Treasure Hunt is the mission added in Grand Theft Auto Online's enhanced version as part of The Doomsday Heist update. Also served as a trailer for the then-upcoming Red Dead Redemption II release, the mission is a treat from Rockstar Games for fans with exclusive items granted.

To start the hunt, players have to partake in an online session and find the clues for the photo attached to the email they get. Here’s our guide for GTA 5 Online Treasure Hunt locations and rewards.

Golden Double Action Revolver
Treasure Hunt is among the most exciting mission in GTA Online.

How to get Treasure Hunt mission in GTA 5 Online

All that you need to do is to enter a freeroam lobby in GTA Online and wait. The game would send you an email to notify the Treasure Hunt mission.

1. How to start the Treasure Hunt

You know it starts when you get an email from which contains a monochrome picture of a certain area in GTA 5 Online. And what you have to do is finding clues on where the treasure is.

After you open the email and look at the picture, the Treasure Hunt side missions will begin.

FYI, the pic you are receiving is only one possible place in the GTA 5 Online Treasure Hunt locations map.

2. How many Treasure Hunts are in GTA 5 Online?

There are 20 locations of Treasure Hunt in GTA 5 Online in total, and the game randomly picks the one you get.

In these Treasure Hunt locations, you will find three different objects:

  • A corpse with a head injury
  • An empty gun case
  • A shovel that killed the person whose corpse you'll find
The 20 location for GTA 5 Online Treasure Hunt spread across the map (cred: Drunk Trevor).

Reminder: This mission can be done only once. If you quit your game for any reason before completing the quest, you will need to start again from the beginning.

GTA 5 Online Treasure Hunt locations

If 20 locations feel a bit too overwhelmed to you, fear not as we have the full map for GTA 5 Online Treasure Hunt you can rely on. Following are locations and maps of all Treasure Hunt in GTA Online.

1. Del Perro Pier

Players will see the clue stuck to one of the supporting pillars for the pier on Los Santos’ west coast.

Del Perro Pier

2. Cassidy Creek #1

The second clue can be discovered atop the hill that looks over a bridge in Cassidy Creek. This place is in the Raton Canyon region in the map’s northern part.

Cassidy Creek 1

3. Cassidy Creek #2

The next possible spot for Treasure Hunt in GTA Online at the Cassidy Creek is a tree located at the downhill river bank.

Cassidy Creek 2

4. Vinewood Hills

Search for the Galileo Observatory in Vinewood Hills which is in the center of the map. Your clue will be pierced to the Baytree Canyon poster to the observatory’s north.

GTA 5 Online Treasure Hunt locations: Vinewood Hills

5. Pacific Bluffs

The clue is stickied to one of the tombstones on the Pacific Bluffs graveyard located just above the Del Perro Pier.

Pacific Bluffs

6. Tongva Hills

Just look for vineyards in the area of Tongva Hills and you will see the clue right beneath the bridge.

Tongva Hills

7. San Chianski Mountain Range

This location of Treasure Hunt stays on the map’s far eastern coast. That is where players will find a small fisherman's jetty.

San Chianski Mountain Range

8. Hill Valley Church

To the Los Santos County’s north, at the zone of Great Chaparral, you will come across a graveyard. Pay attention to the tombstones as the clue will be on one of them.

Hill Valley Church

9. Tataviam Mountains

Meanwhile, another spot among the GTA 5 Online Treasure Hunt locations is Tatviam Mountains. Go to the beach which is south of Palmer-Taylor Power Station and you shall see your clue on a rock on the seashore.

Tataviam Mountains

10. Alamo Sea Marina

Go to the Alamo Sea. Afterward, spot a broken boat on the Sandy Shores. Your clue is chilling on one of the close-by rocks.

Alamo Sea Marina

11. Grand Senora Desert

You have gone half the way, try a bit more! Travel to Grand Senora Desert and find the airfield at the Sandy Shores. You will find the clue on the doors of the hangar.

Grand Senora Desert

12. Catfish View

With this one clue, the player needs to fly to the top of the hill at Catfish View. The area is part of the San Chiamski Mountain Range.

Catfish View

13. Los Santos Golf Club

On one of the fields in the Lost Santos Golf Club, the clue of the next GTA 5 Online Treasure Hunt is waiting for you to find.

Los Santos Golf Club

14. Palomino Highlands

Now, reach the map’s southeastern part. One of the islands close to Palomino Highlands will have a clue lying on the beach.

Palomino Highlands

15. Procopio Promenade

Paleto Bay which is on the northmost side of the map will have the clue you are looking for. Check under the destroyed bridge and you shall pass.

Procopio Promenade

16. Great Chaparral

The abandoned mineshaft at this place is also likely to have a clue.

Great Chaparral

17. Sandy Shores

Players will see the Beam Me Up art installation East of Sandy Shores. On the hill above the installation is a lookout. There will be a clue on the table at that lookout.

Sandy Shores

18. Mount Chiliad

Similarly, you shall discover the clue on the lookout of Mount Chiliad which is either to the Alamo Sea’s north or Paleto Bay’s south.

Mount Chiliad

19. Two Hoots Falls

You may obtain one of the clues from the totem standing at the park located in the Tongva valley — Two Hoots Falls.

Two Hoots Falls

20. Senora National Park

The last possible one in GTA 5 Online Treasure Hunt locations is Senora National Park. You can find the clue at the rocks of the park in the area of Sandy Shores.

Senora National Park is the last destination in GTA 5 Online Treasure Hunt locations map.

GTA 5 Treasure Hunt reward

Now that you have managed to investigate every clue, it is time to claim the reward. A new location is already marked on your map, so head there right now.

Once you have seen the Treasure marked by Boles Overland Stage Co. Opening, open it to receive the following rewards:

  • Golden double-action revolver
  • $5000 per clue
  • The double-action revolver challenge

A bit of extra work is required to complete the challenge. However, you will receive a $250,000 bonus. It is totally worth all of this treasure hunting.

You just need to get 50 headshots using the revolver. You can use either PvE or PvP and do the headshots in any job or mission that permits gunplay. Apart from GTA Online, players can also use the Double-Action Revolver in Red Dead Online.

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