Movies - Jan 27, 2021
What can be greater than watching the best Hindi horror movies on Netflix at night? If you are a big fan of thrilling and horror movies but don’t know..
Movies - Nov 08, 2020
Horror movies are often not as appreciated as other more 'serious' genres, but these top 3 horror movies in the world prove horror is just as amazing as..
Movies - Oct 26, 2020
A new study has concluded that Sinister 2012 is the scariest movie ever. A perfect movie for you to watch at the Halloween night, don't you think?
Movies - Oct 19, 2020
We know when it comes to horror, how scary a movie is can be very subjective. But a recent study has shown there is probably one scariest movie of all.
Movies - Aug 24, 2020
Few genres can give you as many emotions as horror. These are top 10 horror movies with high ratings that will no doubt ruin your sleep after watching..
PC/Console - Aug 14, 2023
PC/Console - Jan 30, 2023