New Zealand - Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Fri, 18 Aug 2023 10:56:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New Zealand - <![CDATA[Over $100,000 Raised For Family Of CS Pro Atta Elayyan]]> Wed, 20 Mar 2019 18:13:21 +0000
People raised money for the family of Atta ‘crazyarab’ Elayyan, a Counter-Strike professional player, who was attacked in a mosque of New Zealand]]>

Last Friday, March 15th, there were two attacks at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Gunmen used automatic weapons to shoot at people who were praying inside the mosque. After the attack, about 50 people were killed immediately, and nearly 50 people were injured badly, staying in the hospital. One of the killed people is Atta Elayyan. He was praying at the Masjid Al Noor Mosque as usual when a guy suddenly came inside the mosque, firing his weapon at everyone. He died due to this attack. Since then, people in every region in the world offered to support murdered people’s families. Many funding pages were set up for them. And there is one for Elayyan’s.

Elayyan was famous for being a part of NewType, a Counter-Strike: Source team, reported the first time on Daily Esports. NewType was extremely outstanding. They won in 7 over 15 events in total. In only three seasons, they became one of the top 3.

Atta Elayyan took the picture with his team NewType, sitting in the bottom right

On the GamePlantet forums in 2012, Elayyan wrote that: “We spent six or seven hours a night playing. We eventually toppled all of Australia's top teams. We were fairly unstoppable, winning LAN after LAN and nearly every online competition we entered.”

In 2008, he suddenly left his team as well as Counter-Strike. Elayyan wanted to focus on studying at university as he was in the final year of computer science degree.

After that, he established Lazyworm Apps, a company working on developing Windows Store’s programs. He also made an app called MetroTube. This app now still one of the most well-known apps on Windows Store.

Former Cs Pro Atta Elayyan Christchurch Shooting
Atta Elayyan with his software company Lazyworm Apps

Moreover, Atta Elayyan was chosen to represent in international futsal for his country, having 19 international caps for the New Zealand Futsal Whites, playing an important role in Canterbury United Futsal Dragons. Ronan Naicker, one of his friends, and also his fellow coach, describe Elayyan as “someone you would follow. He wasn’t trying to be a leader, he just naturally was by his personality.”

People opened a page named GiveALittle to raise money for his family after this tragedy, including his wife and his daughter Aya, who is now only 2 years old. Until now, the raised money is over $118,000. There are 12 days until they close the funding page.

<![CDATA[Pewdiepie Received Death Threats After The Christchurch Shooting, Made Major Changes For His Twitter]]> Tue, 19 Mar 2019 09:58:48 +0000
After the killer in the Christchurch Shooting in New Zealand mentioned Pewdiepie, the Youtuber has received multiple death threat that he had to make a huge adjustment for his Twitter account.]]>

By now everyone must have been informed about the shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand. This tragedy has taken the life of 50 people and made a lot more injured (some are seriously injured and may die). If the tragedy is not shocking enough for you, then you might have heard that the shooter has actually said out loud: ”subscribe to Pewdiepie” before executing his plan.

The king of Youtube Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg is no stranger for us all. Ever since he ignited the fight for youtube subscribers with T-series, the slogan ”subscribe to Pewdiepie” has gone so viral that we see it nearly every day all over the world. However, the fact that this horrible killer mentioned the slogan before conducting the mass shooting is a sickening feeling for Pewdiepie.

Despite the early words from Pewdiepie, as well as his fans confirming that he has nothing to do with the inhumane killer, a lot of death threats were sent to Pewdiepie and the people he follows on Twitter. The situation must have been so intensive that Pewdiepie decided to unfollow almost all the people he used to follow on Twitter. The freelance journalist Nick Monroe discovered this:

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The death threat toward Pewdiepie escalated quickly

From the screenshots provided by Nick Monroe, we can see a pretty detailed conversation between Twitter accounts attempting to pour some serious death threat on our Youtuber. From eggs to bullets, we can say that these death threats escalated quickly.

Due to this, Pewdiepie had to unfollow all the Twitter accounts that he has followed from time to time, except one account: the official Twitter account of Korean band BTS.

Pewdiepie Following Count
Pewdiepie only follow BTS on his official Twitter account

We all know that this famous Youtuber would never want such a tragedy in New Zealand to happen, let alone his name being mentioned by the ruthless killer. These death threats are actually quite blind and illogical, so we all hope that he can settle this incident down to continue his work.

<![CDATA[Ex Counter-Strike Pro Player 'crazyarab' Was A Victim Of The Christchurch Shooting In New Zealand]]> Mon, 18 Mar 2019 09:17:40 +0000
Atta “crazyarab” Elayyan – ex Counter-Strike pro player, goalkeeper for New Zealand’s national men’s futsal team – was murdered in the recent Christchurch shooting]]>

Atta “crazyarab” Elayyan – the former Counter-Strike pro player and the current goalkeeper for New Zealand’s national men’s futsal team – was one of the 50 victims of the Christchurch shooting in New Zealand lately.

Atta Ecourier App 2
Atta “crazyarab” Elayyan

Atta “crazyarab” Elayyan gained success as a pro gamer in the early 2000s. At that moment he won some local and online Counter-Strike: Source tournaments with New Zealand team NewType.

Atta Crazyarab Elayyan A Former Member Of Counter
Atta “crazyarab” Elayyan (bottom right) with NewType

After his short time of fame as a professional Counter-Strike player, Atta “crazyarab” Elayyan took on computer science field. Later on, he managed to establish a quite successful software company in New Zealand.

Although he has stepped down from being a pro Counter-Strike player to focus more for his company as well as his career in New Zealand’s national men’s futsal team, Atta “crazyarab” Elayyan still showed huge respect for this game.

In a post on Gameplanet (a New Zealand Counter-Strike forum), Atta “crazyarab” Elayyan revealed that he had started playing Counter-Strike since 2002, and given credit for the game as this game had been an influence for him to pursue a career in the tech industry.

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Atta “crazyarab” Elayyan's gone, leaving behind a wife and a young daughter

Both the Counter-Strike community and futsal community in New Zealand have shown huge respect and sadness for this tragedy.

Atta “crazyarab” Elayyan was in the middle of his praying session at the Masjid Al Noor Mosque when he was gunned down and killed. His family has given out confirmation that he was among the 50 people murdered in Christchurch, New Zealand.

<![CDATA[Mass Shooting In New Zealand: Gunman Shouted 'Subscribe To PewDiePie' Before Starting Livestream]]> Fri, 15 Mar 2019 18:43:16 +0000
This is the worst shooting disaster in New Zealand from 1943.]]>

15th March is the darkest day of New Zealand when two mass shooting happened at two mosques in Christchurch. As estimated, at least 9 persons died in the shooting disaster and about 50 persons are injured. One of the gunmen, who is thought to be an Australian, said "Remember lads, subscribe to Pewdiepie" before live streaming on Facebook. The camera is stuck on the murder’s body in order to make an FPP shooting video.

Many people died or are injured

In a press opened after the shooting disaster, Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand Prime Minister calls this is a terrible “terrorist attack” and emphasize the perpetrators who have an extreme act of violence will have no place in New Zealand.

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