There will be four rerun banners in Genshin Impact 3.8, including Eula, Klee, Kokomi & Kazuha. It would be great to obtain all of them but hard for F2P players to save enough Primogems for all four banners. Let's see which banner is the best to roll in update 3.8.
Table of Contents
#1. Kokomi
Kokomi is the best character for the current metagame after Update 3.0. Hydro and Electro are the two main elements to react with Dendro. Therefore, this Hydro character can help you build many powerful Dendro teams.
But the Dendro core can deal DMG to both enemies and players when it blooms. Therefore, you need a healer for these teams. Moreover, Kokomi is the main character in two golden teams in the current metagame, including Ayaka's Frozen team and Nilou's Bloom team. Besides, she plays well in many other teams, such as Electro-charged and Hyperbloom.

Here are reasons why you should roll Kokomi in update 3.8:
- Flexible position
- Simple kit
- Easy weapons and artifacts to build
If you have had this character before this update, you can save your Primogems for other banners or skip all three other banners and wait for upcoming characters from Fontaine.

#2. Wanderer
Wanderer is a strong DPS with high DMG. The pick-up rate of this character is about 10-26% throughout many updates which is pretty low in comparison with other characters. But his pick-up rate for Spiral Abyss 3.7 is rising up.
However, this character requires a lot of gear and materials to play well. Moreover, you have better get Faruzan C6 to support Wanderer. In addition, Wanderer is one of the best characters for open-world exploration. Therefore, this is the second-best character to roll in update 3.8.

#3. Eula
Eula has been absent from the game for a long time till update 3.8. Therefore, lots of players are anticipating her banner in the next update. But this character is not one of the top-picked characters in this game now since her kit is out of the metagame.
For example, she is not effective and helpful when countering nimble and flying bosses. Moreover, the buff from her exclusive supporter Mika is not enough for her to play well. Therefore, you can roll her banner if you want to collect all characters in the game. Or else, skip this banner.

#4. Klee
Klee has been rerun many times. This Pyro character can cooperate with Dendro characters to trigger Burgeon reactions. Her Pyro skills are effective to counter Cryo Abyss Order enemies. But she is a difficult character to play.

In conclusion, Kokomi is the best character to roll in the next update. Then, you should spend your Primogems on Wanderer's banner. Klee and Eula are less recommended.
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