Elden Ring is one of the best action RPGs ever released, with a big and beautiful open world that players can explore. Players who have completed Elden Ring can try out these 5 similar games if they want to go through another action-packed experience.
1. Jedi: Fallen Order
Jedi Fallen Order (SWJFO) is a hybrid action-adventure title that combines gameplay elements from various popular genres, ultimately creating its own custom blend of mechanics. In this game, players impersonate Cal Kestis, a former Jedi apprentice now gone into hiding after the infamous Order 66 was executed. Soon he has to abandon a cover-up job, after an accident puts Inquisition agents on his tracks, from here his journey begins to discover not only ancient mysteries, but also his own true nature.

SWJFO plays out as a blend of mechanics from mostly Souls-like and Metroidvania genres: combat heavily inspired by the former, putting great emphasis on learning enemy attack patterns, dodging at the right times, and parrying enemy attacks just before they land in order to stun them (as seen in Sekiro), plus also using Force Powers preferably in clever manners to gain the upper hand. The Metroidvania part becomes prominent in exploration, with platforming/jumping sections and also with several areas of each planet being gated off until Cal acquires more powers or technologies - this encourages backtracking in a good way, to find secrets, items, and even whole optional areas or bosses.

Overall, Jedi Fallen Order is a really solid action-adventure game that faithfully recreates the Star Wars universe with incredible visuals, consistent fun gameplay mechanics, a decent story, and extreme challenges on the highest difficulty setting for those seeking a punishing experience.
2. Dark Souls III
Although I was hesitant to start Dark Souls 3, I can now say that it is one of the greatest gaming experiences I have ever had.
The game is absolutely gorgeous. It was clear that a lot of thought and effort was put into designing Dark Souls 3. Each area is uniquely beautiful and expertly put together; the attention to detail creates a truly immersive experience. I especially enjoyed how spectacular the scenery and menacing the bosses are.

The developers did a great job at incorporating shortcuts. Since the areas are quite large, you often get disoriented as you progress (especially during the first playthrough). At a certain point, you come across unlockable door(s) or elevator(s) that connects to a previous area and acts as a shortcut. The sudden realization that you went around in one big circle or that you’re directly above/below a previous area always left me baffled. I really wonder how much time was put into the level design.

Amazing combat. Honestly, I’ve barely skimmed the surface when it comes to combat but it is enough for me to recognize how incredible it is. There are so many weapons, movesets, spells, infusions, and more. Plus the combinations you can put together are only limited by your imagination (for the most part). There is a reason why several people spend hours putting together the perfect PVP character(s).
Exploration is greatly rewarded. Seriously, there are items, NPCs, and interesting rooms hidden everywhere. It’s gotten so bad that I feel paranoid when I reach a pointless dead end and find nothing - “there HAS to be something here”. Finding a secret felt like finding candy on a scavenger hunt and was thrilling from beginning to end. Keep a look out for fake walls, suspicious ledges, potential jumps, and chests. Beware of mimics though.
3. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Sekiro is not a Souls game. This can't be stressed enough. Attempt to i-frame dodge through the game and you will get your ass slapped all the way back to Lordran. While it borrows certain elements from Souls, like the checkpoint system or cryptic NPC questlines, it's pretty much its own beast. And what a beast it is.

It's one of those good news, bad news situations. Good news: the days when you needed to keep an eye on your stamina for every attack, block or dodge are over. Bad news: that doesn't mean the game is any less challenging. Quite the opposite, actually. Wolfie goes down in two hits tops, and at all times he's either heavily outnumbered or he gets crushed in the health bar measuring contest. And the absence of stats, gear and online co-op means there are no shortcuts. You won't be able to overlevel, no Solaire will come to your aid. It's either nut up or shut up.

Luckily, there are ways to put you at a lesser disadvantage. Sekiro features a rudimentary stealth system and enough freedom to thin out your enemies' ranks one by one. Most of the times you can clear entire areas just by being sneaky. Apparently, Sekiro started out as a Tenchu game and I totally believe it, considering how far stealth will get you. But eventually a direct confrontation will be unavoidable. And where Souls games required you to only land that one parry, Sekiro demands that you time your blocks near perfectly several times per exchange. Combat is fast, fluid and demanding enough to make you break a sweat.

While the areas are open and generally well-designed, they are not exactly eyecandy. Souls games are known for their sinister beauty, but that is largely absent in Sekiro. Some areas look flat-out rough. Only rarely will you get the urge to stop and soak in the atmosphere. A missed opportunity, really. And while the environments leave room for exploration, the absence of cool gear makes it feel strangely unrewarding. Also, due to the nature of combat you will see the same instakill moves and finishers quite often. A bit of variety would have been nice.
4. Assassin's Creed Odyssey
As a big fan of the series and of the RPG genre, I can say that I have enjoyed this game more and more as deeply as I got into the game. I really believe that Odyssey needs time on for players to fully value the work Ubisoft has put into and ignore the fact that it no longer aligns with the direction once Assassin's Creed became.

It keeps the old elements of Parkour and assassinations but doesn't expand on them, yet this game really does a great job with the beautiful world and lore behind it. If you love Greek Mythology, you will find this game fascinating to explore and enjoy. I know I sure did. The game contains a lot of side quests and side missions that will keep you engaged for over 150 hours if you're a completionist.
The graphics of this game are gorgeous, and I needed to upgrade my PC's CPU to play it to its fullest detail fully. The world is gorgeously crafted, and I can't give credit enough to Ubisoft for its beautiful work.
Without spoiling anything, I'd like to point out that this game takes time to grow on you regarding the story. It does a great job at creating emotions between you and the characters along the way, and with the 3 DLC's you are bombarded with beautiful finishing touches of the great story.
5. Nioh 2
Dark Souls makes you feel small, weak and insignificant. Nioh 2, however, does the polar opposite. The combat oozes with flashy animations and vibrant particle effects, further emphasized by the weapons you wield. You’re a shiftling. Half human, half yokai. How cool is that?

You feel powerful. But you aren’t. Below all the cool effects, Nioh 2 is like Dark Souls. Death is never more than a few meters away, and like the title, it’s inspired by, the game forces you to look danger in the eye; if you don’t adapt, you won’t succeed. Simple as that.
Nioh 2 is one tough game. The first mission feels like an exam you didn’t study for. You barely get familiar with the mechanics before you’re thrown up against powerful yokai and groups of bandits who will shred you apart in seconds. That might sound unfair, but I wouldn’t say it is. It’s a test to see if you’re skilled enough, so to speak. The game gradually throws tougher and more unpredictable enemies at you; I never felt like I could just waltz my way through a mission without much thought. Each area is scaled in accordance with my understanding of the game—the game keeps challenging you, but it never goes too far.

When it comes to bosses, the game really is a gift that keeps on giving. Every boss fight is well-designed, engaging, and fair. There’s no Bed of Chaos here. Unfortunately, the difficulty peaks at the third boss fight. Don’t get me wrong, the following are still tough. However, none of them offered the same struggle.
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