In Minecraft, there are numerous biomes available for players to explore. These biomes can be found in all three realms: Overworld, Nether, and End. Each realm showcases a variety of biomes with distinct terrain, blocks, mobs, and overall atmosphere. These biomes can range from being relatively safe to extremely dangerous for traveling or living. Therefore, when players embark on a new Minecraft world, it is crucial to locate a secure biome to ensure survival.
The majority of biomes conducive to survival can be found in the Overworld, which is the least perilous realm among the three. Below is a compilation of some recommended biomes that provide favorable conditions for thriving in the game.
1. Plains
The Plains biome, found in the Overworld realm, is the simplest and most straightforward biome. It features a level landscape covered in grass blocks and populated by common farm animals. While it has a limited number of trees, it is typically located near a forest. Players can conveniently establish a base in this biome and gather various resources from the surrounding area.

2. Cherry Grove
The upcoming 1.20 update will introduce the Cherry Grove biome, which has quickly gained popularity as one of the most visually stunning biomes in the Overworld. Apart from its breathtaking aesthetics, it also offers excellent gameplay opportunities. Situated in mountainous areas, it provides abundant resources that players can utilize for their survival and progress in the game.

3. Forest
Surviving in the forest biome can be somewhat challenging due to the potential spawning of hostile mobs in darker sections. Nevertheless, it is an excellent biome thanks to its abundant resources, including wood, farm animals, and stone. Players can easily clear out sections of the forest to create a safe space and construct their shelter for protection.

4. Mushroom Field
Among the Overworld biomes, Mushroom Fields are exceptionally rare but hold a unique allure. When players chance upon one, they will observe a remarkable trait: no hostile mobs spawn in this biome, even during nighttime. This makes Mushroom Fields the safest region in the game. However, it falls short in terms of survival suitability due to the absence of trees and other essential resources.

5. Windswept Hills
Mountain biomes have consistently garnered popularity among players seeking suitable locations for survival bases. These biomes offer the opportunity to ascend the mountains and construct anything from a modest shelter to a grand castle high above the ground. The advantages for survival are notable, as players have a smaller area to safeguard against mob spawns, and the majority of hostile creatures are unable to scale the heights to reach the base.

6. Beach
The beach biome presents an ideal environment for survival and advancement as it provides access to both land and ocean biomes. Explorers can venture through the ocean to discover distant lands and encounter new structures. The water itself holds various structures and features. However, players must remain vigilant against hostile mobs on land as well as the threat of drowned zombies in the ocean.

7. Lush Caves
While all cave biomes pose risks for survival, Lush Caves offer a comparatively safer environment for explorers seeking a momentary respite. Within this biome, glow berries generate and illuminate the surroundings, deterring the spawning of hostile mobs. Moreover, this biome is home to adorable Axolotls that can be tamed and kept as pets.

8. Old Growth Taiga
Old growth taiga or giant tree taiga is a colder counterpart of the jungle biome. Similar to jungle and dark forest biomes, old growth taiga generates at very high humidity values and is often surrounded by the regular taiga biome.

It is a great biome to start and work into the endgame in Minecraft 1.20. There are large trees everywhere, which makes gathering wood a breeze. Furthermore, players can tame wolves for attack purposes and catch rabbits for rabbit farms. There are also podzol blocks that allow mushrooms to grow regardless of light levels.
9. Savanna
The savanna is a common warm biome. It typically generates bordering a desert or plains biome, and has three variations total. It is a flat, low-elevation plain with scattered trees.

Survival in the normal savanna, along with its plateau variant, is generally easier than other biomes. The acacia and oak trees provide a decent source of wood, tamed horses can allow for fast travel and outrunning hostile mobs, tamed llamas can serve as useful pack animals.
10. Meadow
This beautiful biome is the biggest candidate for base building. It is a grassy biome filled with patches of flowers and grass. Meadows are usually found at the base of mountains where they cross with plains biomes. Oak and birch trees have a small chance to spawn here, but when they do, there's a 100% chance to find a bee nest.

Both pillager outposts and plains villages can generate in this biome - it is the only mountain biomes that villages can spawn in. Passive mobs like rabbits, donkeys, and sheep spawn here as well.
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