. These mods introduce floating health bars above mobs, providing crucial information about their difficulty level. Additionally, the health bars also display the mob's name, attributes, and even the armor they are equipped with. With this information readily available, players can plan their approach and strategy before engaging with any given mob in Minecraft.

7. Advanced Compass

The compass in Minecraft is often overlooked as it has limited usefulness in specific situations. However, with the Advanced Compass mod, you can benefit from its functionality at all times. Mods like this introduce a floating bar on top of your Minecraft HUD, displaying valuable information such as the distance and icons of the nearest mobs, players, and waypoints. This Advanced Compass becomes a reliable guide whether you're searching for a friend on an online server or seeking a specific mob within your own world. It enhances navigation and provides valuable assistance in various gameplay scenarios.

Advanced Compass Mod
Advanced Compass

8. Traveler’s Titles

Traveler's Titles is a straightforward Minecraft HUD mod that adds an immersive RPG-like element to the game whenever you enter a new area. As you venture into different biomes and dimensions, this mod displays their names on the screen. This feature closely resembles the experience of exploring new regions in popular RPG video games and seamlessly integrates with the default gameplay of Minecraft. Additionally, you have the flexibility to customize the placement of the text and even use Traveler's Titles HUD alongside other Minecraft mods that focus on biomes.

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Traveler’s Titles

9. WTHIT Minecraft HUD

What The Hell Is That, or WTHIT, is an ideal mod for alleviating the challenge of remembering the functionalities of the vast array of Minecraft blocks and mobs. By incorporating this mod into your game, you simply need to direct your gaze towards a block or a mob, and its name will be displayed at the top. Additionally, the mod indicates whether the item belongs to the vanilla game or a specific mod.

Jade 1
WTHIT Minecraft HUD

This information is presented through a discreet tooltip reminiscent of the default advancements tooltip positioned at the top of the screen. While seasoned players may eventually become familiar with the intricacies of Minecraft's world and no longer rely on this mod, it serves as a valuable resource for beginners embarking on their Minecraft journey.


Among the Minecraft HUD mods featured in our list, most primarily modify specific sections of the in-game overlay. However, this particular mod goes beyond that by providing a complete overhaul of the default HUD. It introduces a fresh visual aesthetic and incorporates several new features reminiscent of those found in other role-playing games. While the initial appearance may seem overwhelming, once you become accustomed to it, you'll discover significant advantages.

Rpg Hud Mod 1

Upon installing the mod, the Hotbar at the bottom of the screen exclusively showcases the accessible inventory. Your health and hunger bars relocate to the top left corner, alongside indicators for armor and tool durability. Furthermore, when you observe a specific mob, the UI displays pertinent information such as its name and health bar. In essence, this mod combines a range of useful features from various Minecraft mods into a single package, providing a comprehensive and enhanced gameplay experience.

11. Inventory HUD+

Inventory HUD+ is an incredibly feature-rich Minecraft HUD mod that offers three distinct heads-up displays. Among them, the most noteworthy is the dedicated inventory UI, which conveniently showcases your player inventory without the need to frequently open it. Another valuable feature is the potions HUD, specifically designed for Minecraft potions and their effects. It includes a duration bar that visually represents how long a particular effect will last. Typically, such details are tucked away inside the players' inventory.

Inventory HUD+

Additionally, this Minecraft mod provides an armor HUD that displays the durability of your armor and tools. It even shows the quantity of combat items, such as arrows and Totems of Undying, present in your inventory. What makes this mod particularly impressive is its high level of customization. Users have the ability to adjust the transparency, placement, and scale of all the dedicated displays according to their preferences. With Inventory HUD+, you can personalize your HUD to suit your specific needs and enhance your overall gaming experience.

12. Advancement Plaques

Advancement Plaques addresses the underwhelming nature of advancements in the game. Unlike in other video games, advancements in Minecraft often lack the desired impact. In fact, there are even advancements such as "Country Lode, Take Me Home" that many players may not be aware of.

Advancement Plaques

To inject some excitement into your advancements, the Advancement Plaques mod offers a solution. It presents all in-game advancements through special pop-ups accompanied by custom sound effects. Now, when you achieve something remarkable in the game, the entire world will be informed and celebrated. With Advancement Plaques, your accomplishments in Minecraft become more visible and memorable, adding an extra layer of satisfaction to your gameplay.

>>> Read more: 6 Best Cherry Biome Seeds To Try Out In Minecraft 1.20 Update

<![CDATA[8 Best Minecraft Inventory Mods In 1.20 Trails And Tales Update]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/8-best-minecraft-inventory-mods-in-1-20-trails-and-tales-update-22357 Tue, 30 May 2023 02:16:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/8-best-minecraft-inventory-mods-in-1-20-trails-and-tales-update-22357
Here are some of the best mods to improve your inventory and give you a smoother Minecraft experience.]]>

The Inventory system is something players have to deal with constantly in Minecraft. Unfortunately, the current Inventory UI still have a lot more to be desired, with plenty of features lacking.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the 8 best Minecraft inventory mods in 1.20 Trails And Tales update.

1. Just Enough Items

The fact that Minecraft is not the most beginner-friendly game is widely acknowledged within the community. One of the main challenges players face is understanding the numerous blocks and intricate crafting recipes, which often lack intuitiveness. Even experienced players find themselves resorting to online searches due to the sheer variety of items. If you find yourself in a similar situation, installing the Just Enough Items (JEI) HUD mod is highly recommended. This mod is widely regarded as one of the most popular Minecraft mods of all time.

Jei Mod
Just Enough Items

The JEI HUD mod provides a comprehensive list of all available items and blocks in Minecraft, accompanied by information about their uses. It goes beyond that by offering access to crafting, smelting, brewing, and anvil-based recipes and functionalities. Essentially, it serves as a much-needed in-game crafting book. The mod also features a dedicated search bar and inventory configurations, eliminating any confusion you may encounter while playing Minecraft. With the JEI HUD mod, you can say goodbye to the frustration of navigating crafting recipes and gain a valuable tool for enhancing your gameplay experience.

2. AppleSkin HUD Mod

In Minecraft, the hunger bar and health bar are closely interconnected. When your health decreases, the game utilizes food from your hunger bar to restore it. Consequently, you must feed yourself to replenish the hunger bar. At first glance, this mechanism may seem straightforward, but it becomes more intricate once you consider that different food items have varying effects on your health. Some foods can even have detrimental effects instead of simply replenishing the hunger bar.

Appleskin Mod
AppleSkin HUD Mod

This is where HUD mods like AppleSkin prove invaluable by providing a comprehensive overview of the effects each food item has in Minecraft. By selecting a specific food item, you can easily determine how much health and hunger it will restore. This enables you to make wiser choices regarding what you eat, especially in challenging situations where selecting the right food becomes crucial. AppleSkin and similar mods enhance your decision-making process and help you navigate the complexities of food consumption in Minecraft.

3. MineMenu

The MineMenu mod for Minecraft introduces a fresh radial menu to the game, resembling the inventory menu found in GTA 5 (or the anticipated GTA 6 game set to release in 2024). This radial menu allows you to navigate through your items and effortlessly select the one you desire. Additionally, you have the option to assign key bindings for quick and convenient item selection. While Minecraft itself provides default key bindings, they can be more overwhelming and restrictive compared to the streamlined functionality offered by MineMenu.


4. What’s That Slot?

Among resource gathering and utilization games, Minecraft is renowned for its extensive array of equipment and tools. From utility tables to blocks like the furnace, the game offers a diverse range of options. However, each utility block only allows specific items to be used in certain slots. For instance, only certain items can be used as fuel in the furnace or blast furnace.

Screenshot 454
What’s That Slot?

To address this, the "What's that Slot" HUD mod proves incredibly useful. It provides a convenient display that shows which blocks are compatible with each slot in any given utility block. By simply hovering over a slot, the game will present a comprehensive list of blocks that can be utilized in that specific slot, making it significantly easier to select the appropriate items. This mod simplifies the process of item selection and usage within utility blocks, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

5. Cosmetic Armor Reworked

Armor serves two primary purposes in Minecraft: providing protection and allowing players to showcase their preferred aesthetics. The Cosmetic Armor mod offers the ability to fulfill both of these functions by enabling the use of separate armor pieces for each purpose. This mod introduces additional armor slots to the inventory heads-up display (HUD), expanding the options available to players.

Cosmetic Armor Reworked

6. TrashSlot

Collecting items in Minecraft can present a challenging task, but getting rid of them can prove even more difficult. Merely discarding items from your inventory can lead to accidental pickups or even cause game lag. Additionally, items in Minecraft take time to despawn. As a result, players often resort to disposing of items by throwing them into lava, although this method doesn't work for certain items like Netherite.


Thankfully, the TrashSlot Minecraft HUD mod offers a straightforward solution to this problem, even though it may feel somewhat unconventional in the Minecraft world. As the name suggests, it introduces a dedicated trash slot within your player inventory. Any items placed into this slot are instantly destroyed, providing the fastest way to eliminate unwanted items without needing to leave your inventory. While such a slot is already available by default in the creative inventory, it is not present in other game modes, making this mod an essential addition for players.

7. Inventory Sorter

Arranging and organizing the Minecraft inventory can be exhausting and consume a significant amount of time. The current inventory system necessitates manual item selection and meticulous placement. However, with the implementation of the Inventory Sorter mod, you can streamline the item arrangement swiftly using designated key bindings and blacklisting options.

Inventory Tweaks
Inventory Sorter

Unlike other mods, this Minecraft HUD modification does not have a significant visual impact on the game. Instead, its primary focus is to enhance the functionality of the player's inventory, making it more user-friendly and intuitive to navigate.

8. Crafting Tweaks

With this Minecraft HUD modification, the process of using a crafting table becomes more convenient than ever. It introduces three new buttons that serve different functions: one for rotating items, another for balancing them, and a third for clearing the crafting grid. Furthermore, the crafting area expands to accommodate additional features, simplifying and accelerating item placement compared to the standard method. Interestingly, this HUD mod is compatible with a wide range of custom crafting table mods available for Minecraft.

Crafting Tweaks

>>> Read more: 6 Best Cherry Biome Seeds To Try Out In Minecraft 1.20 Update

<![CDATA[Top 5 Time-Saving Tricks To Do In Minecraft 1.20]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-time-saving-tricks-to-do-in-minecraft-1-20-22347 Mon, 29 May 2023 00:58:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-time-saving-tricks-to-do-in-minecraft-1-20-22347
Minecraft is a massive game and in order to be more efficient, players can employ one of these 5 tricks.]]>

Minecraft offers a blend of engaging activities and monotonous tasks like gathering resources that can become tedious and repetitive. However, individual preferences vary, and players perceive different aspects of the game as dull. Gurugamer has compiled a diverse range of time-saving suggestions for all elements of Minecraft in this article.

1. Split mines into sections

To enhance your mining experience in a new area, strategically position barriers at regular intervals, such as fences or cobblestone walls. This practice serves two purposes: first, it prevents surprise attacks from mobs sneaking up behind you, and second, it enables you to designate certain sections of your mine as 'safe.'

21w07a Mineshaft
It is best to mark the path you have already explored.

If you happen to encounter a mob within a 'safe' area, it is likely that your fence has halted its progress, safeguarding you from harm. Additionally, this indicates the presence of insufficient lighting or an undiscovered opening in that particular area. By employing this technique, you can significantly reduce the time spent identifying the source of unexpected mob appearances.

2. Carrying a bed

When you're actively exploring above ground, particularly during long distances or mapping excursions away from your base, it is highly recommended to carry a bed with you. As dusk approaches, find a suitable spot to place the bed and sleep. Skipping the nighttime phase offers several advantages: it significantly speeds up your progress, enhances safety, and resets your spawn point (unless playing on hardcore mode).

Red Bed
Carrying a bed allowing players to "save" the game whenever they want.

Remaining active during the night exposes you to potential disruptions from hostile mobs, including the risk of being killed, and you may overlook important details in the darkness. Concerns about mob attacks can be mitigated by placing the bed early enough in an area with sufficient light, preventing mob spawns altogether and ensuring a day free from creeper encounters. Moreover, being well-rested by sleeping in the bed ensures you won't be targeted by phantoms.

3. Leave breadcrumb trails when exploring

To ensure clarity and ease of navigation, it is essential to mark your routes both above and below ground. Various methods can be employed, such as using torches on fence posts, colored wool blocks, flowers, mushrooms, redstone, railway tracks, gravel paths, or even lit netherrack. By consistently placing torches on either the left or right cavern wall or on the side of a block angled towards the exit, you can establish a reliable indication of the direction you came from. Signposts should be placed at key junctions for added guidance. This simple practice of route marking can save you significant time by preventing unnecessary detours and getting lost in your world.

Mark your path with torches

If you happen to lose your way underground, it is advisable not to spend excessive time attempting to retrace your steps. Remember that the surface is always above you. In such cases, dig a stairway upwards to reach the surface where it becomes much easier to regain your bearings. However, exercise caution and follow mining safety guidelines. Avoid digging straight down and be vigilant of potential hazards like water, sand, gravel, or lava. Additionally, be mindful of the time and try to avoid breaching the surface at night, if possible.

An effective method to mark your path while exploring caves is to adopt an "in-out, left-right" rule. Upon entering a cave, place torches on the left wall. When you need to find your way out, simply turn around, and the torches that were initially on the left-hand wall will now be on the right. Utilizing the classic "right-hand rule" can assist you in navigating your way back.

4. Get powerful enchantments as soon as possible

Enchanted items offer a range of advantages compared to their standard counterparts. While high-level enchantments may not be as worthwhile for items other than diamond and netherite in terms of durability and effectiveness, this is not the case for certain highly valuable enchantments.

Enchanted Netherite Sword
Good enchantments make the game much easier.

If you find that the enchanting table is not offering powerful enchantments like Fortune III or Looting III for a diamond tool, it's worth trying an iron tool instead. Due to its higher enchantability, you might have better luck obtaining these desired enchantments. Even with an iron tool, you'll still have something capable of efficiently duplicating important blocks and items, just like a diamond tool. The effort required to attain enchantment levels 1 to 5, or thereabouts, is insignificant. Therefore, it might be worth considering placing even low-level enchantments on your expendable tools.

5. Don't bring too many unneeded items

When venturing away from your base to gather materials, it's important to avoid cluttering your inventory with unnecessary items. Generally, it's recommended to carry logs, and possibly some coal and iron. Craft additional tools, fences, or even a crafting bench only when you actually need them. This approach maximizes the available space for the items you're collecting. However, there are a few exceptions to consider. Torches, which are constantly used, should be crafted in half a stack whenever you have fewer than a dozen of them. It's also wise to keep some ladders handy for situations where you might need them urgently. Additionally, it may be beneficial to carry a chest in your inventory in case you need to quickly clear out space.

Blocks Inventory 1 14 4
Inventory space is limited.

Another tip for efficient crafting is to aim for round numbers when making frequently-used items. For instance, when crafting fences, one log produces four planks, which can then be converted into eight sticks, resulting in two fences with two leftover sticks. It's often better to craft fences in batches of eight (using four recipes) to utilize exactly five logs without waste or cluttering your inventory.

Alternatively, you can regularly transform spare planks or sticks into torches or other frequently-used items. Similarly, crafting 24 ladders at a time using seven logs is efficient. Signs can also be mass-produced with 13 logs (one for sticks and the rest for planks), but keep in mind that they only stack up to 16, so you'll end up with 1 1/2 stacks. Fence gates require one log each, and their crafting recipe allows for quick production of any number up to a full stack by moving half-stacks six times. Boats can be crafted resourcefully in two ways: using five logs for four boats in Java Edition, or seven logs in Bedrock Edition.

>>> Read more: 6 Best Cherry Biome Seeds To Try Out In Minecraft 1.20 Update
